various aspects of the menu bar and fixing the broken icon picker and missing
CiviCRM icon.
-- **[dev/core#824]( What to do with
- the merge screen ([13898](
- and [13895]( Continued
- Work**
+- **What to do with the merge screen
+ ([dev/core#824](
+ [13898]( and
+ [13895]( Continued Work**
Continues work to clean up the Merge screen by moving toward
using contact type icons in a standard way instead of the contact type names
(instead of `.done`) and demonstrates proper errQor handling to encourage
developers to use `.then()`.
-- **[dev/core#561]( Replace
- jcalendar instances with datepicker
- ([13919](,
+- **Replace jcalendar instances with datepicker
+ ([dev/core#561](
+ [13919](,
[13950]( and
Menu->Administer->Customize Data and Screens->Relationship Types) and any
other page that extends CRM_Core_Page_Basic.
-- **[CRM-18011]( improve lock
- handling for mysql 5.7.5+
- ([13854](**
+- **improve lock handling for mysql 5.7.5+
+ ([CRM-18011](
+ [13854](**
Ensures mysql locks are supported on mysql 5.7.5+ and MariaDB '10.0.2'+.
Allow extensions to load hooks during an upgrade.
-- **[CRM-21008]( Checkbox to
- explicitly change employer when sharing address
- ([13700](**
+- **Checkbox to explicitly change employer when sharing address
+ ([CRM-21008](
+ [13700](**
Before this change when an individual was set to share an address with an
organization, that organization was set as its current employer. This change
adds a checkbox that allows users to explicitly tell civicrm whether the
organization is the current employer or not when sharing an address.
-- **[CRM-21677]( Report
- improvements ([13792](,
+- **Report improvements
+ ([CRM-21677](
+ [13792](,
[13790]( and
These changes improve reports by removing redundant birth date and gender
evaluation code.
-- **[dev/core/544]( Contact Subtype
- field at Reports does not support contacts with multiple subtypes
- ([13158]( and
+- **Contact Subtype field at Reports does not support contacts with multiple
+ subtypes ([dev/core/544](
+ [13158]( and
Makes reports support filtering on multiple contact subtypes.
-- **[dev/core#560]( Replace all
- instances of CRM_Core_Fatal with throw new CRM_Core_Exception
- ([13850]( Continued Work**
+- **Replace all instances of CRM_Core_Fatal with throw new CRM_Core_Exception
+ ([dev/core#560](
+ [13850]( Continued Work**
Updates Cancel Billing & Update Billing screens to use status bounce rather
than throw a fatal error.
intercept and/or override core duplicate checking when
-- **[dev/core#748]( Deadlocks and
- performance issues when using smartgroups / ACLs extensively
- ([13772]( continued Work**
+- **Deadlocks and performance issues when using smartgroups / ACLs extensively
+ ([dev/core#748](
+ [13772]( continued Work**
Improves performance by switching the alphabetQuery to use new
getSearchSQLParts() function.
### CiviCase
-- **[dev/core#641]( Case Activity
- Assignment Restriction
- ([13541](**
+- **Case Activity Assignment Restriction
+ ([dev/core#641](
+ [13541](**
Makes it possible to restrict the assignment of case activities to
a group or to contacts having user accounts.
### CiviContribute
-- **[dev/core#830]( Proposal - add
- cancel_reason field to civicrm_contribution_recur table
- ([13930]( and
+- **Proposal - add cancel_reason field to civicrm_contribution_recur table
+ ([dev/core#830](
+ [13930]( and
Adds a recur cancel reason field `civicrm_contribution_recur.cancel_reason
option to the Column and Filter tabs enabling users to filter this report by
"Payment Processor" and/or include a column for "Payment Processor".
-- **[dev/financial#2]( Payment
- processor names: separate internal and external usage
- ([13995]( and
+- **Payment processor names: separate internal and external usage
+ ([dev/financial#2](
+ [13995]( and
Adds the field `payment_processor.title` to the schema and makes it
-- **[dev/financial#38]( Support
- paying refunds ([13952](
+- **Support paying refunds
+ ([dev/financial#38](
+ [13952]( BEGINS WORK**
Adds a PaymentProcessor.refund API which makes it possible for payment
processor extension authors to have their extensions issue refund payments.
This change makes it so one can use the same method to
replace billingblock for both event and contribution thankyou workflows.
-- **[dev/core#846]( CQ: Refactor
- Recurring Contribution Forms
- ([13940]( Begins Work**
+- **CQ: Refactor Recurring Contribution Forms
+ ([dev/core#846](
+ [13940]( Begins Work**
Begins work to refactor recurring contribution forms specifically by
rationalizing url variables into shared parent for recurring contribution
### CiviEvent
-- **[dev/core#835]( Expose
- Registered by Participant Name field to participant report
- ([13936](**
+- **Expose Registered by Participant Name field to participant report
+ ([dev/core#835](
+ [13936](**
Exposes "Registered by Participant Name" field to participant reports.
### CiviMail
-- **[dev/core#491]( Report results
- don't show inactive campaigns
- ([13383](**
+- **Report results don't show inactive campaigns
+ ([dev/core#491](
+ [13383](**
Standardizes the way campaign fields are added to the "Mailing Summary"
### Core CiviCRM
-- **[infra/ops#878]( Add a test
- matrix for E2E tests on each CMS
- ([13810]( and
+- **Add a test matrix for E2E tests on each CMS
+ ([infra/ops#878](
+ [13810](,
+ [13826]( and
[13811]( Coninued Work**
These changes resolve bugs when running E2E tests on WordPress moving the
project towards the goal of having a test matrix for E2E tests for each CMS
that CiviCRM is compatible with.
-- **[dev/core#288]( Use the correct
- membership date for the notification that appear after completing the
- membership payment in case pre hook is used
- ([12583](**
+- **Use the correct membership date for the notification that appear after
+ completing the membership payment in case pre hook is used
+ ([dev/core#288](
+ [12583](**
This change ensures that any changes made to the membership dates using
hook_civicrm_pre are taken into account when generating the membership payment
-- **[dev/core#499]( Custom Field
- Checkbox value renders empty if the values are randomly sorted
- ([13051](**
+- **Custom Field Checkbox value renders empty if the values are randomly sorted
+ ([dev/core#499](
+ [13051](**
This change ensures that the values selected by a user for alphanumeric
checkbox custom fields render properly in view mode.
-- **[dev/core#570]( New
- Organisation: "Check For Matching Contact (S)" button does not find matching
- records ([13398](**
+- **New Organisation: "Check For Matching Contact (S)" button does not find
+ matching records ([dev/core#570](
+ [13398](**
This change ensures that "Check For Matching Contact(s)" retrieves
contacts for users with limited permissions.
-- **[dev/core#655]( Soft Credits
- Multiply GIft Amount in Contribution Detail Report
- ([13906](**
+- **Soft Credits Multiply GIft Amount in Contribution Detail Report
+ ([dev/core#655](
+ [13906](**
This change updates the Contribution Detail report so that the "Total Amount"
field is not summed because the summing of the "Total Amount" field was
leading to the "Total Amount" field for contributions with multiple soft
credits to be multiplied by the number of soft credits.
-- **[dev/core#664]( Add new indexes
- when updating log table schema regardless of engine change
- ([13462](**
+- **Add new indexes when updating log table schema regardless of engine change
+ ([dev/core#664](
+ [13462](**
This change makes it so that when the alterLogTables hook defines a new index
it is applied regardless of the engine.
-- **[dev/core#688]( Contacts -> New
- Email give Unknown Error in Smarty when Allow Mail to be sent from logged in
- contact's email address disabled
- ([13508](**
+- **Contacts -> New Email give Unknown Error in Smarty when Allow Mail to be
+ sent from logged in contact's email address disabled
+ ([dev/core#688](
+ [13508](**
This change fixes an error "Warning: Smarty error" when attempting to send an
email from Contacts -> New Email for sites with "Allow Mail to be sent from
logged in user" disabled.
-- **[dev/core#706]( Edit
- contribution : wrong decimal separator on total_amount for participant(s)
- ([13554](**
+- **Edit contribution : wrong decimal separator on total_amount for
+ participant(s) ([dev/core#706](
+ [13554](**
This change ensures that the decimal separator on total_amount field for
participant(s) is displayed as it is configured on the site.
-- **[dev/core#709]( Contact Report:
- The filter by the custom datetime field with "Today" option doesn't find
- matching contacts
- ([13567](**
+- **Contact Report: The filter by the custom datetime field with "Today" option
+ doesn't find matching contacts
+ ([dev/core#709](
+ [13567](**
This change ensures that on the Contact Report, when using a filter for a
custom datetime field the "Today" option properly filters results.
-- **[dev/core#725]( Address API
- incorrectly sets state_province_id if multiple countries have same state name /
- abbreviation ([13938](**
+- **Address API incorrectly sets state_province_id if multiple countries have
+ same state name / abbreviation
+ ([dev/core#725](
+ [13938](**
This change fixes a regression so that the Address API country_id parameter
works with an abbreviation or numeric id.
-- **[dev/core#726]( Advanced Search:
- There is an Internal Server Error (500) when the user tries to search by the
- "Mailing List" group type
- ([13603]( and
+- **Advanced Search: There is an Internal Server Error (500) when the user tries
+ to search by the "Mailing List" group type
+ ([dev/core#726](
+ [13603]( and
Fixes a bug where searching by a group type (ex: Mailing List) on the Advanced
Search form would result in a fatal error so that this search runs as
-- **[dev/core#740]( Notes: It isn't
- possible to edit note if the user uploaded an image larger than 3 MByte(s)
- ([13640](**
+- **Notes: It isn't possible to edit note if the user uploaded an image larger
+ than 3 MByte(s) ([dev/core#740](
+ [13640](**
This change makes it so that it is possible to edit a note field
that includes images larger than 3 MByte(s).
-- **[dev/core#755]( custom field
- caching is not group-specific
- ([13900](**
+- **custom field caching is not group-specific
+ ([dev/core#755](
+ [13900](**
Adds the $groupTitle parameter to the cache key for custom fields, so field
names that exist in multiple groups will be cached separately.
-- **[dev/core#788]( Warning: A
- non-numeric value encountered in ...
- ([13795](**
+- **Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in ...
+ ([dev/core#788](
+ [13795](**
This change fixes several warnings "Warning: A non-numeric value encountered
in ..." on contribution pages & event registrations forms.
-- **[dev/core#795]( PHP Warning
- "explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given" for multi-value
- country fields ([13858](**
+- **PHP Warning "explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given" for
+ multi-value country fields
+ ([dev/core#795](
+ [13858](**
Fixes a PHP warning when updating a multiselect country field.
-- **[dev/core#798]( Prefix/suffix
- select2 renders oddly on public-facing pages
- ([13816](**
+- **Prefix/suffix select2 renders oddly on public-facing pages
+ ([dev/core#798](
+ [13816](**
This change makes the Prefix/suffix select2's render full height (as opposed
to squished) in contribution/event profiles.
-- **[dev/core#806]( DB Error::
- Already exists during renewing membership automatically
- ([13852](**
+- **DB Error:: Already exists during renewing membership automatically
+ ([dev/core#806](
+ [13852](**
Fixes a DB error "already exists" when recording recurring payments with taxes
-- **[dev/core#811]( Autocomplete
- select list disabled options
- ([13859](**
+- **Autocomplete select list disabled options
+ ([dev/core#811](
+ [13859](**
This change ensures that for select fields with autocomplete, only enabled
options autocomplete.
-- **[dev/core#819]( Search results:
- Actions: Export contacts: DB Error: Syntax error occurs when not all necessary
- fields are selected
- ([13889](**
+- **Search results: Actions: Export contacts: DB Error: Syntax error occurs when
+ not all necessary fields are selected
+ ([dev/core#819](
+ [13889](**
Resolves a fatal database error when attempting to export contacts without
selecting any fields to be exported.
-- **[dev/core#823]( Value in the
- "Contact Type" field disappears when the user tries to edit Contact Details
- ([13945](**
+- **Value in the "Contact Type" field disappears when the user tries to edit
+ Contact Details ([dev/core#823](
+ [13945](**
Ensures that when a user uses a profile with a contact sub type field to
update a contact that the contact sub type field pre-populates as expected.
-- **[dev/core#837]( Notice error
- while creating smart group using Contribution Aggregate custom search
- ([13921](**
+- **Notice error while creating smart group using Contribution Aggregate custom
+ search ([dev/core#837](
+ [13921](**
Resolves "Notice: Undefined index:" errors when creating a smart group using
Contribution Aggregate custom search.
-- **[dev/core#840]( Notice error
- when deleting profile
- ([13926](**
+- **Notice error when deleting profile
+ ([dev/core#840](
+ [13926](**
Resolves a "Undefined property" notice when deleting a profile.
-- **[dev/core#849]( CQ: Use Guzzle
- as our preferred way to retrieve via http
- ([13946](**
+- **CQ: Use Guzzle as our preferred way to retrieve via http
+ ([dev/core#849](
+ [13946](**
Replaces get_headers functions call with Guzzle HTTP request to prevent timing
-- **[dev/core#433]( Queries
- combining multiple text labels using REGEXP do not escape regular expression
- metacharacters ([12998](**
+- **Queries combining multiple text labels using REGEXP do not escape regular
+ expression metacharacters
+ ([dev/core#433](
+ [12998](**
Ensures that querying for fee levels that contain regex metacharacters will
Fixes a "Warning: count()" error on the "Import Contacts" Summary step screen.
-- **[dev/core#699]( New
- Organisation: "Contact Type" dropdown disappears when fields validation occurs
- ([13545](**
+- **New Organisation: "Contact Type" dropdown disappears when fields validation
+ occurs ([dev/core#699](
+ [13545](**
Fixes a bug where when creating a new organization, if the form fails
validation the "Contact Sub Type" dropdown disappears.
- **checkEditInboundEmailsPermissions should be a static function
-- **[dev/core#502]( DB error "no
- such field" when executing actions on a sorted contact search result with
- search profile ([13884](**
+- **DB error "no such field" when executing actions on a sorted contact search
+ result with search profile
+ ([dev/core#502](
+ [13884](**
-- **[dev/core#314]( Transfer picks
- up the deleted contact ID basically transferring to the wrong contact
- ([12639](**
+- **Transfer picks up the deleted contact ID basically transferring to the wrong
+ contact ([dev/core#314](
+ [12639](**
- **Fix bug whereby sorting by state province gives an error in search builder
- **Upgrade zetacomponents/base and zetacomponents/mail
-- **[dev/core#771]( Smart group with
- uf_group_id does not load contacts with same search profile
- ([13742](**
+- **Smart group with uf_group_id does not load contacts with same search profile
+ ([dev/core#771](
+ [13742](**
### CiviCase
-- **[dev/core#784]( Creating a new
- relationship type while editing case type definition adds a blank row in the
- roles section ([13785](**
+- **Creating a new relationship type while editing case type definition adds a
+ blank row in the roles section
+ ([dev/core#784](
+ [13785](**
- **PHP warnings on Case Dashboard and Find Cases
### CiviContribute
-- **[dev/core#571]( Can't
- self-service cancel a recurring contribution made while you're logged in
- ([13237](**
+- **Can't self-service cancel a recurring contribution made while you're logged
+ in ([dev/core#571](
+ [13237](**
This change makes it so that users without "edit contributions" permission can
edit their own recurring contribution subscriptions if they are logged in,
Fixes paypal system sending a warning email when there is a failed IPN call
(500 errors from ipn triggered by non-recurring payment).
-- **[dev/core#704]( Missing links to
- cancel recurring payments (regression .. sorta)
- ([13935](**
+- **Missing links to cancel recurring payments (regression .. sorta)
+ ([dev/core#704](
+ [13935](**
Fixes a 5.8 regression where the cancel link became unavailable on recurring
contributions with no attached payment processor id.
### CiviEvent
-- **[dev/core#253]( Cancelling or An
- Error during event registration payment should cancel all additional
- participates ([12457](**
+- **Cancelling or An Error during event registration payment should cancel all
+ additional participates
+ ([dev/core#253](
+ [12457](**
This fixes a bug where if a user was registering for an event with additional
participants, and for some reason the payment failed or the user decided to
### CiviMail
-- **[dev/core#836]( Do not track CSS
- urls ([13920](**
+- **Do not track CSS urls
+ ([dev/core#836](
+ [13920](**
Ensures CiviMail does not convert css URLs into trackable URLs.
### Drupal Integration
-- **[dev/drupal#42]( Drupal8: Can't
- upload images via CKEditor/kcfinder
- ([242](**
+- **Drupal8: Can't upload images via CKEditor/kcfinder
+ ([dev/drupal#42](
+ [242](**
Makes it so on Drupal 8 sites users can upload and browse images in KCFinder.
- **Add in tests of purifying HTML output
-- **[dev/core#562]( remove more
- instances of ->free()
- ([13786]( Continued Work**
+- **remove more instances of ->free()
+ ([dev/core#562](
+ [13786]( Continued Work**
- **(NFC) Ensure phpcs ignores eval notice in these files as it is required
- **(NFC) Set _log and _tableName variables to be public
-- **[unreleased regression] Add error handling for when no test procesor row
- exists. ([13947](**
- **Grammar fixes
- **REF Extract case action links into a separate function to facilitate
refactoring ([13793](**
-- **(NFC, infra/ops#878) AssetBuilderTest - Relax getUrl() assertion for WP
- compat ([13826](**
- **NFC Whitespace cleanup MembershipBlock.tpl