- * Submit a payment using Advanced Integration Method.
+ * @param array|PropertyBag $params
- * @param array $params
- * Assoc array of input parameters for this transaction.
+ * @param string $component
* @return array
- * the result in a nice formatted array (or an error object)
+ * Result array (containing at least the key payment_status_id)
+ *
* @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
- public function doDirectPayment(&$params) {
+ public function doPayment(&$params, $component = 'contribute') {
+ $this->_component = $component;
+ $statuses = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::buildOptions('contribution_status_id', 'validate');
$propertyBag = PropertyBag::cast($params);
+ // If we have a $0 amount, skip call to processor and set payment_status to Completed.
+ // Conceivably a processor might override this - perhaps for setting up a token - but we don't
+ // have an example of that at the mome.
+ if ($propertyBag->getAmount() == 0) {
+ $result['payment_status_id'] = array_search('Completed', $statuses);
+ $result['payment_status'] = 'Completed';
+ return $result;
+ }
// Invoke hook_civicrm_paymentProcessor
// In Dummy's case, there is no translation of parameters into
// the back-end's canonical set of parameters. But if a processor
$throwAnENoticeIfNotSetAsTheseAreRequired = $propertyBag->getRecurFrequencyInterval() . $propertyBag->getRecurFrequencyUnit();
// no translation in Dummy processor
- CRM_Utils_Hook::alterPaymentProcessorParams($this,
- $params,
- $propertyBag
- );
+ CRM_Utils_Hook::alterPaymentProcessorParams($this, $params, $propertyBag);
// This means we can test failing transactions by setting a past year in expiry. A full expiry check would
// be more complete.
if (!empty($params['credit_card_exp_date']['Y']) && date('Y') >
CRM_Core_Payment_Form::getCreditCardExpirationYear($params)) {
throw new PaymentProcessorException(ts('Invalid expiry date'));
- //end of hook invocation
if (!empty($this->_doDirectPaymentResult)) {
$result = $this->_doDirectPaymentResult;
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_status_id', $result) === 'failed') {
return $result;
- $params['trxn_id'] = $this->getTrxnID();;
+ $result['trxn_id'] = $this->getTrxnID();
// Add a fee_amount so we can make sure fees are handled properly in underlying classes.
- $params['fee_amount'] = 1.50;
- $params['description'] = $this->getPaymentDescription($params);
+ $result['fee_amount'] = 1.50;
+ $result['description'] = $this->getPaymentDescription($params);
+ if (!isset($result['payment_status_id'])) {
+ if (!empty($propertyBag->getIsRecur())) {
+ // See comment block.
+ $result['payment_status_id'] = array_search('Pending', $statuses);
+ $result['payment_status'] = 'Pending';
+ }
+ else {
+ $result['payment_status_id'] = array_search('Completed', $statuses);
+ $result['payment_status'] = 'Completed';
+ }
+ }
+ // We shouldn't do this but it saves us changing the `testPayNowPayment` test to actually test the contribution
+ // like it should.
+ $result = array_merge($params, $result);
- return $params;
+ return $result;