// $Id$
- * Our original intention was not to have an update action. However, we wound up having
- * to retain it for backward compatibility. The only difference between update and create
- * is that update will throw an error if id is not a number
- * CRM-10908
+ * Update function is basically a hack to get around issues listed in
+ * http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-12144
+ *
+ * It is not recommended & if update doesn't work & fix does then update will not be fixed
+ *
+ * To do this, perform a 'get' action to load the existing values, then merge in the updates
+ * and call 'create' to save the revised entity.
+ *
* @param $apiRequest an array with keys:
* - entity: string
* - action: string
* - params: array, varies
function civicrm_api3_generic_update($apiRequest) {
+ $errorFnName = 'civicrm_api3_create_error';
- if (!array_key_exists('id', $apiRequest['params']) ||
- empty($apiRequest['params']['id']) ||
- !is_numeric($apiRequest['params']['id'])) {
- throw new api_Exception("Mandatory parameter missing `id`", 2000);
+ //$key_id = strtolower ($apiRequest['entity'])."_id";
+ $key_id = "id";
+ if (!array_key_exists($key_id, $apiRequest['params'])) {
+ return $errorFnName("Mandatory parameter missing $key_id");
- return civicrm_api($apiRequest['entity'], 'create', $apiRequest['params']);
+ $seek = array($key_id => $apiRequest['params'][$key_id], 'version' => $apiRequest['version']);
+ $existing = civicrm_api($apiRequest['entity'], 'get', $seek);
+ if ($existing['is_error']) {
+ return $existing;
+ }
+ if ($existing['count'] > 1) {
+ return $errorFnName("More than one " . $apiRequest['entity'] . " with id " . $apiRequest['params'][$key_id]);
+ }
+ if ($existing['count'] == 0) {
+ return $errorFnName("No " . $apiRequest['entity'] . " with id " . $apiRequest['params'][$key_id]);
+ }
+ $existing = array_pop($existing['values']);
+ $p = array_merge($existing, $apiRequest['params']);
+ return civicrm_api($apiRequest['entity'], 'create', $p);