{htxt id="id-repeats"}
- {ts}Access the drop-down menu here to select how frequently your event occurs. You have several options:
+ {ts}Access the drop-down menu here to select how frequently your {$params.entityType|lower} occurs. You have several options:
- <li>Hourly: your event repeats hourly or after every few hours</li>
- <li>Daily: your event repeats daily or after every few days</li>
- <li>Weekly: your event repeats on one or more days every week</li>
- <li>Monthly: your event repeats on one or more days every month</li>
- <li>Yearly: your event repeats yearly or after every few years</li>
+ <li>Hourly: your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats hourly or after every few hours</li>
+ <li>Daily: your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats daily or after every few days</li>
+ <li>Weekly: your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats on one or more days every week</li>
+ <li>Monthly: your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats on one or more days every month</li>
+ <li>Yearly: your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats yearly or after every few years</li>
- Example: You would select option "monthly", if your event occurs every month.
+ Example: You would select option "monthly", if your {$params.entityType|lower} occurs every month.
{htxt id="id-repeats-every"}
{ts}Option you select here decides the repetition interval.<br/>
- Example: If your event repeats every 5 months, then you would select option 5.{/ts}
+ Example: If your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats every 5 months, then you would select option 5.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-repeats-on-title"}
{htxt id="id-repeats-on"}
- You can choose to select your event to repeat on weekdays, weekends or any combination of day of the week.<br/>
- Example: You can select Monday, Wednesday and Friday for your event to occur on alternate weekdays.
+ You can choose to select your {$params.entityType|lower} to repeat on weekdays, weekends or any combination of day of the week.<br/>
+ Example: You can select Monday, Wednesday and Friday for your {$params.entityType|lower} to occur on alternate weekdays.
{htxt id="id-repeats-by-month"}
Options given here are days of a month from 1 - 31<br/>
- Example: If your event repeats 8th of every month then you would select 8.
+ Example: If your {$params.entityType|lower} repeats 8th of every month then you would select 8.
{htxt id="id-repeats-by-week"}
- You can choose to select event occurring every third Friday, last Monday, fourth Wednesday of the month and various other combinations given in the dropdown.
+ You can choose to select {$params.entityType|lower} occurring every third Friday, last Monday, fourth Wednesday of the month and various other combinations given in the dropdown.
{htxt id="id-ends-after"}
- Use this field to limit/end the repetition of the event.<br/>
- Example: You want to repeat an event which is now a six month course (i.e it repeats 6 times), then set 6 as a value for this field.
+ Use this field to limit/end the repetition of the {$params.entityType|lower}.<br/>
+ Example: If you want to repeat an {$params.entityType|lower} for six months (i.e it repeats 6 times), then set 6 as a value for this field.
{htxt id="id-ends-on"}
Choose a specific date here to limit/end the repetition<br/>
- Example: Your event ends on 26th of September 2014
+ Example: Your {$params.entityType|lower} ends on 26th of September 2014
{htxt id="id-exclude-date"}
- Add dates here, if you don't want to repeat your event on those dates.
+ Add dates here, if you don't want to repeat your {$params.entityType|lower} on those dates.
This list enables you to skip days.<br/>
Example: Public holidays
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-repetition_frequency_unit">\r
<td class="label">{$form.repetition_frequency_unit.label} <span class="crm-marker" title="This field is required.">*</span></td>\r
- <td>{$form.repetition_frequency_unit.html} {help id="id-repeats" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
+ <td>{$form.repetition_frequency_unit.html} {help id="id-repeats" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-repetition_frequency_interval">\r
<td class="label">{$form.repetition_frequency_interval.label} <span class="crm-marker" title="This field is required.">*</span></td>\r
- <td>{$form.repetition_frequency_interval.html} <span id="repeats-every-text">hour(s)</span> {help id="id-repeats-every" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
+ <td>{$form.repetition_frequency_interval.html} <span id="repeats-every-text">hour(s)</span> {help id="id-repeats-every" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-start_action_condition">\r
<label for="repeats_on">{$form.start_action_condition.label}: </label>\r
- {$form.start_action_condition.html} {help id="id-repeats-on" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
+ {$form.start_action_condition.html} {help id="id-repeats-on" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-repeats_by">\r
<td class="label">{$form.repeats_by.label}</td>\r
- <td>{$form.repeats_by.1.html} {$form.limit_to.html} {help id="id-repeats-by-month" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
+ <td>{$form.repeats_by.1.html} {$form.limit_to.html} {help id="id-repeats-by-month" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-repeats_by">\r
<td class="label"></td>\r
- <td>{$form.repeats_by.2.html} {$form.entity_status_1.html} {$form.entity_status_2.html} {help id="id-repeats-by-week" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
+ <td>{$form.repeats_by.2.html} {$form.entity_status_1.html} {$form.entity_status_2.html} {help id="id-repeats-by-week" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-ends">\r
<td class="label">{$form.ends.label} <span class="crm-marker" title="This field is required.">*</span></td>\r
- <td>{$form.ends.1.html} {$form.start_action_offset.html} occurrences {help id="id-ends-after" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
+ <td>{$form.ends.1.html} {$form.start_action_offset.html} occurrences {help id="id-ends-after" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}</td>\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-absolute_date">\r
<td class="label"></td>\r
- <td>{$form.ends.2.html} {include file="CRM/common/jcalendar.tpl" elementName=repeat_absolute_date} {help id="id-ends-on" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
+ <td>{$form.ends.2.html} {include file="CRM/common/jcalendar.tpl" elementName=repeat_absolute_date} {help id="id-ends-on" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
<tr class="crm-core-form-recurringentity-block-exclude_date">\r
<td class="label">{$form.exclude_date.label}</td>\r
<td> {include file="CRM/common/jcalendar.tpl" elementName=exclude_date}\r
{$form.add_to_exclude_list.html} {$form.remove_from_exclude_list.html}\r
- {$form.exclude_date_list.html} {help id="id-exclude-date" file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r
+ {$form.exclude_date_list.html} {help id="id-exclude-date" entityType=$entityType file="CRM/Core/Form/RecurringEntity.hlp"}\r