This is cached within a cache - the load of calling it is not
especially high and it is somewhat unlikely the cache will be populated
anyway so let's simplfiy...
private static function importableFields($contactType): array {
- $cacheKeyString = 'importableFields ' . $contactType . '_0_0_0_1';
- $cacheKeyString .= '_' . CRM_Core_Config::domainID() . '_';
- $fields = Civi::cache('fields')->get($cacheKeyString);
- if (!$fields) {
+ if (TRUE) {
$fields = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::import();
// get the fields thar are meant for contact types
//Sorting fields in alphabetical order(CRM-1507)
$fields = CRM_Utils_Array::crmArraySortByField($fields, 'title');
- Civi::cache('fields')->set($cacheKeyString, $fields);
return $fields;