-- * Case Types
-- *
-- *******************************************************/
-SELECT @max_wt := COALESCE ( max(weight), 0 ) from civicrm_case_type;
+SELECT @max_wt := COALESCE( max(weight), 0 ) from civicrm_case_type;
INSERT IGNORE INTO `civicrm_case_type` ( {localize field='title'}`title`{/localize}, `name`, {localize field='description'}`description`{/localize}, `weight`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES
({localize}'{ts escape="sql"}Housing Support{/ts}'{/localize}, 'housing_support', {localize}'{ts escape="sql"}Help homeless individuals obtain temporary and long-term housing{/ts}'{/localize}, @max_wt + 1, 0, 1),
-- * Case Types
-- *
-- *******************************************************/
-SELECT @max_wt := COALESCE ( max(weight), 0 ) from civicrm_case_type;
+SELECT @max_wt := COALESCE( max(weight), 0 ) from civicrm_case_type;
INSERT IGNORE INTO `civicrm_case_type` ( `title`, `name`, `description`, `weight`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES
('{ts}Housing Support{/ts}', 'housing_support', '{ts}Help homeless individuals obtain temporary and long-term housing{/ts}', @max_wt + 1, 0, 1),