/** Put in a safety net here, in case a naughty admin didn't run conf.pl when they upgraded */
if (! isset($smtp_auth_mech)) {
- $smtp_auth_mech = 'none';
+ $smtp_auth_mech = 'none';
if (! isset($imap_auth_mech)) {
- $imap_auth_mech = 'login';
+ $imap_auth_mech = 'login';
if (! isset($use_imap_tls)) {
- $use_imap_tls = false;
+ $use_imap_tls = false;
if (! isset($use_smtp_tls)) {
- $use_smtp_tls = false;
+ $use_smtp_tls = false;
$session_expired_post = $_POST;
$session_expired_location = $PHP_SELF;
if (!sqsession_is_registered('session_expired_post')) {
- sqsession_register($session_expired_post,'session_expired_post');
+ sqsession_register($session_expired_post,'session_expired_post');
if (!sqsession_is_registered('session_expired_location')) {
- sqsession_register($session_expired_location,'session_expired_location');
+ sqsession_register($session_expired_location,'session_expired_location');
include_once( SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php' );
set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true);
* @return string The response to be sent to the IMAP server
function digest_md5_response ($username,$password,$challenge,$service,$host) {
- $result=digest_md5_parse_challenge($challenge);
+ $result=digest_md5_parse_challenge($challenge);
-// verify server supports qop=auth
- // $qop = explode(",",$result['qop']);
- //if (!in_array("auth",$qop)) {
+ // verify server supports qop=auth
+ // $qop = explode(",",$result['qop']);
+ //if (!in_array("auth",$qop)) {
// rfc2831: client MUST fail if no qop methods supported
- // return false;
- //}
- $cnonce = base64_encode(bin2hex(hmac_md5(microtime())));
- $ncount = "00000001";
- /* This can be auth (authentication only), auth-int (integrity protection), or
- auth-conf (confidentiality protection). Right now only auth is supported.
- $qop_value = "auth";
- $digest_uri_value = $service . '/' . $host;
- // build the $response_value
- //FIXME This will probably break badly if a server sends more than one realm
- $string_a1 = utf8_encode($username).":";
- $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($result['realm']).":";
- $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($password);
- $string_a1 = hmac_md5($string_a1);
- $A1 = $string_a1 . ":" . $result['nonce'] . ":" . $cnonce;
- $A1 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1));
- $A2 = "AUTHENTICATE:$digest_uri_value";
- // If qop is auth-int or auth-conf, A2 gets a little extra
- if ($qop_value != 'auth') {
- $A2 .= ':00000000000000000000000000000000';
- }
- $A2 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A2));
- $string_response = $result['nonce'] . ':' . $ncount . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $qop_value;
- $response_value = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1.":".$string_response.":".$A2));
- $reply = 'charset=utf-8,username="' . $username . '",realm="' . $result["realm"] . '",';
- $reply .= 'nonce="' . $result['nonce'] . '",nc=' . $ncount . ',cnonce="' . $cnonce . '",';
- $reply .= "digest-uri=\"$digest_uri_value\",response=$response_value";
- $reply .= ',qop=' . $qop_value;
- $reply = base64_encode($reply);
- return $reply . "\r\n";
+ // return false;
+ //}
+ $cnonce = base64_encode(bin2hex(hmac_md5(microtime())));
+ $ncount = "00000001";
+ /* This can be auth (authentication only), auth-int (integrity protection), or
+ auth-conf (confidentiality protection). Right now only auth is supported.
+ $qop_value = "auth";
+ $digest_uri_value = $service . '/' . $host;
+ // build the $response_value
+ //FIXME This will probably break badly if a server sends more than one realm
+ $string_a1 = utf8_encode($username).":";
+ $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($result['realm']).":";
+ $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($password);
+ $string_a1 = hmac_md5($string_a1);
+ $A1 = $string_a1 . ":" . $result['nonce'] . ":" . $cnonce;
+ $A1 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1));
+ $A2 = "AUTHENTICATE:$digest_uri_value";
+ // If qop is auth-int or auth-conf, A2 gets a little extra
+ if ($qop_value != 'auth') {
+ $A2 .= ':00000000000000000000000000000000';
+ }
+ $A2 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A2));
+ $string_response = $result['nonce'] . ':' . $ncount . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $qop_value;
+ $response_value = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1.":".$string_response.":".$A2));
+ $reply = 'charset=utf-8,username="' . $username . '",realm="' . $result["realm"] . '",';
+ $reply .= 'nonce="' . $result['nonce'] . '",nc=' . $ncount . ',cnonce="' . $cnonce . '",';
+ $reply .= "digest-uri=\"$digest_uri_value\",response=$response_value";
+ $reply .= ',qop=' . $qop_value;
+ $reply = base64_encode($reply);
+ return $reply . "\r\n";
* @return array Digest-MD5 challenge decoded data
function digest_md5_parse_challenge($challenge) {
- $challenge=base64_decode($challenge);
- while (isset($challenge)) {
- if ($challenge{0} == ',') { // First char is a comma, must not be 1st time through loop
- $challenge=substr($challenge,1);
- }
- $key=explode('=',$challenge,2);
- $challenge=$key[1];
- $key=$key[0];
- if ($challenge{0} == '"') {
- // We're in a quoted value
- // Drop the first quote, since we don't care about it
- $challenge=substr($challenge,1);
- // Now explode() to the next quote, which is the end of our value
- $val=explode('"',$challenge,2);
- $challenge=$val[1]; // The rest of the challenge, work on it in next iteration of loop
- $value=explode(',',$val[0]);
- // Now, for those quoted values that are only 1 piece..
- if (sizeof($value) == 1) {
- $value=$value[0]; // Convert to non-array
- }
- } else {
- // We're in a "simple" value - explode to next comma
- $val=explode(',',$challenge,2);
- if (isset($val[1])) {
- $challenge=$val[1];
- } else {
- unset($challenge);
- }
- $value=$val[0];
- }
- $parsed["$key"]=$value;
- } // End of while loop
- return $parsed;
+ $challenge=base64_decode($challenge);
+ while (isset($challenge)) {
+ if ($challenge{0} == ',') { // First char is a comma, must not be 1st time through loop
+ $challenge=substr($challenge,1);
+ }
+ $key=explode('=',$challenge,2);
+ $challenge=$key[1];
+ $key=$key[0];
+ if ($challenge{0} == '"') {
+ // We're in a quoted value
+ // Drop the first quote, since we don't care about it
+ $challenge=substr($challenge,1);
+ // Now explode() to the next quote, which is the end of our value
+ $val=explode('"',$challenge,2);
+ $challenge=$val[1]; // The rest of the challenge, work on it in next iteration of loop
+ $value=explode(',',$val[0]);
+ // Now, for those quoted values that are only 1 piece..
+ if (sizeof($value) == 1) {
+ $value=$value[0]; // Convert to non-array
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We're in a "simple" value - explode to next comma
+ $val=explode(',',$challenge,2);
+ if (isset($val[1])) {
+ $challenge=$val[1];
+ } else {
+ unset($challenge);
+ }
+ $value=$val[0];
+ }
+ $parsed["$key"]=$value;
+ } // End of while loop
+ return $parsed;
function hmac_md5($data, $key='') {
if (extension_loaded('mhash')) {
- if ($key== '') {
- $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data);
- } else {
- $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data,$key);
- }
- return $mhash;
+ if ($key== '') {
+ $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data);
+ } else {
+ $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data,$key);
+ }
+ return $mhash;
if (!$key) {
- return pack('H*',md5($data));
+ return pack('H*',md5($data));
$key = str_pad($key,64,chr(0x00));
if (strlen($key) > 64) {