self.retry_delay = retry_delay
self.retry_errors = retry_errors
- """ statuses/public_timeline
- Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who
- have set a custom user icon. The public timeline is cached for 60
- seconds so requesting it more often than that is a waste of resources.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/public_timeline """
public_timeline = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/public_timeline.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
allowed_param = []
- """ statuses/home_timeline [Coming soon]
- Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted
- by the authenticating user and that user's friends. This is the
- equivalent of /timeline/home on the Web.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/home_timeline [Coming soon] """
home_timeline = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/home_timeline.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/friends_timeline
- Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted by the
- authenticating user and that user's friends.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/friends_timeline """
friends_timeline = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/friends_timeline.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/user_timeline
- Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the
- authenticating user. It's also possible to request another
- user's timeline via the id parameter.
- Parameters: (id or user_id or screen_name), since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/user_timeline """
user_timeline = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/user_timeline.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
'max_id', 'count', 'page']
- """ statuses/mentions
- Returns the 20 most recent mentions (status containing @username)
- for the authenticating user.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/mentions """
mentions = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/mentions.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/retweeted_by_me [Coming soon]
- Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/retweeted_by_me [Coming soon] """
retweeted_by_me = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/retweeted_by_me.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/retweeted_to_me
- Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the
- authenticating user's friends.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/retweeted_to_me """
retweeted_to_me = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/retweeted_to_me.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/retweets_of_me
- Returns the 20 most recent tweets of the authenticated
- user that have been retweeted by others.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ statuses/retweets_of_me """
retweets_of_me = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/retweets_of_me.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/show
- Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below.
- The status's author will be returned inline.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ statuses/show """
get_status = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/show.json',
parser = parse_status,
allowed_param = ['id']
- """ statuses/update [Geolocation parameters coming soon]
- Updates the authenticating user's status.
- A status update with text identical to the authenticating user's
- current status will be ignored to prevent duplicates.
- Parameters: status (Required), in_reply_to_status_id, lat, long
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ statuses/update [Geolocation parameters coming soon] """
update_status = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/update.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/destroy
- Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
- The authenticating user must be the author of the specified status.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ statuses/destroy """
destroy_status = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/destroy.json',
method = 'DELETE',
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/retweet [Coming soon]
- Retweets a tweet. Requires the id parameter of the tweet you are
- retweeting. Returns the original tweet with retweet details.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ statuses/retweet [Coming soon] """
retweet = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/retweet/id.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ statuses/retweets [Coming soon]
- Returns up to 100 of the first retweets of a given tweet.
- Parameters: id (Required), count
- Returns: Retweet
- """
+ """ statuses/retweets [Coming soon] """
def retweets(self, id, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
path = '/statuses/retweets/%s.json' % id,
require_auth = True
)(self, *args, **kargs)
- """ users/show
- Returns extended information of a given user, specified by ID or
- screen name as per the required id parameter.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ users/show """
get_user = bind_api(
path = '/users/show.json',
parser = parse_user,
allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name']
- """ Get the authenticated user
- Equivalent of calling API.get_user(authenticated_user_name)
- Parameters: None
- Returns: User
- See: API.get_user()
- """
+ """ Get the authenticated user """
def me(self):
return self.get_user(screen_name=self.auth_handler.get_username())
- """ statuses/friends
- Returns a user's friends. They are ordered by the order in
- which they were added as friends, 100 at a time.
- (Please note that the result set isn't guaranteed to be 100
- every time as suspended users will be filtered out.)
- Use the page option to access older friends. With no user specified,
- request defaults to the authenticated user's friends. It's also
- possible to request another user's friends list via the id,
- screen_name or user_id parameter.
- Parameters: (id or user_id or screen_name), page (deprecated), cursor
- Returns: list[Users]
- """
+ """ statuses/friends """
friends = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/friends.json',
parser = parse_users,
allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'page', 'cursor']
- """ statuses/followers
- Returns the authenticating user's followers.They are ordered by
- the order in which they joined Twitter, 100 at a time.
- (Please note that the result set isn't guaranteed to be 100 every
- time as suspended users will be filtered out.)
- Use the page option to access earlier followers.
- Parameters: (id or user_id or screen_name), page (deprecated), cursor
- Returns: list[User]
- """
+ """ statuses/followers """
followers = bind_api(
path = '/statuses/followers.json',
parser = parse_users,
allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'page', 'cursor']
- """ direct_messages
- Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent
- to the authenticating user.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[DirectMessage]
- """
+ """ direct_messages """
direct_messages = bind_api(
path = '/direct_messages.json',
parser = parse_directmessages,
require_auth = True
- """ direct_messages/sent
- Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent
- by the authenticating user.
- Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
- Returns: list[DirectMessage]
- """
+ """ direct_messages/sent """
sent_direct_messages = bind_api(
path = '/direct_messages/sent.json',
parser = parse_directmessages,
require_auth = True
- """ direct_messages/new
- Sends a new direct message to the specified user from
- the authenticating user.
- Parameters: user (Required), text (Required)
- Returns: DirectMessage
- """
+ """ direct_messages/new """
send_direct_message = bind_api(
path = '/direct_messages/new.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ direct_messages/destroy
- Destroys the direct message specified in the required ID parameter.
- The authenticating user must be the recipient of the
- specified direct message.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: DirectMessage
- """
+ """ direct_messages/destroy """
destroy_direct_message = bind_api(
path = '/direct_messages/destroy.json',
method = 'DELETE',
require_auth = True
- """ friendships/create
- Allows the authenticating users to follow the user specified in
- the ID parameter. Returns the befriended user when successful.
- Parameters:
- id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- follow
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ friendships/create """
create_friendship = bind_api(
path = '/friendships/create.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ friendships/destroy
- Allows the authenticating users to unfollow the user specified
- in the ID parameter. Returns the unfollowed user when successful.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ friendships/destroy """
destroy_friendship = bind_api(
path = '/friendships/destroy.json',
method = 'DELETE',
require_auth = True
- """ friendships/exists
- Tests for the existence of friendship between two users.
- Parameters: user_a (Required), user_b (Required)
- Returns: Boolean (True if user_a follows user_b, otherwise False)
- """
+ """ friendships/exists """
exists_friendship = bind_api(
path = '/friendships/exists.json',
parser = parse_json,
allowed_param = ['user_a', 'user_b']
- """ friendships/show
- Returns detailed information about the relationship between two users.
- Parameters:
- source_id or source_screen_name (One of these is required)
- target_id or target_screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: tuple(Friendship - source, Friendship - target)
- """
+ """ friendships/show """
show_friendship = bind_api(
path = '/friendships/show.json',
parser = parse_friendship,
'target_id', 'target_screen_name']
- """ friends/ids
- Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the
- specified user is following.
- Parameters:
- id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- cursor
- Returns: list<int>
- """
+ """ friends/ids """
friends_ids = bind_api(
path = '/friends/ids.json',
parser = parse_ids,
allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor']
- """ followers/ids
- Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user following
- the specified user.
- Parameters:
- id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- cursor
- Returns: list<int>
- """
+ """ followers/ids """
followers_ids = bind_api(
path = '/followers/ids.json',
parser = parse_ids,
allowed_param = ['id', 'user_id', 'screen_name', 'cursor']
- """ account/verify_credentials
- Use this method to test if supplied user credentials are valid.
- Because this method can be a vector for a brute force dictionary
- attack to determine a user's password, it is limited to 15 requests
- per 60 minute period (starting from your first request).
- Parameters: None
- Returns: True if credentials are valid, otherwise False
- """
+ """ account/verify_credentials """
def verify_credentials(self):
return bind_api(
except TweepError:
return False
- """ account/rate_limit_status
- Returns the remaining number of API requests available to the
- requesting user before the API limit is reached for the current hour.
- Calls to rate_limit_status do not count against the rate limit.
- If authentication credentials are provided, the rate limit status for
- the authenticating user is returned. Otherwise, the rate limit status
- for the requester's IP address is returned.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ account/rate_limit_status """
rate_limit_status = bind_api(
path = '/account/rate_limit_status.json',
parser = parse_json
- """ account/update_delivery_device
- Sets which device Twitter delivers updates to for the authenticating
- user. Sending "none" as the device parameter will disable IM or SMS
- updates.
- Parameters: device (Required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ account/update_delivery_device """
set_delivery_device = bind_api(
path = '/account/update_delivery_device.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ account/update_profile_colors
- Sets one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the
- authenticating user's profile page on
- Parameters: profile_background_color, profile_text_color,
- profile_link_color, profile_sidebar_fill_color,
- profile_sidebar_border_color
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ account/update_profile_colors """
update_profile_colors = bind_api(
path = '/account/update_profile_colors.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ account/update_profile_image
- Updates the authenticating user's profile image.
- Parameters:
- filename - local file path to image (Required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ account/update_profile_image """
def update_profile_image(self, filename):
headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 700)
return bind_api(
require_auth = True
)(self, post_data=post_data, headers=headers)
- """ account/update_profile_background_image
- Updates the authenticating user's profile background image.
- Parameters:
- filename - local file path to image (Required)
- tile
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ account/update_profile_background_image """
def update_profile_background_image(self, filename, *args, **kargs):
headers, post_data = API._pack_image(filename, 800)
require_auth = True
)(self, post_data=post_data, headers=headers)
- """ account/update_profile
- Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of
- their settings page. Only the parameters specified will be updated.
- Parameters: name, url, location, description
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ account/update_profile """
update_profile = bind_api(
path = '/account/update_profile.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ favorites
- Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating
- user or user specified by the ID parameter.
- Parameters: id, page
- Returns: list[Status]
- """
+ """ favorites """
favorites = bind_api(
path = '/favorites.json',
parser = parse_statuses,
allowed_param = ['id', 'page']
- """ favorites/create
- Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the
- authenticating user. Returns the favorite status when successful.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ favorites/create """
def create_favorite(self, id):
return bind_api(
path = '/favorites/create/%s.json' % id,
require_auth = True
)(self, id)
- """ favorites/destroy
- Un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the
- authenticating user. Returns the un-favorited status.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: Status
- """
+ """ favorites/destroy """
def destroy_favorite(self, id):
return bind_api(
path = '/favorites/destroy/%s.json' % id,
require_auth = True
)(self, id)
- """ notifications/follow
- Enables device notifications for updates from the specified user.
- Returns the specified user when successful.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ notifications/follow """
enable_notifications = bind_api(
path = '/notifications/follow.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ notifications/leave
- Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the
- authenticating user. Returns the specified user when successful.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ notifications/leave """
disable_notifications = bind_api(
path = '/notifications/leave.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ blocks/create
- Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating
- user. Destroys a friendship to the blocked user if it exists.
- Returns the blocked user when successful.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ blocks/create """
create_block = bind_api(
path = '/blocks/create.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ blocks/destroy
- Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter for the
- authenticating user. Returns the un-blocked user when successful.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ blocks/destroy """
destroy_block = bind_api(
path = '/blocks/destroy.json',
method = 'DELETE',
require_auth = True
- """ blocks/exists
- Checks if the authenticating user is blocking a target user.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name (One of these is required)
- Returns: Boolean (True if blocked, otherwise False)
- """
+ """ blocks/exists """
def exists_block(self, *args, **kargs):
return True
- """ blocks/blocking
- Returns an array of user objects that the authenticating
- user is blocking.
- Parameters: page
- Returns: list[User]
- """
+ """ blocks/blocking """
blocks = bind_api(
path = '/blocks/blocking.json',
parser = parse_users,
require_auth = True
- """ blocks/blocking/ids
- Returns an array of numeric user ids the authenticating
- user is blocking.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ blocks/blocking/ids """
blocks_ids = bind_api(
path = '/blocks/blocking/ids.json',
parser = parse_json,
require_auth = True
- """ report_spam
- The user specified in the id is blocked by the authenticated user
- and reported as a spammer.
- Parameters: id or user_id or screen_name
- Returns: User
- """
+ """ report_spam """
report_spam = bind_api(
path = '/report_spam.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ saved_searches
- Returns the authenticated user's saved search queries.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: list[SavedSearch]
- """
+ """ saved_searches """
saved_searches = bind_api(
path = '/saved_searches.json',
parser = parse_saved_searches,
require_auth = True
- """ saved_searches/show
- Retrieve the data for a saved search owned by the
- authenticating user specified by the given id.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: SavedSearch
- """
+ """ saved_searches/show """
def get_saved_search(self, id):
return bind_api(
path = '/saved_searches/show/%s.json' % id,
require_auth = True
- """ saved_searches/create
- Creates a saved search for the authenticated user.
- Parameters: query (Required)
- Returns: SavedSearch
- """
+ """ saved_searches/create """
create_saved_search = bind_api(
path = '/saved_searches/create.json',
method = 'POST',
require_auth = True
- """ saved_searches/destroy
- Destroys a saved search for the authenticated user.
- The search specified by id must be owned by the authenticating user.
- Parameters: id (Required)
- Returns: SavedSearch
- """
+ """ saved_searches/destroy """
def destroy_saved_search(self, id):
return bind_api(
path = '/saved_searches/destroy/%s.json' % id,
require_auth = True
- """ help/test
- Invokes the test method in the Twitter API.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: Boolean (True if 200 status code returned, otherwise False)
- """
+ """ help/test """
def test(self):
return bind_api(
except TweepError:
return False
- """ Create list
- Creates a new list for the authenticated user.
- Parameters: name (required), mode
- Returns: List
- """
+ """ Create list """
def create_list(self, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
path = '/%s/lists.json' % self.auth_handler.get_username(),
require_auth = True
)(self, *args, **kargs)
- """ Update list
- Updates the specified list.
- Parameters: name (required), mode
- Returns: List
- """
+ """ Update list """
def update_list(self, slug, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
path = '/%s/lists/%s.json' % (self.auth_handler.get_username, slug),
require_auth = True
)(self, *args, **kargs)
- """ search
- Returns tweets that match a specified query.
- Parameters: q (Required), lang, locale, rpp, page, since_id
- geocode, show_user
- Returns: list[SearchResult]
- """
+ """ search """
def search(self, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
)(self, *args, **kargs)
search.pagination_mode = 'page'
- """ trends
- Returns the top ten topics that are currently trending on Twitter.
- The response includes the time of the request, the name of each trend,
- and the url to the Twitter Search results page for that topic.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ trends """
def trends(self):
return bind_api(
host = 'search.' +,
parser = parse_json
- """ trends/current
- Returns the current top 10 trending topics on Twitter.
- The response includes the time of the request, the name of each
- trending topic, and query used on Twitter Search results
- page for that topic.
- Parameters: exclude
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ trends/current """
def trends_current(self, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
host = 'search.' +,
allowed_param = ['exclude']
)(self, *args, **kargs)
- """ trends/daily
- Returns the top 20 trending topics for each hour in a given day.
- Parameters: date, exclude
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ trends/daily """
def trends_daily(self, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
host = "search." +,
allowed_param = ['date', 'exclude']
)(self, *args, **kargs)
- """ trends/weekly
- Returns the top 30 trending topics for each day in a given week.
- Parameters: date, exclude
- Returns: json object
- """
+ """ trends/weekly """
def trends_weekly(self, *args, **kargs):
return bind_api(
host = "search." +,