CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::postProcessMembership($membershipParams, $contactID,
$this, $premiumParams, $customFieldsFormatted,
// add these values for the recurringContrib function ,CRM-10188
$params['financial_type_id'] = $contributionType->id;
- $params['is_email_receipt'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'is_email_receipt', $form->_values );
+ //@todo - this is being set from the form to resolve CRM-10188 - an
+ // eNotice caused by it not being set @ the front end
+ // however, we then get it being over-written with null for backend contributions
+ // a better fix would be to set the values in the respective forms rather than require
+ // a function being shared by two forms to deal with their respective values
+ // moving it to the BAO & not taking the $form as a param would make sense here.
+ if(!isset($params['is_email_receipt'])){
+ $params['is_email_receipt'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'is_email_receipt', $form->_values );
+ }
$recurringContributionID = self::processRecurringContribution($form, $params, $contactID, $contributionType, $online);
if (!$online && isset($params['honor_contact_id'])) {