--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 5 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2019 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
+ | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * This api exposes CiviCRM dedupe functionality.
+ *
+ * @package CiviCRM_APIv3
+ */
+ * Get rows for any cached attempted merges on the passed criteria.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+function civicrm_api3_dedupe_get($params) {
+ $sql = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment();
+ $sql->where(['merge_data_restriction' => "cachekey LIKE 'merge_%'"]);
+ if (isset($params['cachekey'])) {
+ // This is so bad. We actually have a camel case field name in the DB. Don't do that.
+ // Intercept the pain here.
+ $params['cacheKey'] = $params['cachekey'];
+ unset($params['cachekey']);
+ }
+ $options = _civicrm_api3_get_options_from_params($params, TRUE, 'PrevNextCache', 'get');
+ $result = _civicrm_api3_basic_get('CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache', $params, FALSE, 'PrevNextCache', $sql);
+ if ($options['is_count']) {
+ return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'PrevNextCache', 'get');
+ }
+ foreach ($result as $index => $values) {
+ if (isset($values['data']) && !empty($values['data'])) {
+ $result[$index]['data'] = unserialize($values['data']);
+ }
+ if (isset($values['cacheKey'])) {
+ $result[$index]['cachekey'] = $result[$index]['cacheKey'];
+ unset($result[$index]['cacheKey']);
+ }
+ }
+ return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'PrevNextCache');
+ * Get rows for getting dedupe cache records.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_dedupe_get_spec(&$params) {
+ $params = CRM_Core_DAO_PrevNextCache::fields();
+ $params['id']['api.aliases'] = ['dedupe_id'];
+ * Delete rows for any cached attempted merges on the passed criteria.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+function civicrm_api3_dedupe_delete($params) {
+ return _civicrm_api3_basic_delete('CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache', $params);
+ * Get the statistics for any cached attempted merges on the passed criteria.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+function civicrm_api3_dedupe_create($params) {
+ return _civicrm_api3_basic_create('CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache', $params, 'PrevNextCache');
+ * Get the statistics for any cached attempted merges on the passed criteria.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ */
+function civicrm_api3_dedupe_getstatistics($params) {
+ $stats = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getMergeStats(CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getMergeCacheKeyString(
+ $params['rule_group_id'],
+ CRM_Utils_Array::value('group_id', $params),
+ CRM_Utils_Array::value('criteria', $params, []),
+ CRM_Utils_Array::value('check_permissions', $params, [])
+ ));
+ return civicrm_api3_create_success($stats);
+ * Adjust Metadata for Create action.
+ *
+ * The metadata is used for setting defaults, documentation & validation.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ * Array of parameters determined by getfields.
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_dedupe_getstatistics_spec(&$params) {
+ $params['rule_group_id'] = [
+ 'title' => ts('Rule Group ID'),
+ 'api.required' => TRUE,
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
+ ];
+ $params['group_id'] = [
+ 'title' => ts('Group ID'),
+ 'api.required' => FALSE,
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
+ ];
+ $params['criteria'] = [
+ 'title' => ts('Criteria'),
+ 'description' => ts('Dedupe search criteria, as parsable by v3 Contact.get api'),
+ ];
$select = ['pn.is_selected' => 'is_selected'];
$cacheKeyString = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getMergeCacheKeyString($dao->id, $this->_groupId);
$pnDupePairs = CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::retrieve($cacheKeyString, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, $select);
$this->assertEquals(count($foundDupes), count($pnDupePairs), 'Check number of dupe pairs in prev next cache.');
// mark first two pairs as selected
$result = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::batchMerge($dao->id, $this->_groupId, 'safe', 5, 1);
$this->assertEquals(count($result['merged']), 2, 'Check number of merged pairs.');
+ $stats = $this->callAPISuccess('Dedupe', 'getstatistics', [
+ 'group_id' => $this->_groupId,
+ 'rule_group_id' => $dao->id,
+ 'check_permissions' => TRUE,
+ ])['values'];
+ $this->assertEquals(['merged' => 2, 'skipped' => 0], $stats);
// retrieve pairs from prev next cache table
$pnDupePairs = CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::retrieve($cacheKeyString, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, $select);
$this->assertEquals(count($pnDupePairs), 1, 'Check number of remaining dupe pairs in prev next cache.');
$result = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::batchMerge($dao->id, $this->_groupId, 'safe', 5, 2);
$this->assertEquals(count($result['merged']), 3, 'Check number of merged pairs.');
+ $stats = $this->callAPISuccess('Dedupe', 'getstatistics', [
+ 'rule_group_id' => $dao->id,
+ 'group_id' => $this->_groupId,
+ ]);
// retrieve pairs from prev next cache table
$pnDupePairs = CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::retrieve($cacheKeyString, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, $select);
$this->assertEquals(count($pnDupePairs), 0, 'Check number of remaining dupe pairs in prev next cache.');