// This parameter causes blank fields to be be emptied out.
// We can probably remove.
$params['updateBlankLocInfo'] = TRUE;
- list($data) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::formatProfileContactParams($params, [], $contactID);
+ [$data] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::formatProfileContactParams($params, [], $contactID);
public static function skipMerge($mainId, $otherId, &$migrationInfo, $mode = 'safe', &$conflicts = []) {
- $conflicts = self::getConflicts($migrationInfo, $mainId, $otherId, $mode)['conflicts'];
+ $conflicts = self::getConflicts($migrationInfo, (int) $mainId, (int) $otherId, $mode)['conflicts'];
// A hook could have set skip_merge in order to alter merge behaviour.
// This is a something we might ideally deprecate since they really 'should'
// mess with the conflicts array instead.
$locations = ['main' => [], 'other' => []];
foreach ($locationBlocks as $blockName => $blockInfo) {
- list($locations, $rows, $elements, $migrationInfo) = self::addLocationFieldInfo($mainId, $otherId, $blockInfo, $blockName, $locations, $rows, $elements, $migrationInfo);
+ [$locations, $rows, $elements, $migrationInfo] = self::addLocationFieldInfo($mainId, $otherId, $blockInfo, $blockName, $locations, $rows, $elements, $migrationInfo);
} // End loop through each location block entity
// add the related tables and unset the ones that don't sport any of the duplicate contact's info
$submitted = [];
foreach ($submitted as $key => $value) {
- list($cFields, $submitted) = self::processCustomFields($mainId, $key, $cFields, $submitted, $value);
+ [$cFields, $submitted] = self::processCustomFields($mainId, $key, $cFields, $submitted, $value);
// move view only custom fields CRM-5362
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- public static function getConflicts(&$migrationInfo, $mainId, $otherId, $mode) {
+ public static function getConflicts(array &$migrationInfo, int $mainId, int $otherId, string $mode): array {
$conflicts = [];
// Generate var $migrationInfo. The variable structure is exactly same as
// $formValues submitted during a UI merge for a pair of contacts.
elseif ((in_array(substr($key, 5), CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getContactFields()) or
- substr($key, 0, 12) === 'move_custom_'
- ) and $val != NULL
+ strpos($key, 'move_custom_') === 0
+ ) and $val !== NULL
) {
// Rule: If both main-contact, and other-contact have a field with a
// different value, then let $mode decide if to merge it or not