--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
+ | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
+ | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * Provide helpers for recording data snapshots during an upgrade.
+ */
+class CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot {
+ public static $pageSize = 50 * 1000;
+ /**
+ * How long should we retain old snapshots?
+ *
+ * Time is measured in terms of MINOR versions - eg "4" means "retain for 4 MINOR versions".
+ * Thus, on v5.60, you could delete any snapshots predating 5.56.
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public static $cleanupAfter = 4;
+ /**
+ * List of reasons why the snapshots are not running.
+ *
+ * @var array|null
+ */
+ private static $activationIssues;
+ /**
+ * Get a list of reasons why the snapshots should not run.
+ * @return array
+ * List of printable messages.
+ */
+ public static function getActivationIssues(): array {
+ if (static::$activationIssues === NULL) {
+ // TODO This policy should probably be more configurable, eg via `setting` or `define()`.
+ $limits = [
+ 'civicrm_contact' => 200 * 1000,
+ 'civicrm_contribution' => 200 * 1000,
+ 'civicrm_activity' => 200 * 1000,
+ 'civicrm_case' => 200 * 1000,
+ 'civicrm_mailing' => 200 * 1000,
+ 'civicrm_event' => 200 * 1000,
+ ];
+ static::$activationIssues = [];
+ foreach ($limits as $table => $limit) {
+ try {
+ $count = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM `{$table}`");
+ }
+ catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $count = 0;
+ }
+ if ($count > $limit) {
+ static::$activationIssues["count_{$table}"] = ts('Table "%1" has a large number of records (%2 > %3).', [
+ 1 => $table,
+ 2 => $count,
+ 3 => $limit,
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (CRM_Core_I18n::isMultilingual()) {
+ static::$activationIssues['multilingual'] = ts('Multilingual snapshots have not been implemented.');
+ }
+ }
+ return static::$activationIssues;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the name of a MySQL snapshot table.
+ *
+ * @param string $version
+ * Ex: '5.50'
+ * @param string $name
+ * Ex: 'dates'
+ * @return string
+ * Ex: 'civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates'
+ */
+ public static function createTableName(string $version, string $name): string {
+ [$major, $minor] = explode('.', $version);
+ return sprintf('civicrm_snap_v%s_%s_%s', $major, $minor, $name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a set of queueable tasks which will store a snapshot.
+ *
+ * @param string $version
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select $select
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ public static function createTasks(string $version, string $name, CRM_Utils_SQL_Select $select): iterable {
+ $destTable = static::createTableName($version, $name);
+ $srcTable = \Civi\Test\Invasive::get([$select, 'from']);
+ // Sometimes, backups fail and people rollback and try again. Reset prior snapshots.
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$destTable}`");
+ $maxId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM `{$srcTable}`");
+ $pageSize = CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::$pageSize;
+ for ($offset = 0; $offset <= $maxId; $offset += $pageSize) {
+ $title = ts('Create snapshot from "%1" (%2: %3 => %4)', [
+ 1 => $srcTable,
+ 2 => $name,
+ 3 => $offset,
+ 4 => $offset + $pageSize,
+ ]);
+ $pageSelect = $select->copy()->where('id >= #MIN AND id < #MAX', [
+ 'MIN' => $offset,
+ 'MAX' => $offset + $pageSize,
+ ]);
+ $sqlAction = ($offset === 0) ? "CREATE TABLE {$destTable} AS " : "INSERT INTO {$destTable} ";
+ yield new CRM_Queue_Task(
+ [static::class, 'insertSnapshotTask'],
+ [$sqlAction . $pageSelect->toSQL()],
+ $title
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param \CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx
+ * @param string $sql
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function insertSnapshotTask(CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx, string $sql): bool {
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
+ // If anyone works on multilingual support, you might need to set $i18nRewrite. But doesn't matter since skip ML completely.
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleanup any old snapshot tables.
+ *
+ * @param CRM_Queue_TaskContext|null $ctx
+ * @param string|null $version
+ * The current version of CiviCRM.
+ * @param int|null $cleanupAfter
+ * How long should we retain old snapshots?
+ * Time is measured in terms of MINOR versions - eg "4" means "retain for 4 MINOR versions".
+ * Thus, on v5.60, you could delete any snapshots predating 5.56.
+ */
+ public static function cleanupTask(?CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx = NULL, ?string $version = NULL, ?int $cleanupAfter = NULL): void {
+ $version = $version ?: CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::version();
+ $cleanupAfter = $cleanupAfter ?: static::$cleanupAfter;
+ [$major, $minor] = explode('.', $version);
+ $cutoff = $major . '.' . max(0, $minor - $cleanupAfter);
+ $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO();
+ $query = "
+ SELECT TABLE_NAME as tableName
+ AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'civicrm_snap_v%'
+ ";
+ $tables = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, [1 => [$dao->database(), 'String']])
+ ->fetchMap('tableName', 'tableName');
+ $oldTables = array_filter($tables, function($table) use ($cutoff) {
+ if (preg_match(';^civicrm_snap_v(\d+)_(\d+)_;', $table, $m)) {
+ $generatedVer = $m[1] . '.' . $m[2];
+ return (bool) version_compare($generatedVer, $cutoff, '<');
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ });
+ array_map(['CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler', 'dropTable'], $oldTables);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Class CRM_Upgrade_SnapshotTest
+ * @group headless
+ */
+class CRM_Upgrade_SnapshotTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
+ protected function setUp(): void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::$pageSize = 10;
+ CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::$cleanupAfter = 4;
+ }
+ // protected function tearDown(): void {
+ // // We just throw a lot of random stuff in the DB. Don't care about slow cleanup, since this test is a schema-heavy oddball with low# iterations.
+ // // \Civi\Test::headless()->apply(TRUE);
+ // parent::tearDown();
+ // }
+ /**
+ * "php" requirement (composer.json) should match
+ * CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_General::MIN_INSTALL_PHP_VER.
+ */
+ public function testBasicLifecycle(): void {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
+ $this->individualCreate([], $i);
+ $this->organizationCreate([], $i);
+ }
+ $this->runAll(CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::createTasks('5.45', 'names', CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_contact')
+ ->select('id, display_name, sort_name')
+ ->where('contact_type = "Individual"')
+ ));
+ $this->assertTrue(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_45_names'));
+ $this->assertSameSchema('civicrm_contact.display_name', 'civicrm_snap_v5_45_names.display_name');
+ $this->assertSameSchema('civicrm_contact.sort_name', 'civicrm_snap_v5_45_names.sort_name');
+ $this->assertTrue(CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::checkIfFieldExists('civicrm_contact', 'legal_name'));
+ $this->assertFalse(CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::checkIfFieldExists('civicrm_snap_v5_45_names', 'legal_name'));
+ $liveContacts = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_contact');
+ $liveIndividuals = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_contact WHERE contact_type = "Individual"');
+ $snapCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_snap_v5_45_names');
+ $this->assertEquals($liveIndividuals, $snapCount, 'The snapshot should have as many records as live table.');
+ $this->assertTrue($liveContacts > $liveIndividuals);
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::$pageSize, $snapCount, "There should be more than 1 page of data in the snapshot. Found $snapCount records.");
+ $this->runAll(CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::createTasks('5.50', 'dates', CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_event')
+ ->select('id, start_date, end_date, registration_start_date, registration_end_date')
+ ));
+ $this->assertTrue(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates'));
+ $this->assertSameSchema('civicrm_event.start_date', 'civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates.start_date');
+ $this->assertSameSchema('civicrm_event.registration_end_date', 'civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates.registration_end_date');
+ CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::cleanupTask(NULL, '5.52', 6);
+ $this->assertFalse(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_45_names'));
+ $this->assertTrue(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates'));
+ CRM_Upgrade_Snapshot::cleanupTask(NULL, '5.58', 6);
+ $this->assertFalse(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_45_names'));
+ $this->assertFalse(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTableExists('civicrm_snap_v5_50_dates'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that two columns have the same schema.
+ *
+ * @param string $expectField
+ * ex: "table_1.column_1"
+ * @param string $actualField
+ * ex: "table_2.column_2"
+ */
+ protected function assertSameSchema(string $expectField, string $actualField): void {
+ [$expectTable, $expectColumn] = explode('.', $expectField);
+ [$actualTable, $actualColumn] = explode('.', $actualField);
+ $expectDao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$expectTable} LIKE %1", [
+ 1 => [$expectColumn, 'String'],
+ ]);
+ $expectDao->fetch();
+ $actualDao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$actualTable} LIKE %1", [
+ 1 => [$actualColumn, 'String'],
+ ]);
+ $actualDao->fetch();
+ foreach (['Type', 'Null'] as $fieldProp) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectDao->{$fieldProp}, $actualDao->{$fieldProp}, "The fields $expectField and $actualField should have the same schema.");
+ }
+ }
+ protected function runAll(iterable $tasks): void {
+ $queue = Civi::queue('snaptest', ['type' => 'Memory']);
+ foreach ($tasks as $task) {
+ $queue->createItem($task);
+ }
+ $r = new CRM_Queue_Runner([
+ 'queue' => $queue,
+ 'errorMode' => CRM_Queue_Runner::ERROR_ABORT,
+ ]);
+ $r->runAll();
+ }