--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10000.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10000 (MacRoman) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10000 encoded mails in non-cp10000 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/ROMAN.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10000_MacRoman to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10000 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-roman')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10000 = array(
+ "\0x80" => 'Ä',
+ "\0x81" => 'Å',
+ "\0x82" => 'Ç',
+ "\0x83" => 'É',
+ "\0x84" => 'Ñ',
+ "\0x85" => 'Ö',
+ "\0x86" => 'Ü',
+ "\0x87" => 'á',
+ "\0x88" => 'à',
+ "\0x89" => 'â',
+ "\0x8A" => 'ä',
+ "\0x8B" => 'ã',
+ "\0x8C" => 'å',
+ "\0x8D" => 'ç',
+ "\0x8E" => 'é',
+ "\0x8F" => 'è',
+ "\0x90" => 'ê',
+ "\0x91" => 'ë',
+ "\0x92" => 'í',
+ "\0x93" => 'ì',
+ "\0x94" => 'î',
+ "\0x95" => 'ï',
+ "\0x96" => 'ñ',
+ "\0x97" => 'ó',
+ "\0x98" => 'ò',
+ "\0x99" => 'ô',
+ "\0x9A" => 'ö',
+ "\0x9B" => 'õ',
+ "\0x9C" => 'ú',
+ "\0x9D" => 'ù',
+ "\0x9E" => 'û',
+ "\0x9F" => 'ü',
+ "\0xA0" => '†',
+ "\0xA1" => '°',
+ "\0xA2" => '¢',
+ "\0xA3" => '£',
+ "\0xA4" => '§',
+ "\0xA5" => '•',
+ "\0xA6" => '¶',
+ "\0xA7" => 'ß',
+ "\0xA8" => '®',
+ "\0xA9" => '©',
+ "\0xAA" => '™',
+ "\0xAB" => '´',
+ "\0xAC" => '¨',
+ "\0xAD" => '≠',
+ "\0xAE" => 'Æ',
+ "\0xAF" => 'Ø',
+ "\0xB0" => '∞',
+ "\0xB1" => '±',
+ "\0xB2" => '≤',
+ "\0xB3" => '≥',
+ "\0xB4" => '¥',
+ "\0xB5" => 'µ',
+ "\0xB6" => '∂',
+ "\0xB7" => '∑',
+ "\0xB8" => '∏',
+ "\0xB9" => 'π',
+ "\0xBA" => '∫',
+ "\0xBB" => 'ª',
+ "\0xBC" => 'º',
+ "\0xBD" => 'Ω',
+ "\0xBE" => 'æ',
+ "\0xBF" => 'ø',
+ "\0xC0" => '¿',
+ "\0xC1" => '¡',
+ "\0xC2" => '¬',
+ "\0xC3" => '√',
+ "\0xC4" => 'ƒ',
+ "\0xC5" => '≈',
+ "\0xC6" => '∆',
+ "\0xC7" => '«',
+ "\0xC8" => '»',
+ "\0xC9" => '…',
+ "\0xCA" => ' ',
+ "\0xCB" => 'À',
+ "\0xCC" => 'Ã',
+ "\0xCD" => 'Õ',
+ "\0xCE" => 'Œ',
+ "\0xCF" => 'œ',
+ "\0xD0" => '–',
+ "\0xD1" => '—',
+ "\0xD2" => '“',
+ "\0xD3" => '”',
+ "\0xD4" => '‘',
+ "\0xD5" => '’',
+ "\0xD6" => '÷',
+ "\0xD7" => '◊',
+ "\0xD8" => 'ÿ',
+ "\0xD9" => 'Ÿ',
+ "\0xDA" => '⁄',
+ "\0xDB" => '¤',
+ "\0xDC" => '‹',
+ "\0xDD" => '›',
+ "\0xDE" => 'fi',
+ "\0xDF" => 'fl',
+ "\0xE0" => '‡',
+ "\0xE1" => '·',
+ "\0xE2" => '‚',
+ "\0xE3" => '„',
+ "\0xE4" => '‰',
+ "\0xE5" => 'Â',
+ "\0xE6" => 'Ê',
+ "\0xE7" => 'Á',
+ "\0xE8" => 'Ë',
+ "\0xE9" => 'È',
+ "\0xEA" => 'Í',
+ "\0xEB" => 'Î',
+ "\0xEC" => 'Ï',
+ "\0xED" => 'Ì',
+ "\0xEE" => 'Ó',
+ "\0xEF" => 'Ô',
+ "\0xF0" => '',
+ "\0xF1" => 'Ò',
+ "\0xF2" => 'Ú',
+ "\0xF3" => 'Û',
+ "\0xF4" => 'Ù',
+ "\0xF5" => 'ı',
+ "\0xF6" => 'ˆ',
+ "\0xF7" => '˜',
+ "\0xF8" => '¯',
+ "\0xF9" => '˘',
+ "\0xFA" => '˙',
+ "\0xFB" => '˚',
+ "\0xFC" => '¸',
+ "\0xFD" => '˝',
+ "\0xFE" => '˛',
+ "\0xFF" => 'ˇ'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10000), array_values($cp10000), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10006.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10006 (MacGreek) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10006 encoded mails in non-cp10006 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/GREEK.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10006_MacGreek to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10006 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-greek')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10006 = array(
+ "\0x80" => 'Ä',
+ "\0x81" => '¹',
+ "\0x82" => '²',
+ "\0x83" => 'É',
+ "\0x84" => '³',
+ "\0x85" => 'Ö',
+ "\0x86" => 'Ü',
+ "\0x87" => '΅',
+ "\0x88" => 'à',
+ "\0x89" => 'â',
+ "\0x8A" => 'ä',
+ "\0x8B" => '΄',
+ "\0x8C" => '¨',
+ "\0x8D" => 'ç',
+ "\0x8E" => 'é',
+ "\0x8F" => 'è',
+ "\0x90" => 'ê',
+ "\0x91" => 'ë',
+ "\0x92" => '£',
+ "\0x93" => '™',
+ "\0x94" => 'î',
+ "\0x95" => 'ï',
+ "\0x96" => '•',
+ "\0x97" => '½',
+ "\0x98" => '‰',
+ "\0x99" => 'ô',
+ "\0x9A" => 'ö',
+ "\0x9B" => '¦',
+ "\0x9C" => '­',
+ "\0x9D" => 'ù',
+ "\0x9E" => 'û',
+ "\0x9F" => 'ü',
+ "\0xA0" => '†',
+ "\0xA1" => 'Γ',
+ "\0xA2" => 'Δ',
+ "\0xA3" => 'Θ',
+ "\0xA4" => 'Λ',
+ "\0xA5" => 'Ξ',
+ "\0xA6" => 'Π',
+ "\0xA7" => 'ß',
+ "\0xA8" => '®',
+ "\0xA9" => '©',
+ "\0xAA" => 'Σ',
+ "\0xAB" => 'Ϊ',
+ "\0xAC" => '§',
+ "\0xAD" => '≠',
+ "\0xAE" => '°',
+ "\0xAF" => '·',
+ "\0xB0" => 'Α',
+ "\0xB1" => '±',
+ "\0xB2" => '≤',
+ "\0xB3" => '≥',
+ "\0xB4" => '¥',
+ "\0xB5" => 'Β',
+ "\0xB6" => 'Ε',
+ "\0xB7" => 'Ζ',
+ "\0xB8" => 'Η',
+ "\0xB9" => 'Ι',
+ "\0xBA" => 'Κ',
+ "\0xBB" => 'Μ',
+ "\0xBC" => 'Φ',
+ "\0xBD" => 'Ϋ',
+ "\0xBE" => 'Ψ',
+ "\0xBF" => 'Ω',
+ "\0xC0" => 'ά',
+ "\0xC1" => 'Ν',
+ "\0xC2" => '¬',
+ "\0xC3" => 'Ο',
+ "\0xC4" => 'Ρ',
+ "\0xC5" => '≈',
+ "\0xC6" => 'Τ',
+ "\0xC7" => '«',
+ "\0xC8" => '»',
+ "\0xC9" => '…',
+ "\0xCA" => ' ',
+ "\0xCB" => 'Υ',
+ "\0xCC" => 'Χ',
+ "\0xCD" => 'Ά',
+ "\0xCE" => 'Έ',
+ "\0xCF" => 'œ',
+ "\0xD0" => '–',
+ "\0xD1" => '―',
+ "\0xD2" => '“',
+ "\0xD3" => '”',
+ "\0xD4" => '‘',
+ "\0xD5" => '’',
+ "\0xD6" => '÷',
+ "\0xD7" => 'Ή',
+ "\0xD8" => 'Ί',
+ "\0xD9" => 'Ό',
+ "\0xDA" => 'Ύ',
+ "\0xDB" => 'έ',
+ "\0xDC" => 'ή',
+ "\0xDD" => 'ί',
+ "\0xDE" => 'ό',
+ "\0xDF" => 'Ώ',
+ "\0xE0" => 'ύ',
+ "\0xE1" => 'α',
+ "\0xE2" => 'β',
+ "\0xE3" => 'ψ',
+ "\0xE4" => 'δ',
+ "\0xE5" => 'ε',
+ "\0xE6" => 'φ',
+ "\0xE7" => 'γ',
+ "\0xE8" => 'η',
+ "\0xE9" => 'ι',
+ "\0xEA" => 'ξ',
+ "\0xEB" => 'κ',
+ "\0xEC" => 'λ',
+ "\0xED" => 'μ',
+ "\0xEE" => 'ν',
+ "\0xEF" => 'ο',
+ "\0xF0" => 'π',
+ "\0xF1" => 'ώ',
+ "\0xF2" => 'ρ',
+ "\0xF3" => 'σ',
+ "\0xF4" => 'τ',
+ "\0xF5" => 'θ',
+ "\0xF6" => 'ω',
+ "\0xF7" => 'ς',
+ "\0xF8" => 'χ',
+ "\0xF9" => 'υ',
+ "\0xFA" => 'ζ',
+ "\0xFB" => 'ϊ',
+ "\0xFC" => 'ϋ',
+ "\0xFD" => 'ΐ',
+ "\0xFE" => 'ΰ',
+ "\0xFF" => ''
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10006), array_values($cp10006), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10007.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10007 (MacCyrillic) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10007 encoded mails in non-cp10007 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/CYRILLIC.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10007_MacCyrillic to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ *
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10007 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-cyrillic')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10007 = array(
+ "\x80" => 'А',
+ "\x81" => 'Б',
+ "\x82" => 'В',
+ "\x83" => 'Г',
+ "\x84" => 'Д',
+ "\x85" => 'Е',
+ "\x86" => 'Ж',
+ "\x87" => 'З',
+ "\x88" => 'И',
+ "\x89" => 'Й',
+ "\x8A" => 'К',
+ "\x8B" => 'Л',
+ "\x8C" => 'М',
+ "\x8D" => 'Н',
+ "\x8E" => 'О',
+ "\x8F" => 'П',
+ "\x90" => 'Р',
+ "\x91" => 'С',
+ "\x92" => 'Т',
+ "\x93" => 'У',
+ "\x94" => 'Ф',
+ "\x95" => 'Х',
+ "\x96" => 'Ц',
+ "\x97" => 'Ч',
+ "\x98" => 'Ш',
+ "\x99" => 'Щ',
+ "\x9A" => 'Ъ',
+ "\x9B" => 'Ы',
+ "\x9C" => 'Ь',
+ "\x9D" => 'Э',
+ "\x9E" => 'Ю',
+ "\x9F" => 'Я',
+ "\xA0" => '†',
+ "\xA1" => '°',
+ "\xA2" => '¢',
+ "\xA3" => '£',
+ "\xA4" => '§',
+ "\xA5" => '•',
+ "\xA6" => '¶',
+ "\xA7" => 'І',
+ "\xA8" => '®',
+ "\xA9" => '©',
+ "\xAA" => '™',
+ "\xAB" => 'Ђ',
+ "\xAC" => 'ђ',
+ "\xAD" => '≠',
+ "\xAE" => 'Ѓ',
+ "\xAF" => 'ѓ',
+ "\xB0" => '∞',
+ "\xB1" => '±',
+ "\xB2" => '≤',
+ "\xB3" => '≥',
+ "\xB4" => 'і',
+ "\xB5" => 'µ',
+ "\xB6" => '∂',
+ "\xB7" => 'Ј',
+ "\xB8" => 'Є',
+ "\xB9" => 'є',
+ "\xBA" => 'Ї',
+ "\xBB" => 'ї',
+ "\xBC" => 'Љ',
+ "\xBD" => 'љ',
+ "\xBE" => 'Њ',
+ "\xBF" => 'њ',
+ "\xC0" => 'ј',
+ "\xC1" => 'Ѕ',
+ "\xC2" => '¬',
+ "\xC3" => '√',
+ "\xC4" => 'ƒ',
+ "\xC5" => '≈',
+ "\xC6" => '∆',
+ "\xC7" => '«',
+ "\xC8" => '»',
+ "\xC9" => '…',
+ "\xCA" => ' ',
+ "\xCB" => 'Ћ',
+ "\xCC" => 'ћ',
+ "\xCD" => 'Ќ',
+ "\xCE" => 'ќ',
+ "\xCF" => 'ѕ',
+ "\xD0" => '–',
+ "\xD1" => '—',
+ "\xD2" => '“',
+ "\xD3" => '”',
+ "\xD4" => '‘',
+ "\xD5" => '’',
+ "\xD6" => '÷',
+ "\xD7" => '„',
+ "\xD8" => 'Ў',
+ "\xD9" => 'ў',
+ "\xDA" => 'Џ',
+ "\xDB" => 'џ',
+ "\xDC" => '№',
+ "\xDD" => 'Ё',
+ "\xDE" => 'ё',
+ "\xDF" => 'я',
+ "\xE0" => 'а',
+ "\xE1" => 'б',
+ "\xE2" => 'в',
+ "\xE3" => 'г',
+ "\xE4" => 'д',
+ "\xE5" => 'е',
+ "\xE6" => 'ж',
+ "\xE7" => 'з',
+ "\xE8" => 'и',
+ "\xE9" => 'й',
+ "\xEA" => 'к',
+ "\xEB" => 'л',
+ "\xEC" => 'м',
+ "\xED" => 'н',
+ "\xEE" => 'о',
+ "\xEF" => 'п',
+ "\xF0" => 'р',
+ "\xF1" => 'с',
+ "\xF2" => 'т',
+ "\xF3" => 'у',
+ "\xF4" => 'ф',
+ "\xF5" => 'х',
+ "\xF6" => 'ц',
+ "\xF7" => 'ч',
+ "\xF8" => 'ш',
+ "\xF9" => 'щ',
+ "\xFA" => 'ъ',
+ "\xFB" => 'ы',
+ "\xFC" => 'ь',
+ "\xFD" => 'э',
+ "\xFE" => 'ю',
+ "\xFF" => '¤'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10007), array_values($cp10007), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10017.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10017 (MacUkrainian) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10017 encoded mails in non-cp10017 locale.
+ *
+ * Apple states [2] that x-mac-ukrainian differs from x-mac-cyrillic [1]
+ * only in two places. According to [3] these symbols are:
+ *
+ * References:
+ * 1. ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/CYRILLIC.TXT
+ * 2. http://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos8/TextIntlSvcs/TextEncodingConversionManager/TEC1.5/TEC.b0.html
+ * 3. http://shlimazl.nm.ru/rus/cptable.htm (page in Russian)
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10017 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-ukrainian')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10017 = array(
+ "\x80" => 'А',
+ "\x81" => 'Б',
+ "\x82" => 'В',
+ "\x83" => 'Г',
+ "\x84" => 'Д',
+ "\x85" => 'Е',
+ "\x86" => 'Ж',
+ "\x87" => 'З',
+ "\x88" => 'И',
+ "\x89" => 'Й',
+ "\x8A" => 'К',
+ "\x8B" => 'Л',
+ "\x8C" => 'М',
+ "\x8D" => 'Н',
+ "\x8E" => 'О',
+ "\x8F" => 'П',
+ "\x90" => 'Р',
+ "\x91" => 'С',
+ "\x92" => 'Ґ',
+ "\x93" => 'У',
+ "\x94" => 'Ф',
+ "\x95" => 'Х',
+ "\x96" => 'Ц',
+ "\x97" => 'Ч',
+ "\x98" => 'Ш',
+ "\x99" => 'Щ',
+ "\x9A" => 'Ъ',
+ "\x9B" => 'Ы',
+ "\x9C" => 'Ь',
+ "\x9D" => 'Э',
+ "\x9E" => 'Ю',
+ "\x9F" => 'Я',
+ "\xA0" => '†',
+ "\xA1" => '°',
+ "\xA2" => '¢',
+ "\xA3" => '£',
+ "\xA4" => '§',
+ "\xA5" => '•',
+ "\xA6" => '¶',
+ "\xA7" => 'І',
+ "\xA8" => '®',
+ "\xA9" => '©',
+ "\xAA" => '™',
+ "\xAB" => 'Ђ',
+ "\xAC" => 'ђ',
+ "\xAD" => '≠',
+ "\xAE" => 'Ѓ',
+ "\xAF" => 'ѓ',
+ "\xB0" => '∞',
+ "\xB1" => '±',
+ "\xB2" => '≤',
+ "\xB3" => '≥',
+ "\xB4" => 'і',
+ "\xB5" => 'µ',
+ "\xB6" => '∂',
+ "\xB7" => 'Ј',
+ "\xB8" => 'Є',
+ "\xB9" => 'є',
+ "\xBA" => 'Ї',
+ "\xBB" => 'ї',
+ "\xBC" => 'Љ',
+ "\xBD" => 'љ',
+ "\xBE" => 'Њ',
+ "\xBF" => 'њ',
+ "\xC0" => 'ј',
+ "\xC1" => 'Ѕ',
+ "\xC2" => '¬',
+ "\xC3" => '√',
+ "\xC4" => 'ƒ',
+ "\xC5" => '≈',
+ "\xC6" => '∆',
+ "\xC7" => '«',
+ "\xC8" => '»',
+ "\xC9" => '…',
+ "\xCA" => ' ',
+ "\xCB" => 'Ћ',
+ "\xCC" => 'ћ',
+ "\xCD" => 'Ќ',
+ "\xCE" => 'ќ',
+ "\xCF" => 'ѕ',
+ "\xD0" => '–',
+ "\xD1" => '—',
+ "\xD2" => '“',
+ "\xD3" => '”',
+ "\xD4" => '‘',
+ "\xD5" => '’',
+ "\xD6" => 'ґ',
+ "\xD7" => '„',
+ "\xD8" => 'Ў',
+ "\xD9" => 'ў',
+ "\xDA" => 'Џ',
+ "\xDB" => 'џ',
+ "\xDC" => '№',
+ "\xDD" => 'Ё',
+ "\xDE" => 'ё',
+ "\xDF" => 'я',
+ "\xE0" => 'а',
+ "\xE1" => 'б',
+ "\xE2" => 'в',
+ "\xE3" => 'г',
+ "\xE4" => 'д',
+ "\xE5" => 'е',
+ "\xE6" => 'ж',
+ "\xE7" => 'з',
+ "\xE8" => 'и',
+ "\xE9" => 'й',
+ "\xEA" => 'к',
+ "\xEB" => 'л',
+ "\xEC" => 'м',
+ "\xED" => 'н',
+ "\xEE" => 'о',
+ "\xEF" => 'п',
+ "\xF0" => 'р',
+ "\xF1" => 'с',
+ "\xF2" => 'т',
+ "\xF3" => 'у',
+ "\xF4" => 'ф',
+ "\xF5" => 'х',
+ "\xF6" => 'ц',
+ "\xF7" => 'ч',
+ "\xF8" => 'ш',
+ "\xF9" => 'щ',
+ "\xFA" => 'ъ',
+ "\xFB" => 'ы',
+ "\xFC" => 'ь',
+ "\xFD" => 'э',
+ "\xFE" => 'ю',
+ "\xFF" => '¤'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10017), array_values($cp10017), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10029.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10029 (MacLatin2) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10029 encoded mails in non-cp10029 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/LATIN2.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10029_MacLatin2 to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10029 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-centraleurroman')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10029 = array(
+ "\0x80" => 'Ä',
+ "\0x81" => 'Ā',
+ "\0x82" => 'ā',
+ "\0x83" => 'É',
+ "\0x84" => 'Ą',
+ "\0x85" => 'Ö',
+ "\0x86" => 'Ü',
+ "\0x87" => 'á',
+ "\0x88" => 'ą',
+ "\0x89" => 'Č',
+ "\0x8A" => 'ä',
+ "\0x8B" => 'č',
+ "\0x8C" => 'Ć',
+ "\0x8D" => 'ć',
+ "\0x8E" => 'é',
+ "\0x8F" => 'Ź',
+ "\0x90" => 'ź',
+ "\0x91" => 'Ď',
+ "\0x92" => 'í',
+ "\0x93" => 'ď',
+ "\0x94" => 'Ē',
+ "\0x95" => 'ē',
+ "\0x96" => 'Ė',
+ "\0x97" => 'ó',
+ "\0x98" => 'ė',
+ "\0x99" => 'ô',
+ "\0x9A" => 'ö',
+ "\0x9B" => 'õ',
+ "\0x9C" => 'ú',
+ "\0x9D" => 'Ě',
+ "\0x9E" => 'ě',
+ "\0x9F" => 'ü',
+ "\0xA0" => '†',
+ "\0xA1" => '°',
+ "\0xA2" => 'Ę',
+ "\0xA3" => '£',
+ "\0xA4" => '§',
+ "\0xA5" => '•',
+ "\0xA6" => '¶',
+ "\0xA7" => 'ß',
+ "\0xA8" => '®',
+ "\0xA9" => '©',
+ "\0xAA" => '™',
+ "\0xAB" => 'ę',
+ "\0xAC" => '¨',
+ "\0xAD" => '≠',
+ "\0xAE" => 'ģ',
+ "\0xAF" => 'Į',
+ "\0xB0" => 'į',
+ "\0xB1" => 'Ī',
+ "\0xB2" => '≤',
+ "\0xB3" => '≥',
+ "\0xB4" => 'ī',
+ "\0xB5" => 'Ķ',
+ "\0xB6" => '∂',
+ "\0xB7" => '∑',
+ "\0xB8" => 'ł',
+ "\0xB9" => 'Ļ',
+ "\0xBA" => 'ļ',
+ "\0xBB" => 'Ľ',
+ "\0xBC" => 'ľ',
+ "\0xBD" => 'Ĺ',
+ "\0xBE" => 'ĺ',
+ "\0xBF" => 'Ņ',
+ "\0xC0" => 'ņ',
+ "\0xC1" => 'Ń',
+ "\0xC2" => '¬',
+ "\0xC3" => '√',
+ "\0xC4" => 'ń',
+ "\0xC5" => 'Ň',
+ "\0xC6" => '∆',
+ "\0xC7" => '«',
+ "\0xC8" => '»',
+ "\0xC9" => '…',
+ "\0xCA" => ' ',
+ "\0xCB" => 'ň',
+ "\0xCC" => 'Ő',
+ "\0xCD" => 'Õ',
+ "\0xCE" => 'ő',
+ "\0xCF" => 'Ō',
+ "\0xD0" => '–',
+ "\0xD1" => '—',
+ "\0xD2" => '“',
+ "\0xD3" => '”',
+ "\0xD4" => '‘',
+ "\0xD5" => '’',
+ "\0xD6" => '÷',
+ "\0xD7" => '◊',
+ "\0xD8" => 'ō',
+ "\0xD9" => 'Ŕ',
+ "\0xDA" => 'ŕ',
+ "\0xDB" => 'Ř',
+ "\0xDC" => '‹',
+ "\0xDD" => '›',
+ "\0xDE" => 'ř',
+ "\0xDF" => 'Ŗ',
+ "\0xE0" => 'ŗ',
+ "\0xE1" => 'Š',
+ "\0xE2" => '‚',
+ "\0xE3" => '„',
+ "\0xE4" => 'š',
+ "\0xE5" => 'Ś',
+ "\0xE6" => 'ś',
+ "\0xE7" => 'Á',
+ "\0xE8" => 'Ť',
+ "\0xE9" => 'ť',
+ "\0xEA" => 'Í',
+ "\0xEB" => 'Ž',
+ "\0xEC" => 'ž',
+ "\0xED" => 'Ū',
+ "\0xEE" => 'Ó',
+ "\0xEF" => 'Ô',
+ "\0xF0" => 'ū',
+ "\0xF1" => 'Ů',
+ "\0xF2" => 'Ú',
+ "\0xF3" => 'ů',
+ "\0xF4" => 'Ű',
+ "\0xF5" => 'ű',
+ "\0xF6" => 'Ų',
+ "\0xF7" => 'ų',
+ "\0xF8" => 'Ý',
+ "\0xF9" => 'ý',
+ "\0xFA" => 'ķ',
+ "\0xFB" => 'Ż',
+ "\0xFC" => 'Ł',
+ "\0xFD" => 'ż',
+ "\0xFE" => 'Ģ',
+ "\0xFF" => 'ˇ'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10029), array_values($cp10029), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10079.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10079 (MacIcelandic) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10079 encoded mails in non-cp10079 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/ICELAND.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10079_MacIcelandic to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10079 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-icelandic')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10079 = array(
+ "\0x80" => 'Ä',
+ "\0x81" => 'Å',
+ "\0x82" => 'Ç',
+ "\0x83" => 'É',
+ "\0x84" => 'Ñ',
+ "\0x85" => 'Ö',
+ "\0x86" => 'Ü',
+ "\0x87" => 'á',
+ "\0x88" => 'à',
+ "\0x89" => 'â',
+ "\0x8A" => 'ä',
+ "\0x8B" => 'ã',
+ "\0x8C" => 'å',
+ "\0x8D" => 'ç',
+ "\0x8E" => 'é',
+ "\0x8F" => 'è',
+ "\0x90" => 'ê',
+ "\0x91" => 'ë',
+ "\0x92" => 'í',
+ "\0x93" => 'ì',
+ "\0x94" => 'î',
+ "\0x95" => 'ï',
+ "\0x96" => 'ñ',
+ "\0x97" => 'ó',
+ "\0x98" => 'ò',
+ "\0x99" => 'ô',
+ "\0x9A" => 'ö',
+ "\0x9B" => 'õ',
+ "\0x9C" => 'ú',
+ "\0x9D" => 'ù',
+ "\0x9E" => 'û',
+ "\0x9F" => 'ü',
+ "\0xA0" => 'Ý',
+ "\0xA1" => '°',
+ "\0xA2" => '¢',
+ "\0xA3" => '£',
+ "\0xA4" => '§',
+ "\0xA5" => '•',
+ "\0xA6" => '¶',
+ "\0xA7" => 'ß',
+ "\0xA8" => '®',
+ "\0xA9" => '©',
+ "\0xAA" => '™',
+ "\0xAB" => '´',
+ "\0xAC" => '¨',
+ "\0xAD" => '≠',
+ "\0xAE" => 'Æ',
+ "\0xAF" => 'Ø',
+ "\0xB0" => '∞',
+ "\0xB1" => '±',
+ "\0xB2" => '≤',
+ "\0xB3" => '≥',
+ "\0xB4" => '¥',
+ "\0xB5" => 'µ',
+ "\0xB6" => '∂',
+ "\0xB7" => '∑',
+ "\0xB8" => '∏',
+ "\0xB9" => 'π',
+ "\0xBA" => '∫',
+ "\0xBB" => 'ª',
+ "\0xBC" => 'º',
+ "\0xBD" => 'Ω',
+ "\0xBE" => 'æ',
+ "\0xBF" => 'ø',
+ "\0xC0" => '¿',
+ "\0xC1" => '¡',
+ "\0xC2" => '¬',
+ "\0xC3" => '√',
+ "\0xC4" => 'ƒ',
+ "\0xC5" => '≈',
+ "\0xC6" => '∆',
+ "\0xC7" => '«',
+ "\0xC8" => '»',
+ "\0xC9" => '…',
+ "\0xCA" => ' ',
+ "\0xCB" => 'À',
+ "\0xCC" => 'Ã',
+ "\0xCD" => 'Õ',
+ "\0xCE" => 'Œ',
+ "\0xCF" => 'œ',
+ "\0xD0" => '–',
+ "\0xD1" => '—',
+ "\0xD2" => '“',
+ "\0xD3" => '”',
+ "\0xD4" => '‘',
+ "\0xD5" => '’',
+ "\0xD6" => '÷',
+ "\0xD7" => '◊',
+ "\0xD8" => 'ÿ',
+ "\0xD9" => 'Ÿ',
+ "\0xDA" => '⁄',
+ "\0xDB" => '¤',
+ "\0xDC" => 'Ð',
+ "\0xDD" => 'ð',
+ "\0xDE" => 'Þ',
+ "\0xDF" => 'þ',
+ "\0xE0" => 'ý',
+ "\0xE1" => '·',
+ "\0xE2" => '‚',
+ "\0xE3" => '„',
+ "\0xE4" => '‰',
+ "\0xE5" => 'Â',
+ "\0xE6" => 'Ê',
+ "\0xE7" => 'Á',
+ "\0xE8" => 'Ë',
+ "\0xE9" => 'È',
+ "\0xEA" => 'Í',
+ "\0xEB" => 'Î',
+ "\0xEC" => 'Ï',
+ "\0xED" => 'Ì',
+ "\0xEE" => 'Ó',
+ "\0xEF" => 'Ô',
+ "\0xF0" => '',
+ "\0xF1" => 'Ò',
+ "\0xF2" => 'Ú',
+ "\0xF3" => 'Û',
+ "\0xF4" => 'Ù',
+ "\0xF5" => 'ı',
+ "\0xF6" => 'ˆ',
+ "\0xF7" => '˜',
+ "\0xF8" => '¯',
+ "\0xF9" => '˘',
+ "\0xFA" => '˙',
+ "\0xFB" => '˚',
+ "\0xFC" => '¸',
+ "\0xFD" => '˝',
+ "\0xFE" => '˛',
+ "\0xFF" => 'ˇ'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10079), array_values($cp10079), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp10081.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp10081 (MacTurkish) decoding function that
+ * is needed to read cp10081 encoded mails in non-cp10081 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/TURKISH.TXT
+ *
+ * Name: cp10081_MacTurkish to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp10081 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'x-mac-turkish')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp10081 = array(
+ "\0x80" => 'Ä',
+ "\0x81" => 'Å',
+ "\0x82" => 'Ç',
+ "\0x83" => 'É',
+ "\0x84" => 'Ñ',
+ "\0x85" => 'Ö',
+ "\0x86" => 'Ü',
+ "\0x87" => 'á',
+ "\0x88" => 'à',
+ "\0x89" => 'â',
+ "\0x8A" => 'ä',
+ "\0x8B" => 'ã',
+ "\0x8C" => 'å',
+ "\0x8D" => 'ç',
+ "\0x8E" => 'é',
+ "\0x8F" => 'è',
+ "\0x90" => 'ê',
+ "\0x91" => 'ë',
+ "\0x92" => 'í',
+ "\0x93" => 'ì',
+ "\0x94" => 'î',
+ "\0x95" => 'ï',
+ "\0x96" => 'ñ',
+ "\0x97" => 'ó',
+ "\0x98" => 'ò',
+ "\0x99" => 'ô',
+ "\0x9A" => 'ö',
+ "\0x9B" => 'õ',
+ "\0x9C" => 'ú',
+ "\0x9D" => 'ù',
+ "\0x9E" => 'û',
+ "\0x9F" => 'ü',
+ "\0xA0" => '†',
+ "\0xA1" => '°',
+ "\0xA2" => '¢',
+ "\0xA3" => '£',
+ "\0xA4" => '§',
+ "\0xA5" => '•',
+ "\0xA6" => '¶',
+ "\0xA7" => 'ß',
+ "\0xA8" => '®',
+ "\0xA9" => '©',
+ "\0xAA" => '™',
+ "\0xAB" => '´',
+ "\0xAC" => '¨',
+ "\0xAD" => '≠',
+ "\0xAE" => 'Æ',
+ "\0xAF" => 'Ø',
+ "\0xB0" => '∞',
+ "\0xB1" => '±',
+ "\0xB2" => '≤',
+ "\0xB3" => '≥',
+ "\0xB4" => '¥',
+ "\0xB5" => 'µ',
+ "\0xB6" => '∂',
+ "\0xB7" => '∑',
+ "\0xB8" => '∏',
+ "\0xB9" => 'π',
+ "\0xBA" => '∫',
+ "\0xBB" => 'ª',
+ "\0xBC" => 'º',
+ "\0xBD" => 'Ω',
+ "\0xBE" => 'æ',
+ "\0xBF" => 'ø',
+ "\0xC0" => '¿',
+ "\0xC1" => '¡',
+ "\0xC2" => '¬',
+ "\0xC3" => '√',
+ "\0xC4" => 'ƒ',
+ "\0xC5" => '≈',
+ "\0xC6" => '∆',
+ "\0xC7" => '«',
+ "\0xC8" => '»',
+ "\0xC9" => '…',
+ "\0xCA" => ' ',
+ "\0xCB" => 'À',
+ "\0xCC" => 'Ã',
+ "\0xCD" => 'Õ',
+ "\0xCE" => 'Œ',
+ "\0xCF" => 'œ',
+ "\0xD0" => '–',
+ "\0xD1" => '—',
+ "\0xD2" => '“',
+ "\0xD3" => '”',
+ "\0xD4" => '‘',
+ "\0xD5" => '’',
+ "\0xD6" => '÷',
+ "\0xD7" => '◊',
+ "\0xD8" => 'ÿ',
+ "\0xD9" => 'Ÿ',
+ "\0xDA" => 'Ğ',
+ "\0xDB" => 'ğ',
+ "\0xDC" => 'İ',
+ "\0xDD" => 'ı',
+ "\0xDE" => 'Ş',
+ "\0xDF" => 'ş',
+ "\0xE0" => '‡',
+ "\0xE1" => '·',
+ "\0xE2" => '‚',
+ "\0xE3" => '„',
+ "\0xE4" => '‰',
+ "\0xE5" => 'Â',
+ "\0xE6" => 'Ê',
+ "\0xE7" => 'Á',
+ "\0xE8" => 'Ë',
+ "\0xE9" => 'È',
+ "\0xEA" => 'Í',
+ "\0xEB" => 'Î',
+ "\0xEC" => 'Ï',
+ "\0xED" => 'Ì',
+ "\0xEE" => 'Ó',
+ "\0xEF" => 'Ô',
+ "\0xF0" => '',
+ "\0xF1" => 'Ò',
+ "\0xF2" => 'Ú',
+ "\0xF3" => 'Û',
+ "\0xF4" => 'Ù',
+ "\0xF5" => '',
+ "\0xF6" => 'ˆ',
+ "\0xF7" => '˜',
+ "\0xF8" => '¯',
+ "\0xF9" => '˘',
+ "\0xFA" => '˙',
+ "\0xFB" => '˚',
+ "\0xFC" => '¸',
+ "\0xFD" => '˝',
+ "\0xFE" => '˛',
+ "\0xFF" => 'ˇ'
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp10081), array_values($cp10081), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp855.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp855 decoding function that is needed to read
+ * cp855 encoded mails in non-cp855 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP855.TXT
+ * Name: cp855_DOSCyrillic to Unicode table
+ * Unicode version: 2.0
+ * Table version: 2.00
+ * Table format: Format A
+ * Date: 04/24/96
+ * Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ * K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ */
+function charset_decode_cp855 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'ibm855')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp855 = array(
+ "\x80" => 'ђ',
+ "\x81" => 'Ђ',
+ "\x82" => 'ѓ',
+ "\x83" => 'Ѓ',
+ "\x84" => 'ё',
+ "\x85" => 'Ё',
+ "\x86" => 'є',
+ "\x87" => 'Є',
+ "\x88" => 'ѕ',
+ "\x89" => 'Ѕ',
+ "\x8a" => 'і',
+ "\x8b" => 'І',
+ "\x8c" => 'ї',
+ "\x8d" => 'Ї',
+ "\x8e" => 'ј',
+ "\x8f" => 'Ј',
+ "\x90" => 'љ',
+ "\x91" => 'Љ',
+ "\x92" => 'њ',
+ "\x93" => 'Њ',
+ "\x94" => 'ћ',
+ "\x95" => 'Ћ',
+ "\x96" => 'ќ',
+ "\x97" => 'Ќ',
+ "\x98" => 'ў',
+ "\x99" => 'Ў',
+ "\x9a" => 'џ',
+ "\x9b" => 'Џ',
+ "\x9c" => 'ю',
+ "\x9d" => 'Ю',
+ "\x9e" => 'ъ',
+ "\x9f" => 'Ъ',
+ "\xa0" => 'а',
+ "\xa1" => 'А',
+ "\xa2" => 'б',
+ "\xa3" => 'Б',
+ "\xa4" => 'ц',
+ "\xa5" => 'Ц',
+ "\xa6" => 'д',
+ "\xa7" => 'Д',
+ "\xa8" => 'е',
+ "\xa9" => 'Е',
+ "\xaa" => 'ф',
+ "\xab" => 'Ф',
+ "\xac" => 'г',
+ "\xad" => 'Г',
+ "\xae" => '«',
+ "\xaf" => '»',
+ "\xb0" => '░',
+ "\xb1" => '▒',
+ "\xb2" => '▓',
+ "\xb3" => '│',
+ "\xb4" => '┤',
+ "\xb5" => 'х',
+ "\xb6" => 'Х',
+ "\xb7" => 'и',
+ "\xb8" => 'И',
+ "\xb9" => '╣',
+ "\xba" => '║',
+ "\xbb" => '╗',
+ "\xbc" => '╝',
+ "\xbd" => 'й',
+ "\xbe" => 'Й',
+ "\xbf" => '┐',
+ "\xc0" => '└',
+ "\xc1" => '┴',
+ "\xc2" => '┬',
+ "\xc3" => '├',
+ "\xc4" => '─',
+ "\xc5" => '┼',
+ "\xc6" => 'к',
+ "\xc7" => 'К',
+ "\xc8" => '╚',
+ "\xc9" => '╔',
+ "\xca" => '╩',
+ "\xcb" => '╦',
+ "\xcc" => '╠',
+ "\xcd" => '═',
+ "\xce" => '╬',
+ "\xcf" => '¤',
+ "\xd0" => 'л',
+ "\xd1" => 'Л',
+ "\xd2" => 'м',
+ "\xd3" => 'М',
+ "\xd4" => 'н',
+ "\xd5" => 'Н',
+ "\xd6" => 'о',
+ "\xd7" => 'О',
+ "\xd8" => 'п',
+ "\xd9" => '┘',
+ "\xda" => '┌',
+ "\xdb" => '█',
+ "\xdc" => '▄',
+ "\xdd" => 'П',
+ "\xde" => 'я',
+ "\xdf" => '▀',
+ "\xe0" => 'Я',
+ "\xe1" => 'р',
+ "\xe2" => 'Р',
+ "\xe3" => 'с',
+ "\xe4" => 'С',
+ "\xe5" => 'т',
+ "\xe6" => 'Т',
+ "\xe7" => 'у',
+ "\xe8" => 'У',
+ "\xe9" => 'ж',
+ "\xea" => 'Ж',
+ "\xeb" => 'в',
+ "\xec" => 'В',
+ "\xed" => 'ь',
+ "\xee" => 'Ь',
+ "\xef" => '№',
+ "\xf0" => '­',
+ "\xf1" => 'ы',
+ "\xf2" => 'Ы',
+ "\xf3" => 'з',
+ "\xf4" => 'З',
+ "\xf5" => 'ш',
+ "\xf6" => 'Ш',
+ "\xf7" => 'э',
+ "\xf8" => 'Э',
+ "\xf9" => 'щ',
+ "\xfa" => 'Щ',
+ "\xfb" => 'ч',
+ "\xfc" => 'Ч',
+ "\xfd" => '§',
+ "\xfe" => '■',
+ "\xff" => ' '
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp855), array_values($cp855), $string);
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * decode/cp866.php
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * This file contains cp866 decoding function that is needed to read
+ * cp866 encoded mails in non-cp866 locale.
+ *
+ * Original data taken from:
+ * ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/
+ Name: cp866_DOSCyrillicRussian to Unicode table
+ Unicode version: 2.0
+ Table version: 2.00
+ Table format: Format A
+ Date: 04/24/96
+ Authors: Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
+ K.D. Chang <a-kchang@microsoft.com>
+ The entries are in cp866_DOSCyrillicRussian order
+function charset_decode_cp866 ($string) {
+ global $default_charset;
+ if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'ibm866')
+ return $string;
+ /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
+ /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
+ if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string) )
+ return $string;
+ $cp866 = array(
+ "\x80" => 'А',
+ "\x81" => 'Б',
+ "\x82" => 'В',
+ "\x83" => 'Г',
+ "\x84" => 'Д',
+ "\x85" => 'Е',
+ "\x86" => 'Ж',
+ "\x87" => 'З',
+ "\x88" => 'И',
+ "\x89" => 'Й',
+ "\x8a" => 'К',
+ "\x8b" => 'Л',
+ "\x8c" => 'М',
+ "\x8d" => 'Н',
+ "\x8e" => 'О',
+ "\x8f" => 'П',
+ "\x90" => 'Р',
+ "\x91" => 'С',
+ "\x92" => 'Т',
+ "\x93" => 'У',
+ "\x94" => 'Ф',
+ "\x95" => 'Х',
+ "\x96" => 'Ц',
+ "\x97" => 'Ч',
+ "\x98" => 'Ш',
+ "\x99" => 'Щ',
+ "\x9a" => 'Ъ',
+ "\x9b" => 'Ы',
+ "\x9c" => 'Ь',
+ "\x9d" => 'Э',
+ "\x9e" => 'Ю',
+ "\x9f" => 'Я',
+ "\xa0" => 'а',
+ "\xa1" => 'б',
+ "\xa2" => 'в',
+ "\xa3" => 'г',
+ "\xa4" => 'д',
+ "\xa5" => 'е',
+ "\xa6" => 'ж',
+ "\xa7" => 'з',
+ "\xa8" => 'и',
+ "\xa9" => 'й',
+ "\xaa" => 'к',
+ "\xab" => 'л',
+ "\xac" => 'м',
+ "\xad" => 'н',
+ "\xae" => 'о',
+ "\xaf" => 'п',
+ "\xb0" => '░',
+ "\xb1" => '▒',
+ "\xb2" => '▓',
+ "\xb3" => '│',
+ "\xb4" => '┤',
+ "\xb5" => '╡',
+ "\xb6" => '╢',
+ "\xb7" => '╖',
+ "\xb8" => '╕',
+ "\xb9" => '╣',
+ "\xba" => '║',
+ "\xbb" => '╗',
+ "\xbc" => '╝',
+ "\xbd" => '╜',
+ "\xbe" => '╛',
+ "\xbf" => '┐',
+ "\xc0" => '└',
+ "\xc1" => '┴',
+ "\xc2" => '┬',
+ "\xc3" => '├',
+ "\xc4" => '─',
+ "\xc5" => '┼',
+ "\xc6" => '╞',
+ "\xc7" => '╟',
+ "\xc8" => '╚',
+ "\xc9" => '╔',
+ "\xca" => '╩',
+ "\xcb" => '╦',
+ "\xcc" => '╠',
+ "\xcd" => '═',
+ "\xce" => '╬',
+ "\xcf" => '╧',
+ "\xd0" => '╨',
+ "\xd1" => '╤',
+ "\xd2" => '╥',
+ "\xd3" => '╙',
+ "\xd4" => '╘',
+ "\xd5" => '╒',
+ "\xd6" => '╓',
+ "\xd7" => '╫',
+ "\xd8" => '╪',
+ "\xd9" => '┘',
+ "\xda" => '┌',
+ "\xdb" => '█',
+ "\xdc" => '▄',
+ "\xdd" => '▌',
+ "\xde" => '▐',
+ "\xdf" => '▀',
+ "\xe0" => 'р',
+ "\xe1" => 'с',
+ "\xe2" => 'т',
+ "\xe3" => 'у',
+ "\xe4" => 'ф',
+ "\xe5" => 'х',
+ "\xe6" => 'ц',
+ "\xe7" => 'ч',
+ "\xe8" => 'ш',
+ "\xe9" => 'щ',
+ "\xea" => 'ъ',
+ "\xeb" => 'ы',
+ "\xec" => 'ь',
+ "\xed" => 'э',
+ "\xee" => 'ю',
+ "\xef" => 'я',
+ "\xf0" => 'Ё',
+ "\xf1" => 'ё',
+ "\xf2" => 'Є',
+ "\xf3" => 'є',
+ "\xf4" => 'Ї',
+ "\xf5" => 'ї',
+ "\xf6" => 'Ў',
+ "\xf7" => 'ў',
+ "\xf8" => '°',
+ "\xf9" => '∙',
+ "\xfa" => '·',
+ "\xfb" => '√',
+ "\xfc" => '№',
+ "\xfd" => '¤',
+ "\xfe" => '■',
+ "\xff" => ' '
+ );
+ $string = str_replace(array_keys($cp866), array_values($cp866), $string);
+ return $string;
} else if ($charset == 'windows-1258') {
include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp1258.php');
$ret = charset_decode_cp1258 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-roman') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10000.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10000 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-greek') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10006.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10006 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-cyrillic') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10007.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10007 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-ukrainian') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10017.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10017 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-centraleurroman') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10029.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10029 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-icelandic') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10079.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10079 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'x-mac-turkish') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp10081.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp10081 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'ibm855') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp855.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp855 ($string);
+ } else if ($charset == 'ibm866') {
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/cp866.php');
+ $ret = charset_decode_cp866 ($string);
} else if ($charset == 'tis-620') {
include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/decode/tis620.php');
$ret = charset_decode_tis620 ($string);