$allProviderTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_IM', 'provider_id');
$allWebsiteTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Website', 'website_type_id');
$genders = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'gender_id');
+ $listOptions = array(
+ 'location_type_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'location_type_id'),
+ 'phone_type_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id'),
+ 'provider_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_IM', 'provider_id'),
+ 'website_type_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Website', 'website_type_id'),
+ 'gender_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'gender_id'),
+ );
// Fetch contacts
foreach (array('main' => $mainId, 'other' => $otherId) as $moniker => $cid) {
$params = array(
// Handle location blocks.
// @todo OpenID not in API yet, so is not supported here.
+ // Set up useful information about the location blocks
$locationBlocks = array(
- 'address' => 'Address',
- 'email' => 'Email',
- 'im' => 'IM',
- 'phone' => 'Phone',
- 'website' => 'Website',
+ 'address' => array(
+ 'label' => 'Address',
+ 'displayField' => 'display',
+ 'sortString' => 'location_type_id',
+ 'hasLocation' => TRUE,
+ 'hasType' => FALSE,
+ ),
+ 'email' => array(
+ 'label' => 'Email',
+ 'displayField' => 'email',
+ 'sortString' => 'location_type_id',
+ 'hasLocation' => TRUE,
+ 'hasType' => FALSE,
+ ),
+ 'im' => array(
+ 'label' => 'IM',
+ 'displayField' => 'name',
+ 'sortString' => 'location_type_id,provider_id',
+ 'hasLocation' => TRUE,
+ 'hasType' => 'provider_id',
+ ),
+ 'phone' => array(
+ 'label' => 'Phone',
+ 'displayField' => 'phone',
+ 'sortString' => 'location_type_id,phone_type_id',
+ 'hasLocation' => TRUE,
+ 'hasType' => 'phone_type_id',
+ ),
+ 'website' => array(
+ 'label' => 'Website',
+ 'displayField' => 'url',
+ 'sortString' => 'website_type_id',
+ 'hasLocation' => FALSE,
+ 'hasType' => 'website_type_id',
+ ),
- $locations = array();
+ $locations = array(
+ 'main' => array(),
+ 'other' => array(),
+ );
+ $mainLocBlock = $locBlockIds = array();
+ $locBlockIds['main'] = $locBlockIds['other'] = array();
+ $typeBlockIds['main'] = $typeBlockIds['other'] = array();
+ // @todo This could probably be defined and used earlier
+ $mergeTargets = array(
+ 'main' => $mainId,
+ 'other' => $otherId,
+ );
- foreach ($locationBlocks as $blockName => $block) {
- foreach (array('main' => $mainId, 'other' => $otherId) as $moniker => $cid) {
+ foreach ($locationBlocks as $blockName => $blockInfo) {
+ // Collect existing fields from both 'main' and 'other' contacts first
+ // This allows us to match up location/types when building the table rows
+ foreach ($mergeTargets as $moniker => $cid) {
$cnt = 1;
$searchParams = array(
'version' => 3,
'contact_id' => $cid,
+ // CRM-17556 Order by field-specific criteria
+ 'options' => array(
+ 'sort' => $blockInfo['sortString'],
+ ),
- // CRM-17556 Order by location and type
- // Handle websites (no location, only type)
- if ($blockName == 'website') {
- $searchParams['options'] = array('sort' => 'website_type_id');
- }
- // Sort by location and type
- elseif ($blockName == 'phone') {
- $searchParams['options'] = array('sort' => 'location_type_id,phone_type_id');
- }
- elseif ($blockName == 'im') {
- $searchParams['options'] = array('sort' => 'location_type_id,provider_id');
- }
- // Sort by just location
- else {
- $searchParams['options'] = array('sort' => 'location_type_id');
- }
$values = civicrm_api($blockName, 'get', $searchParams);
- $count = $values['count'];
- if ($count) {
- if ($count > $cnt) {
- foreach ($values['values'] as $value) {
- if ($blockName == 'address') {
- CRM_Core_BAO_Address::fixAddress($value);
- $display = CRM_Utils_Address::format($value);
- $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt] = $value;
- $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt]['display'] = $display;
- }
- else {
- $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt] = $value;
- }
- $cnt++;
- }
- }
- else {
- $id = $values['id'];
+ if ($values['count']) {
+ $cnt = 0;
+ foreach ($values['values'] as $index => $value) {
+ $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt] = $value;
+ // Fix address display
if ($blockName == 'address') {
- CRM_Core_BAO_Address::fixAddress($values['values'][$id]);
- $display = CRM_Utils_Address::format($values['values'][$id]);
- $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt] = $values['values'][$id];
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Address::fixAddress($value);
+ $display = CRM_Utils_Address::format($value);
$locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt]['display'] = $display;
- else {
- $locations[$moniker][$blockName][$cnt] = $values['values'][$id];
- }
+ $cnt++;
- }
- $mainLocBlock = $locBlockIds = array();
- $locBlockIds['main'] = $locBlockIds['other'] = array();
- $typeBlockIds['main'] = $typeBlockIds['other'] = array();
- foreach ($locationBlocks as $blockName => $block) {
- $name = strtolower($block);
- foreach (array('main', 'other') as $moniker) {
- $locIndex = CRM_Utils_Array::value($moniker, $locations);
- $blockValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value($name, $locIndex, array());
- if (empty($blockValue)) {
- $locValue[$moniker][$name] = 0;
- $typeValue[$moniker][$name] = 0;
- $locLabel[$moniker][$name] = $locTypes[$moniker][$name] = $typeTypes[$moniker][$name] = array();
- }
- else {
- $locValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
- foreach ($blockValue as $count => $blkValues) {
- // CRM-17556 Handle the different field settings (locations, types, etc.)
- $fldName = $name;
- $typeTypeId = NULL;
- if ($name == 'email') {
- $locTypeId = $blkValues['location_type_id'];
- $locTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $locTypeId;
- }
- elseif ($name == 'im') {
- $fldName = 'name';
- $locTypeId = $blkValues['location_type_id'];
- $locTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $locTypeId;
- $typeTypeId = $blkValues['provider_id'];
- $typeTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $typeTypeId;
- $typeValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
- }
- elseif ($name == 'address') {
- $fldName = 'display';
- $locTypeId = $blkValues['location_type_id'];
- $locTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $locTypeId;
- }
- elseif ($name == 'website') {
- $fldName = 'url';
- // Websites have a dummy location type ID, but we don't add it to the 'locTypes' array
- // @todo There'll be a better way of handling this
- $locTypeId = 0;
- $typeTypeId = $blkValues['website_type_id'];
- $typeTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $typeTypeId;
- $typeValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
- }
- elseif ($name == 'phone') {
- $locTypeId = $blkValues['location_type_id'];
- $locTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $locTypeId;
- $typeTypeId = $blkValues['phone_type_id'];
- $typeTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $typeTypeId;
- $typeValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
- }
- $locLabel[$moniker][$name][$count] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
- // CRM-17556 Add the type (provider) ID to storage
- if (!empty($typeTypeId)) {
- $typeBlockIds[$moniker][$name][$typeTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
- }
- // For the 'main' contact
- if ($moniker == 'main') {
- // Add this block to the list of 'main' location blocks
- // There is a location type, but not necessarily a provider/type (Facebook/mobile/etc.)
- if (empty($typeTypeId)) {
- $mainLocBlock["main_" . $name . "_" . $locTypeId] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
- }
- else {
- $mainLocBlock["main_" . $name . "_" . $locTypeId . "_" . $typeTypeId] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
+ // Now, build the table rows appropriately, based off the information on
+ // the 'other' contact
+ if (!empty($locations['other'])) {
+ foreach ($locations['other'] as $count => $value) {
+ // @todo Temporary declarations for compatibility
+ $name = $blockName;
+ $block = $blockInfo['label'];
+ $displayValue = $value[$blockInfo['displayField']];
+ // Add this value to the table rows
+ $rows["move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}"]['other'] = $displayValue;
+ // CRM-17556 Only display 'main' contact value if it's the same location + type
+ // Look it up from main values...
+ $lookupLocation = FALSE;
+ if ($blockInfo['hasLocation']) {
+ $lookupLocation = $value['location_type_id'];
+ }
+ $lookupType = FALSE;
+ if ($blockInfo['hasType']) {
+ $lookupType = $value[$blockInfo['hasType']];
+ }
+ if (!empty($locations['main'][$blockName])) {
+ foreach ($locations['main'][$blockName] as $mainValueCheck) {
+ // No location/type, or matching location and type
+ if (
+ (empty($lookupLocation) || $lookupLocation == $mainValueCheck['location_type_id'])
+ && (empty($lookupType) || $lookupType == $mainValueCheck[$blockInfo['hasType']])
+ ) {
+ // Set this value against the 'other' contact value
+ $rows["move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}"]['main'] = $mainValueCheck[$blockInfo['displayField']];
+ break;
- // Add this block to the list of location block IDs for the 'main' contact
- $locBlockIds['main'][$name][$locTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
- }
- // For the 'other' contact
- else {
- // Add this block to the list of location block IDs for the 'other' contact
- // @todo - why is this 'count' not 'locTypeId'?
- $locBlockIds['other'][$name][$count] = $blkValues['id'];
- }
- }
- // Build the selection boxes for changing the location and type on the 'main' contact side of the form
- // Websites are skipped later as they don't have location but do have a type
- foreach ($locLabel['other'][$name] as $count => $value) {
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['other'] = $value;
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['main'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locLabel['main'][$name]);
- // CRM-17556 Set up JS lookup of 'main' contact's value by type
- $js = NULL;
- if (!empty($mainLocBlock)) {
- $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count, 'typeTypeId' );");
- }
- // Select box for type/provider
- switch ($name) {
- case 'im':
- $locTypeId = $locTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- $typeTypeId = $typeTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- // make sure default type type is always on top
- $mainTypeTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $typeTypes['main'][$name], $typeTypeId);
- $typeTypeValues = $allProviderTypes;
- $defaultTypeType = array($mainTypeTypeId => $typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
- unset($typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
- $elements[] = array(
- 'select',
- "type[$name][$count][typeTypeId]",
- $defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
- $js,
- );
- $migrationInfo['type'][$name][$count]['typeTypeId'] = $typeTypeId;
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3:%4',
- array(
- 1 => $block,
- 2 => $count,
- 3 => $allLocationTypes[$locTypeId],
- 4 => $allProviderTypes[$typeTypeId],
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'phone':
- $locTypeId = $locTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- $typeTypeId = $typeTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- // make sure default type type is always on top
- $mainTypeTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $typeTypes['main'][$name], $typeTypeId);
- $typeTypeValues = $allPhoneTypes;
- $defaultTypeType = array($mainTypeTypeId => $typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
- unset($typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
+ // Add checkbox to migrate data from 'other' to 'main'
+ $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}");
+ // Flag up this field to skipMerge function (@todo: do we need to?)
+ $migrationInfo["move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}"] = 1;
+ // Setup variables
+ $thisTypeId = FALSE;
+ $thisLocId = FALSE;
+ // Provide a select drop-down for the location's location type
+ // eg: Home, Work...
+ $js = NULL;
+ if ($blockInfo['hasLocation']) {
+ // JS lookup 'main' contact's location (if there are any)
+ if (!empty($locations['main'][$blockName])) {
+ $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$blockName', this, $count, 'locTypeId' );");
+ }
+ $thisLocId = $value['location_type_id'];
+ // Put this field's location type at the top of the list
+ $tmpIdList = $listOptions['location_type_id'];
+ $defaultLocId = array($thisLocId => $tmpIdList[$thisLocId]);
+ unset($tmpIdList[$thisLocId]);
+ // Add the element
$elements[] = array(
- "type[$name][$count][typeTypeId]",
+ "location[$name][$count][locTypeId]",
- $defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
+ $defaultLocId + $tmpIdList,
- $migrationInfo['type'][$name][$count]['typeTypeId'] = $typeTypeId;
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3:%4',
- array(
- 1 => $block,
- 2 => $count,
- 3 => $allLocationTypes[$locTypeId],
- 4 => $allPhoneTypes[$typeTypeId],
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'website':
- $typeTypeId = $typeTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- // make sure default type type is always on top
- $mainTypeTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $typeTypes['main'][$name], $typeTypeId);
- $typeTypeValues = $allWebsiteTypes;
- $defaultTypeType = array($mainTypeTypeId => $typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
- unset($typeTypeValues[$mainTypeTypeId]);
+ // Add the relevant information to the $migrationInfo
+ // Keep location-type-id same as that of other-contact
+ // @todo Check this logic out
+ $migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$blockName][$count]['locTypeId'] = $thisLocId;
+ if ($name != 'address') {
+ $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location[{$name}][$count][operation]", NULL, ts('add new'));
+ // always use add operation
+ $migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$name][$count]['operation'] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Provide a select drop-down for the location's type/provider
+ // eg websites: Google+, Facebook...
+ // CRM-17556 Set up JS lookup of 'main' contact's value by type
+ $js = NULL;
+ if ($blockInfo['hasType']) {
+ // JS lookup 'main' contact's location (if there are any)
+ if (!empty($locations['main'][$blockName])) {
+ $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count, 'typeTypeId' );");
+ }
+ $thisTypeId = $value[$blockInfo['hasType']];
+ // Put this field's location type at the top of the list
+ $tmpIdList = $listOptions[$blockInfo['hasType']];
+ $defaultTypeId = array($thisTypeId => $tmpIdList[$thisTypeId]);
+ unset($tmpIdList[$thisTypeId]);
+ // Add the element
$elements[] = array(
- $defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
+ $defaultTypeId + $tmpIdList,
- $migrationInfo['type'][$name][$count]['typeTypeId'] = $typeTypeId;
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3',
- array(
- 1 => $block,
- 2 => $count,
- 3 => $allWebsiteTypes[$typeTypeId],
- )
- );
- break;
- default:
- $locTypeId = $locTypes['other'][$name][$count];
- $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3',
- array(
- 1 => $block,
- 2 => $count,
- 3 => $allLocationTypes[$locTypeId],
- )
- );
- }
- // CRM-17556 Set up JS lookup of 'main' contact's value by location
- $js = NULL;
- if (!empty($mainLocBlock)) {
- $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count, 'locTypeId' );");
- }
- // Add checkbox to migrate data from 'other' to 'main'
- $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_location_{$name}_{$count}");
- // Add location select list for location block (websites don't have a location)
- if ($name != 'website') {
- $migrationInfo["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"] = 1;
- // make sure default location type is always on top
- $mainLocTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locTypes['main'][$name], $locTypeId);
- $locTypeValues = $allLocationTypes;
- $defaultLocType = array($mainLocTypeId => $locTypeValues[$mainLocTypeId]);
- unset($locTypeValues[$mainLocTypeId]);
- // keep 1-1 mapping for address - location type.
- $elements[] = array(
- 'select',
- "location[$name][$count][locTypeId]",
- $defaultLocType + $locTypeValues,
- $js,
- );
- // keep location-type-id same as that of other-contact
- $migrationInfo['location'][$name][$count]['locTypeId'] = $locTypeId;
- if ($name != 'address') {
- $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location[{$name}][$count][operation]", NULL, ts('add new'));
- // always use add operation
- $migrationInfo['location'][$name][$count]['operation'] = 1;
+ // Add the information to the migrationInfo (@todo Why?)
+ $migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$name][$count]['typeTypeId'] = $typeTypeId;
+ // Set the label for this row
+ // @todo Reformat for website, empty brackets are lazy and ugly
+ $rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1 %2 (%3) (%4)',
+ array(
+ 1 => $blockInfo['label'],
+ 2 => $count,
+ 3 => $thisLocId ? $listOptions['location_type_id'][$thisLocId] : '';
+ 4 => $thisTypeId ? $listOptions[$blockInfo['hasType']][$thisTypeId] : '';
+ )
+ );
+ // End loop through 'other' locations of this type
+ // End if 'other' location for this type exists
+ // End loop through each location block entity
// add the related tables and unset the ones that don't sport any of the duplicate contact's info
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$mainUfId = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($mainId);