-- CRM-17147 People with empty deceased-flag ('is null') get removed from recipient list of a mailing
UPDATE civicrm_contact SET is_deceased = 0 WHERE is_deceased IS NULL;
-ALTER TABLE civicrm_contact ALTER COLUMN is_deceased SET DEFAULT 0;
\ No newline at end of file
+ALTER TABLE civicrm_contact ALTER COLUMN is_deceased SET DEFAULT 0;
+-- CRM-17637
+INSERT INTO `civicrm_job`
+( domain_id, run_frequency, last_run, name, description, api_entity, api_action, parameters, is_active )
+( {$domainID}, 'Daily' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}CiviCRM Update Check{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Checks for CiviCRM version updates. Important for keeping the database secure. Also sends anonymous usage statistics to civicrm.org to to assist in prioritizing ongoing development efforts.{/ts}', 'job', 'version_check', NULL, 1);
\ No newline at end of file
INSERT INTO `civicrm_job`
( domain_id, run_frequency, last_run, name, description, api_entity, api_action, parameters, is_active )
+ ( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}CiviCRM Update Check{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Checks for CiviCRM version updates. Important for keeping the database secure. Also sends anonymous usage statistics to civicrm.org to to assist in prioritizing ongoing development efforts.{/ts}', 'job', 'version_check', NULL, 1),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Send Scheduled Mailings{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Sends out scheduled CiviMail mailings{/ts}', 'job', 'process_mailing', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Hourly' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Fetch Bounces{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Fetches bounces from mailings and writes them to mailing statistics{/ts}', 'job', 'fetch_bounces', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Hourly' , NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Process Inbound Emails{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Inserts activity for a contact or a case by retrieving inbound emails from a mail directory{/ts}', 'job', 'fetch_activities', NULL, 0),