if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) {
$session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
if ($session->timer('check_' . __CLASS__, self::CHECK_TIMER)) {
- $this->checkAll();
+ foreach ($this->checkAll() as $message) {
+ CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($message, ts('Security Warning'));
+ }
* We might even expose the results of these checks on the Wordpress
* plugin status page or the Drupal admin/reports/status path.
+ * @return array of messages
* @see Drupal's hook_requirements() -
* https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21system%21system.api.php/function/hook_requirements
public function checkAll() {
- CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkLogFileIsNotAccessible();
- CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkUploadsAreNotAccessible();
- CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkDirectoriesAreNotBrowseable();
+ $messages = array_merge(
+ CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkLogFileIsNotAccessible(),
+ CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkUploadsAreNotAccessible(),
+ CRM_Utils_Check_Security::singleton()->checkDirectoriesAreNotBrowseable()
+ );
+ return $messages;
* is browseable or visible to search engines; it means it can be
* requested directly.
+ * @return array of messages
* @see CRM-14091
public function checkLogFileIsNotAccessible() {
+ $messages = array();
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$log = CRM_Core_Error::createDebugLogger();
$msg = 'The <a href="%1">CiviCRM debug log</a> should not be downloadable.'
. '<br />' .
'<a href="%2">Read more about this warning</a>';
- $msg = ts($msg, array(1 => $log_url, 2 => $docs_url));
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($msg, ts('Security Warning'));
+ $messages[] = ts($msg, array(1 => $log_url, 2 => $docs_url));
+ return $messages;
* Being retrievable doesn't mean the files are browseable or visible
* to search engines; it only means they can be requested directly.
+ * @return array of messages
* @see CRM-14091
* @TODO: Test with WordPress, Joomla.
public function checkUploadsAreNotAccessible() {
+ $messages = array();
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$filePathMarker = $this->getFilePathMarker();
. '<br />' .
'<a href="%2">Read more about this warning</a>';
$docs_url = 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Security/UploadDirNotAccessible';
- $msg = ts($msg, array(1 => $docs_url));
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($msg, ts('Security Warning'));
+ $messages[] = ts($msg, array(1 => $docs_url));
+ return $messages;
* MAY trigger false positives (if you have files named 'a', 'e'
* we'll probably match that).
+ * @return array of messages
* @see CRM-14091
* @TODO: Test with WordPress, Joomla.
public function checkDirectoriesAreNotBrowseable() {
+ $messages = array();
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$log = CRM_Core_Error::createDebugLogger();
$log_name = $log->_filename;
. '<br />' .
'<a href="%3">Read more about this warning</a>';
$docs_url = 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Security/UploadDirNotAccessible';
- $msg = ts($msg, array(1 => $log_url, 2 => $path, 3 => $docs_url));
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($msg, ts('Security Warning'));
+ $messages[] = ts($msg, array(1 => $log_url, 2 => $path, 3 => $docs_url));
+ return $messages;