WHERE contri.is_test = 0 AND " .
self::fiscalYearOffset('contri.receive_date') . " = $current_year) AND contribution_civireport.contact_id IN (SELECT distinct contri.contact_id FROM civicrm_contribution contri
WHERE " . self::fiscalYearOffset('contri.receive_date') .
- " = $previous_year AND contri.is_test = 0)";
+ " = $previous_year AND contri.is_test = 0) AND " . self::fiscalYearOffset('contribution_civireport.receive_date') . " = $previous_year";
elseif (CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $field) & CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE
) {
public function statistics(&$rows) {
$statistics = parent::statistics($rows);
if (!empty($rows)) {
- $select = "
- SUM({$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.total_amount ) as amount ";
+ $select = "SELECT SUM({$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.total_amount ) as amount ";
+ $where = "WHERE {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN (" . implode(',', $this->_contactIds) . ")
+ AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.is_test = 0 {$this->_statusClause}";
- $sql = "{$select} {$this->_from} {$this->_where}";
+ $sql = "{$select} {$this->_from} {$where}";
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
if ($dao->fetch()) {
$statistics['counts']['amount'] = array(
- $rows = $contactIds = array();
- if (empty($this->_params['charts'])) {
- $this->limit();
- $getContacts = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id as cid {$this->_from} {$this->_where} GROUP BY {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id {$this->_limit}";
+ $rows = $this->_contactIds = array();
+ $this->limit();
+ $getContacts = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id as cid {$this->_from} {$this->_where} GROUP BY {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id {$this->_limit}";
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($getContacts);
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($getContacts);
- while ($dao->fetch()) {
- $contactIds[] = $dao->cid;
- }
- $dao->free();
+ while ($dao->fetch()) {
+ $this->_contactIds[] = $dao->cid;
+ }
+ $dao->free();
+ if (empty($this->_params['charts'])) {
- if (!empty($contactIds) || !empty($this->_params['charts'])) {
- if (!empty($this->_params['charts'])) {
- $sql = "{$this->_select} {$this->_from} {$this->_where} {$this->_groupBy}";
- }
- else {
- $sql = "{$this->_select} {$this->_from} WHERE {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN (" .
- implode(',', $contactIds) .
- ") AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.is_test = 0 {$this->_statusClause} {$this->_groupBy} ";
- }
+ if (!empty($this->_contactIds) || !empty($this->_params['charts'])) {
+ $sql = "{$this->_select} {$this->_from} WHERE {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id IN (" . implode(',', $this->_contactIds) . ")
+ AND {$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.is_test = 0 {$this->_statusClause} {$this->_groupBy} ";
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
$current_year = $this->_params['yid_value'];