// skip some contacts ?
$skipOnHold = isset($form->skipOnHold) ? $form->skipOnHold : FALSE;
$skipDeceased = isset($form->skipDeceased) ? $form->skipDeceased : TRUE;
- list($contributions, $contacts) = self::buildContributionArray($groupBy, $form, $returnProperties, $skipOnHold, $skipDeceased, $messageToken, $task, $separator);
+ $contributionIDs = $form->getVar('_contributionIds');
+ if ($form->_includesSoftCredits) {
+ //@todo - comment on what is stored there
+ $contributionIDs = $form->getVar('_contributionContactIds');
+ }
+ list($contributions, $contacts) = self::buildContributionArray($groupBy, $contributionIDs, $returnProperties, $skipOnHold, $skipDeceased, $messageToken, $task, $separator, $form->_includesSoftCredits);
$html = array();
foreach ($contributions as $contributionId => $contribution) {
$contact = &$contacts[$contribution['contact_id']];
* around contact_id of contribution_recur_id
* @param string $groupBy
- * @param CRM_Contribute_Form_Task $form
+ * @param array $contributionIDs
* @param array $returnProperties
* @param bool $skipOnHold
* @param bool $skipDeceased
* @param array $messageToken
* @param string $task
* @param string $separator
+ * @param bool $isIncludeSoftCredits
* @return array
- public static function buildContributionArray($groupBy, $form, $returnProperties, $skipOnHold, $skipDeceased, $messageToken, $task, $separator) {
+ public static function buildContributionArray($groupBy, $contributionIDs, $returnProperties, $skipOnHold, $skipDeceased, $messageToken, $task, $separator, $isIncludeSoftCredits) {
$contributions = $contacts = $notSent = array();
- $contributionIDs = $form->getVar('_contributionIds');
- if ($form->_includesSoftCredits) {
- //@todo - comment on what is stored there
- $contributionIDs = $form->getVar('_contributionContactIds');
- }
foreach ($contributionIDs as $item => $contributionId) {
// get contribution information
$contribution = CRM_Utils_Token::getContributionTokenDetails(array('contribution_id' => $contributionId),
$contribution = $contributions[$contributionId] = $contribution[$contributionId];
- if ($form->_includesSoftCredits) {
+ if ($isIncludeSoftCredits) {
//@todo find out why this happens & add comments
list($contactID) = explode('-', $item);
$contactID = (int) $contactID;
--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2016 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
+ | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * Test APIv3 civicrm_contribute_* functions
+ *
+ * @package CiviCRM_APIv3
+ * @subpackage API_Contribution
+ * @group headless
+ */
+class CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommonTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Assume empty database with just civicrm_data.
+ */
+ protected $_individualId;
+ /**
+ * Clean up after each test.
+ */
+ public function tearDown() {
+ $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities();
+ CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton()->reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test the buildContributionArray function.
+ */
+ public function testBuildContributionArray() {
+ $this->_individualId = $this->individualCreate();
+ $params = array('contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'total_amount' => 6, 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation');
+ $contributionIDs = $returnProperties = $messageToken = array();
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $params);
+ $contributionIDs[] = $result['id'];
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $params);
+ $contributionIDs[] = $result['id'];
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_tokenValues', array($this, 'hookTokenValues'));
+ list($contributions, $contacts) = CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon::buildContributionArray('contact_id', $contributionIDs, $returnProperties, TRUE, TRUE, $messageToken, 'test', '**', FALSE);
+ $this->assertEquals('Anthony', $contacts[$this->_individualId]['first_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('emo', $contacts[$this->_individualId]['favourite_emoticon']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Donation', $contributions[$result['id']]['financial_type']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implement token values hook.
+ *
+ * @param array $details
+ * @param array $contactIDs
+ * @param int $jobID
+ * @param array $tokens
+ * @param string $className
+ */
+ public function hookTokenValues(&$details, $contactIDs, $jobID, $tokens, $className) {
+ foreach ($details as $index => $detail) {
+ $details[$index]['favourite_emoticon'] = 'emo';
+ }
+ }