var pos = 1 + _.findLastIndex($scope.layout['#children'], {'#tag': 'af-entity'});
$scope.layout['#children'].splice(pos, 0, $scope.entities[type + num]);
// Create a new af-fieldset container for the entity
- var fieldset = {
- '#tag': 'fieldset',
- 'af-fieldset': type + num,
- '#children': [
- {
- '#tag': 'legend',
- 'class': 'af-text',
- '#children': [
- {
- '#text': meta.label + ' ' + num
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- };
+ var fieldset = _.cloneDeep(editor.meta.elements.fieldset.element);
+ fieldset['af-fieldset'] = type + num;
+ fieldset['#children'][0]['#children'][0]['#text'] = meta.label + ' ' + num;
// Add default contact name block
if (meta.entity === 'Contact') {
fieldset['#children'].push({'#tag': 'afblock-name-' + type.toLowerCase()});
return $scope.selectedEntityName;
+ // Validates that a drag-n-drop action is allowed
+ this.onDrop = function(event, ui) {
+ var sort = ui.item.sortable;
+ // Check if this is a callback for an item dropped into a different container
+ // @see notes on canceling
+ if (!sort.received && sort.source[0] !== sort.droptarget[0]) {
+ var $source = $(sort.source[0]),
+ $target = $(sort.droptarget[0]),
+ $item = $(ui.item[0]);
+ // Fields cannot be dropped outside their own entity
+ if ($'[af-gui-field]') || $item.has('[af-gui-field]').length) {
+ if ($source.closest('[data-entity]').attr('data-entity') !== $target.closest('[data-entity]').attr('data-entity')) {
+ return sort.cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ // Entity-fieldsets cannot be dropped into other entity-fieldsets
+ if ((sort.model['af-fieldset'] || $item.has('.af-gui-fieldset').length) && $target.closest('.af-gui-fieldset').length) {
+ return sort.cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ };
$scope.addEntity = function(entityType) {
var entityName = editor.addEntity(entityType);
$scope.elementTitles.length = 0;
_.each($scope.editor.meta.elements, function(element, name) {
if (!search || _.contains(name, search) || _.contains(element.title.toLowerCase(), search)) {
- $scope.elementList.push(_.cloneDeep(element.element));
- $scope.elementTitles.push(element.title);
+ var node = _.cloneDeep(element.element);
+ if (name === 'fieldset') {
+ node['af-fieldset'] = $;
+ }
+ $scope.elementList.push(node);
+ $scope.elementTitles.push(name === 'fieldset' ? ts('Fieldset for %1', {1: $scope.entity.label}) : element.title);
- // Validates that a drag-n-drop action is allowed
- $scope.onDrop = function(event, ui) {
- var sort = ui.item.sortable;
- // Check if this is a callback for an item dropped into a different container
- // @see notes on canceling
- if (!sort.received && sort.source[0] !== sort.droptarget[0]) {
- var $source = $(sort.source[0]),
- $target = $(sort.droptarget[0]),
- $item = $(ui.item[0]);
- // Dropping onto palette is ok; works like a trash can
- if ($target.closest('#afGuiEditor-palette-config').length) {
- return;
- }
- // Fields cannot be dropped outside their own entity
- if ($'[af-gui-field]') || $item.has('[af-gui-field]').length) {
- if ($source.closest('[data-entity]').attr('data-entity') !== $target.closest('[data-entity]').attr('data-entity')) {
- return sort.cancel();
- }
- }
- // Entity-fieldsets cannot be dropped into other entity-fieldsets
- if (($item.hasClass('af-gui-fieldset') || $item.has('.af-gui-fieldset').length) && $target.closest('.af-gui-fieldset').length) {
- return sort.cancel();
- }
- }
- };
$scope.tags = {
div: ts('Container'),
fieldset: ts('Fieldset')
<ul class="dropdown-menu" ng-if="" ng-include="'~/afGuiEditor/canvas-menu.html'"></ul>
-<div ui-sortable="{handle: '.af-gui-bar', update: onDrop, connectWith: '[ui-sortable]', cancel: 'input,textarea,button,select,option,a,.dropdown-menu'}" ng-model="getSetChildren" ng-model-options="{getterSetter: true}" class="af-gui-layout {{ getLayout() }}">
+<div ui-sortable="{handle: '.af-gui-bar', connectWith: '[ui-sortable]', cancel: 'input,textarea,button,select,option,a,.dropdown-menu', placeholder: 'af-gui-dropzone', containment: '#afGuiEditor-canvas-body'}" ui-sortable-update="editor.onDrop" ng-model="getSetChildren" ng-model-options="{getterSetter: true}" class="af-gui-layout {{ getLayout() }}">
<div ng-repeat="item in getSetChildren()" >
<div ng-switch="container.getNodeType(item)">
<div ng-switch-when="fieldset" af-gui-container="item" style="{{ }}" class="af-gui-container af-gui-fieldset af-gui-container-type-{{ item['#tag'] }}" ng-class="{'af-entity-selected': isSelectedFieldset(item['af-fieldset'])}" entity-name="item['af-fieldset']" data-entity="{{ item['af-fieldset'] }}" />
<div class="af-gui-entity-palette-select-list">
<div ng-if="blockList.length">
<label>{{ ts('Blocks') }}</label>
- <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[data-entity=' + + '] > [ui-sortable]'}" ng-model="blockList">
+ <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[data-entity=' + + '] > [ui-sortable]', placeholder: 'af-gui-dropzone'}" ui-sortable-update="editor.onDrop" ng-model="blockList">
<div ng-repeat="block in blockList" ng-class="{disabled: blockInUse(block)}">
{{ blockTitles[$index] }}
<div ng-if="elementList.length">
<label>{{ ts('Elements') }}</label>
- <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[ui-sortable]'}" ng-model="elementList">
+ <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[ui-sortable]', placeholder: 'af-gui-dropzone'}" ui-sortable-update="editor.onDrop" ng-model="elementList">
<div ng-repeat="element in elementList" >
{{ elementTitles[$index] }}
<div ng-repeat="fieldGroup in fieldList">
<div ng-if="fieldGroup.fields.length">
<label>{{ fieldGroup.label }}</label>
- <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[data-entity=' + fieldGroup.entityName + '] > [ui-sortable]'}" ng-model="fieldGroup.fields">
+ <div ui-sortable="{update: buildPaletteLists, items: '> div:not(.disabled)', connectWith: '[data-entity=' + fieldGroup.entityName + '] > [ui-sortable]', placeholder: 'af-gui-dropzone'}" ui-sortable-update="editor.onDrop" ng-model="fieldGroup.fields">
<div ng-repeat="field in fieldGroup.fields" ng-class="{disabled: fieldInUse(}">
{{ editor.getField(fieldGroup.entityType, }}