* Class api_v3_JobTest
+ *
* @group headless
class api_v3_JobTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
- protected $_apiversion = 3;
public $DBResetRequired = FALSE;
public $_entity = 'Job';
- public $_params = array();
+ public $_params = [];
* Created membership type.
public function setUp() {
- $this->membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate(array('name' => 'General'));
+ $this->membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate(['name' => 'General']);
- $this->_params = array(
+ $this->_params = [
'sequential' => 1,
'name' => 'API_Test_Job',
'description' => 'A long description written by hand in cursive',
'api_action' => 'apitestaction',
'parameters' => 'Semi-formal explanation of runtime job parameters',
'is_active' => 1,
- );
+ ];
public function tearDown() {
// The membershipType create breaks transactions so this extra cleanup is needed.
- $this->membershipTypeDelete(array('id' => $this->membershipTypeID));
+ $this->membershipTypeDelete(['id' => $this->membershipTypeID]);
$this->quickCleanup(['civicrm_contact', 'civicrm_address', 'civicrm_email', 'civicrm_website', 'civicrm_phone'], TRUE);
* Check with no name.
public function testCreateWithoutName() {
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'is_active' => 1,
- );
+ ];
$this->callAPIFailure('job', 'create', $params,
'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: run_frequency, name, api_entity, api_action'
* Create job with an invalid "run_frequency" value.
public function testCreateWithInvalidFrequency() {
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'sequential' => 1,
'name' => 'API_Test_Job',
'description' => 'A long description written by hand in cursive',
'api_action' => 'apitestaction',
'parameters' => 'Semi-formal explanation of runtime job parameters',
'is_active' => 1,
- );
+ ];
$this->callAPIFailure('job', 'create', $params);
public function testClone() {
$createResult = $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'create', $this->_params);
- $params = array('id' => $createResult['id']);
+ $params = ['id' => $createResult['id']];
$cloneResult = $this->callAPIAndDocument('job', 'clone', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
$clonedJob = $cloneResult['values'][$cloneResult['id']];
$this->assertEquals($this->_params['name'] . ' - Copy', $clonedJob['name']);
* Check if required fields are not passed.
public function testDeleteWithoutRequired() {
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'name' => 'API_Test_PP',
'title' => 'API Test Payment Processor',
'class_name' => 'CRM_Core_Payment_APITest',
- );
+ ];
$result = $this->callAPIFailure('job', 'delete', $params);
$this->assertEquals($result['error_message'], 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: id');
* Check with incorrect required fields.
public function testDeleteWithIncorrectData() {
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'id' => 'abcd',
- );
+ ];
$this->callAPIFailure('job', 'delete', $params);
public function testDelete() {
$createResult = $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'create', $this->_params);
- $params = array('id' => $createResult['id']);
+ $params = ['id' => $createResult['id']];
$this->callAPIAndDocument('job', 'delete', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
$this->assertAPIDeleted($this->_entity, $createResult['id']);
* Note that this test is about tesing the metadata / calling of the function & doesn't test the success of the called function
public function testCallUpdateGreetingSuccess() {
- $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'update_greeting', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'update_greeting', [
'gt' => 'postal_greeting',
'ct' => 'Individual',
- ));
+ ]);
public function testCallUpdateGreetingCommaSeparatedParamsSuccess() {
$gt = 'postal_greeting,email_greeting,addressee';
$ct = 'Individual,Household';
- $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'update_greeting', array('gt' => $gt, 'ct' => $ct));
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'update_greeting', ['gt' => $gt, 'ct' => $ct]);
$createTotal = 30;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $createTotal; $i++) {
$contactID = $this->individualCreate();
- $groupID = $this->groupCreate(array('name' => $i, 'title' => $i));
- $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', array(
+ $groupID = $this->groupCreate(['name' => $i, 'title' => $i]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', [
'title' => " job $i",
'subject' => "job $i",
'entity_value' => $membershipTypeID,
'start_action_unit' => 'hour',
'group_id' => $groupID,
'limit_to' => FALSE,
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'status' => 'Added',
'group_id' => $groupID,
- ));
+ ]);
- $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', array());
+ $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', []);
$successfulCronCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_action_log");
$this->assertEquals($successfulCronCount, $createTotal);
$membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate();
$createTotal = 3;
- $groupID = $this->groupCreate(array('name' => 'Texan drawlers', 'title' => 'a...'));
+ $groupID = $this->groupCreate(['name' => 'Texan drawlers', 'title' => 'a...']);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $createTotal; $i++) {
$contactID = $this->individualCreate();
$this->callAPISuccess('Phone', 'create', [
$theChosenOneID = $contactID;
if ($i < 3) {
- $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'status' => 'Added',
'group_id' => $groupID,
- ));
+ ]);
if ($i > 1) {
- $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'create', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'membership_type_id' => $membershipTypeID,
'join_date' => 'now',
'start_date' => '+ 1 day',
- ));
+ ]);
- $provider = civicrm_api3('SmsProvider', 'create', array(
+ $provider = civicrm_api3('SmsProvider', 'create', [
'name' => "CiviTestSMSProvider",
'api_type' => "1",
"username" => "1",
"is_default" => "1",
"is_active" => "1",
"domain_id" => "1",
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', [
'title' => " remind all Texans",
'subject' => "drawling renewal",
'entity_value' => $membershipTypeID,
'limit_to' => TRUE,
'sms_provider_id' => $provider['id'],
'mode' => 'User_Preference',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', array());
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', []);
$successfulCronCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_action_log");
$this->assertEquals($successfulCronCount, 1);
$sentToID = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_action_log");
public function testCallDisableExpiredRelationships() {
$individualID = $this->individualCreate();
$orgID = $this->organizationCreate();
- CRM_Utils_Hook_UnitTests::singleton()->setHook('civicrm_pre', array($this, 'hookPreRelationship'));
- $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship_type', 'getvalue', array(
+ CRM_Utils_Hook_UnitTests::singleton()->setHook('civicrm_pre', [$this, 'hookPreRelationship']);
+ $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship_type', 'getvalue', [
'return' => 'id',
'name_a_b' => 'Employee of',
- ));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'create', [
'relationship_type_id' => $relationshipTypeID,
'contact_id_a' => $individualID,
'contact_id_b' => $orgID,
'is_active' => 1,
'end_date' => 'yesterday',
- ));
+ ]);
$relationshipID = $result['id'];
$this->assertEquals('Hooked', $result['values'][$relationshipID]['description']);
- $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'disable_expired_relationships', array());
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'get', array());
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'disable_expired_relationships', []);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'get', []);
$this->assertEquals('Go Go you good thing', $result['values'][$relationshipID]['description']);
$membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate();
$createTotal = 3;
- $groupID = $this->groupCreate(array('name' => 'Texan drawlers', 'title' => 'a...'));
+ $groupID = $this->groupCreate(['name' => 'Texan drawlers', 'title' => 'a...']);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $createTotal; $i++) {
$contactID = $this->individualCreate();
$this->callAPISuccess('Phone', 'create', [
$theChosenOneID = $contactID;
if ($i < 3) {
- $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess('group_contact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'status' => 'Added',
'group_id' => $groupID,
- ));
+ ]);
if ($i > 1) {
- $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'create', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'membership_type_id' => $membershipTypeID,
'join_date' => 'now',
'start_date' => '+ 1 day',
- ));
+ ]);
- $provider = civicrm_api3('SmsProvider', 'create', array(
+ $provider = civicrm_api3('SmsProvider', 'create', [
'name' => "CiviTestSMSProvider",
'api_type' => "1",
"username" => "1",
"is_default" => "1",
"is_active" => "1",
"domain_id" => "1",
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('action_schedule', 'create', [
'title' => " remind all Texans",
'subject' => "drawling renewal",
'entity_value' => $membershipTypeID,
'limit_to' => TRUE,
'sms_provider_id' => $provider['id'],
'mode' => 'SMS',
- ));
+ ]);
$this->callAPISuccess('SmsProvider', 'delete', ['id' => $provider['id']]);
- $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', array());
+ $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', []);
$cronCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_action_log");
$this->assertEquals($cronCount, 1);
$sentToID = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_action_log");
* We are just checking it returns without error here.
public function testBatchMerge() {
- $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array());
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
$this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => $dataSet['mode']));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => $dataSet['mode']]);
$this->assertEquals($dataSet['skipped'], count($result['values']['skipped']), 'Failed to skip the right number:' . $dataSet['skipped']);
$this->assertEquals($dataSet['merged'], count($result['values']['merged']));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', [
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
'sequential' => 1,
- 'is_deceased' => array('IN' => array(0, 1)),
- 'options' => array('sort' => 'id ASC'),
- ));
+ 'is_deceased' => ['IN' => [0, 1]],
+ 'options' => ['sort' => 'id ASC'],
+ ]);
$this->assertEquals(count($dataSet['expected']), $result['count']);
foreach ($dataSet['expected'] as $index => $contact) {
foreach ($contact as $key => $value) {
public function testBatchMergeWithAssets() {
$contactID = $this->individualCreate();
$contact2ID = $this->individualCreate();
- $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $contactID));
- $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'invoice_id' => '2', 'trxn_id' => 2));
- $this->contactMembershipCreate(array('contact_id' => $contactID));
- $this->contactMembershipCreate(array('contact_id' => $contact2ID));
- $this->activityCreate(array('source_contact_id' => $contactID, 'target_contact_id' => $contactID, 'assignee_contact_id' => $contactID));
- $this->activityCreate(array('source_contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'target_contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'assignee_contact_id' => $contact2ID));
- $this->tagCreate(array('name' => 'Tall'));
- $this->tagCreate(array('name' => 'Short'));
- $this->entityTagAdd(array('contact_id' => $contactID, 'tag_id' => 'Tall'));
- $this->entityTagAdd(array('contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'tag_id' => 'Short'));
- $this->entityTagAdd(array('contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'tag_id' => 'Tall'));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => 'safe'));
+ $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID]);
+ $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'invoice_id' => '2', 'trxn_id' => 2]);
+ $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID]);
+ $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $contact2ID]);
+ $this->activityCreate(['source_contact_id' => $contactID, 'target_contact_id' => $contactID, 'assignee_contact_id' => $contactID]);
+ $this->activityCreate(['source_contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'target_contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'assignee_contact_id' => $contact2ID]);
+ $this->tagCreate(['name' => 'Tall']);
+ $this->tagCreate(['name' => 'Short']);
+ $this->entityTagAdd(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'tag_id' => 'Tall']);
+ $this->entityTagAdd(['contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'tag_id' => 'Short']);
+ $this->entityTagAdd(['contact_id' => $contact2ID, 'tag_id' => 'Tall']);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['skipped']));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', array('contact_id' => $contact2ID), 0);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('FinancialItem', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('FinancialItem', array('contact_id' => $contact2ID), 0);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Membership', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Membership', array('contact_id' => $contact2ID), 0);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityTag', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityTag', array('contact_id' => $contact2ID), 0);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 2);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contact2ID], 0);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('FinancialItem', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 2);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('FinancialItem', ['contact_id' => $contact2ID], 0);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Membership', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 2);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Membership', ['contact_id' => $contact2ID], 0);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityTag', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 2);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityTag', ['contact_id' => $contact2ID], 0);
// 14 activities is one for each contribution (2), two (source + target) for each membership (+(2x2) = 6)
// 3 for each of the added activities as there are 3 roles (+6 = 12
// 2 for the (source & target) contact merged activity (+2 = 14)
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ActivityContact', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 14);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ActivityContact', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 14);
// 2 for the connection to the deleted by merge activity (source & target)
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ActivityContact', array('contact_id' => $contact2ID), 2);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ActivityContact', ['contact_id' => $contact2ID], 2);
public function testBatchMergeMergesGroups() {
$contactID = $this->individualCreate();
$contact2ID = $this->individualCreate();
- $groups = array();
+ $groups = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
- $groups[] = $this->groupCreate(array(
+ $groups[] = $this->groupCreate([
'name' => 'mergeGroup' . $i,
'title' => 'merge group' . $i,
- ));
+ ]);
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[0],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[1],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[2],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[3],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[4],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactID,
'group_id' => $groups[5],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[1],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[2],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[4],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[5],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[6],
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contact2ID,
'group_id' => $groups[7],
'status' => 'Removed',
- ));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => 'safe'));
+ ]);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['skipped']));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $groupResult = $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'get', array());
+ $groupResult = $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'get', []);
$this->assertEquals(5, $groupResult['count']);
- $expectedGroups = array(
+ $expectedGroups = [
- );
+ ];
foreach ($groupResult['values'] as $groupValues) {
$this->assertEquals($contactID, $groupValues['contact_id']);
$this->assertEquals('Added', $groupValues['status']);
$contactID1 = $this->individualCreate();
$contactID2 = $this->individualCreate();
foreach ($dataSet['contact_1'] as $address) {
- $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(array('contact_id' => $contactID1), $address));
+ $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(['contact_id' => $contactID1], $address));
foreach ($dataSet['contact_2'] as $address) {
- $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(array('contact_id' => $contactID2), $address));
+ $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(['contact_id' => $contactID2], $address));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $addresses = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'get', array('contact_id' => $contactID1, 'sequential' => 1));
+ $addresses = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'get', ['contact_id' => $contactID1, 'sequential' => 1]);
$this->assertEquals(count($dataSet['expected']), $addresses['count'], "Did not get the expected result for " . $dataSet['entity'] . (!empty($dataSet['description']) ? " on dataset {$dataSet['description']}" : ''));
- $locationTypes = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'getoptions', array('field' => 'location_type_id'));
+ $locationTypes = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'getoptions', ['field' => 'location_type_id']);
foreach ($dataSet['expected'] as $index => $expectedAddress) {
foreach ($expectedAddress as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'location_type_id') {
public function testBatchMergesAddressesHook($dataSet) {
$contactID1 = $this->individualCreate();
$contactID2 = $this->individualCreate();
- $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $contactID1, 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01', 'invoice_id' => 1, 'trxn_id' => 1));
- $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $contactID2, 'receive_date' => '2012-01-01', 'invoice_id' => 2, 'trxn_id' => 2));
+ $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID1, 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01', 'invoice_id' => 1, 'trxn_id' => 1]);
+ $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID2, 'receive_date' => '2012-01-01', 'invoice_id' => 2, 'trxn_id' => 2]);
foreach ($dataSet['contact_1'] as $address) {
- $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(array('contact_id' => $contactID1), $address));
+ $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(['contact_id' => $contactID1], $address));
foreach ($dataSet['contact_2'] as $address) {
- $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(array('contact_id' => $contactID2), $address));
+ $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'create', array_merge(['contact_id' => $contactID2], $address));
- $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_alterLocationMergeData', array($this, 'hookMostRecentDonor'));
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_alterLocationMergeData', [$this, 'hookMostRecentDonor']);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $addresses = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'get', array('contact_id' => $contactID1, 'sequential' => 1));
+ $addresses = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'get', ['contact_id' => $contactID1, 'sequential' => 1]);
$this->assertEquals(count($dataSet['expected_hook']), $addresses['count']);
- $locationTypes = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'getoptions', array('field' => 'location_type_id'));
+ $locationTypes = $this->callAPISuccess($dataSet['entity'], 'getoptions', ['field' => 'location_type_id']);
foreach ($dataSet['expected_hook'] as $index => $expectedAddress) {
foreach ($expectedAddress as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'location_type_id') {
* Test the organization will not be matched to an individual.
public function testBatchMergeWillNotMergeOrganizationToIndividual() {
- $individual = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
+ $individual = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'organization_name' => 'Anon',
'email' => 'anonymous@hacker.com',
- ));
- $organization = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
+ ]);
+ $organization = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
'contact_type' => 'Organization',
'organization_name' => 'Anon',
'email' => 'anonymous@hacker.com',
- ));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('mode' => 'aggressive'));
+ ]);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['mode' => 'aggressive']);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['skipped']));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('id' => $individual['id']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('id' => $organization['id']));
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', ['id' => $individual['id']]);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', ['id' => $organization['id']]);
public function hookMostRecentDonor(&$blocksDAO, $mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo) {
- $lastDonorID = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contribution', array(
+ $lastDonorID = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contribution', [
'return' => 'contact_id',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array($mainId, $otherId)),
- 'options' => array('sort' => 'receive_date DESC', 'limit' => 1),
- ));
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => [$mainId, $otherId]],
+ 'options' => ['sort' => 'receive_date DESC', 'limit' => 1],
+ ]);
// Since the last donor is not the main ID we are prioritising info from the last donor.
// In the test this should always be true - but keep the check in case
// something changes that we need to detect.
* @return array
public function getMergeLocationData() {
- $address1 = array('street_address' => 'Buckingham Palace', 'city' => 'London');
- $address2 = array('street_address' => 'The Doghouse', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'under the blanket');
+ $address1 = ['street_address' => 'Buckingham Palace', 'city' => 'London'];
+ $address2 = ['street_address' => 'The Doghouse', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'under the blanket'];
$data = $this->getMergeLocations($address1, $address2, 'Address');
- $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(array('phone' => '12345', 'phone_type_id' => 1), array('phone' => '678910', 'phone_type_id' => 1), 'Phone'));
- $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(array('phone' => '12345'), array('phone' => '678910'), 'Phone'));
- $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(array('email' => 'mini@me.com'), array('email' => 'mini@me.org'), 'Email', array(
- array(
+ $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(['phone' => '12345', 'phone_type_id' => 1], ['phone' => '678910', 'phone_type_id' => 1], 'Phone'));
+ $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(['phone' => '12345'], ['phone' => '678910'], 'Phone'));
+ $data = array_merge($data, $this->getMergeLocations(['email' => 'mini@me.com'], ['email' => 'mini@me.org'], 'Email', [
+ [
'email' => 'anthony_anderson@civicrm.org',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- )));
+ ],
+ ]));
return $data;
public function testBatchMergeEmailHandling() {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 4; $x++) {
- $id = $this->individualCreate(array('email' => 'batman@gotham.met'));
+ $id = $this->individualCreate(['email' => 'batman@gotham.met']);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array());
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
$this->assertEquals(4, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', array('email' => 'batman@gotham.met'), 1);
- $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 0));
- $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 1));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', ['email' => 'batman@gotham.met'], 1);
+ $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 0]);
+ $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 1]);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])),
- ), 1);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', array(
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])],
+ ], 1);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])),
- ), 4);
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])],
+ ], 4);
* @dataProvider getOnHoldSets
* @param
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
public function testBatchMergeEmailOnHold($onHold1, $onHold2, $merge) {
- $contactID1 = $this->individualCreate(array(
- 'api.email.create' => array(
+ $contactID1 = $this->individualCreate([
+ 'api.email.create' => [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
'on_hold' => $onHold1,
- ),
- ));
- $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate(array(
- 'api.email.create' => array(
+ ],
+ ]);
+ $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate([
+ 'api.email.create' => [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
'on_hold' => $onHold2,
- ),
- ));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array());
+ ],
+ ]);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
$this->assertEquals($merge, count($result['values']['merged']));
public function getOnHoldSets() {
// Each row specifies: contact 1 on_hold, contact 2 on_hold, merge? (0 or 1),
- $sets = array(
- array(0, 0, 1),
- array(0, 1, 0),
- array(1, 0, 0),
- array(1, 1, 1),
- );
+ $sets = [
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ ];
return $sets;
* @param int $threshold
public function testBatchMergeEmptyRule($contactType, $used, $name, $isReserved, $threshold) {
- $ruleGroup = $this->callAPISuccess('RuleGroup', 'create', array(
+ $ruleGroup = $this->callAPISuccess('RuleGroup', 'create', [
'contact_type' => $contactType,
'threshold' => $threshold,
'used' => $used,
'name' => $name,
'is_reserved' => $isReserved,
- ));
- $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('rule_group_id' => $ruleGroup['id']));
- $this->callAPISuccess('RuleGroup', 'delete', array('id' => $ruleGroup['id']));
+ ]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['rule_group_id' => $ruleGroup['id']]);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('RuleGroup', 'delete', ['id' => $ruleGroup['id']]);
* Get the various rule combinations.
public function getRuleSets() {
- $contactTypes = array('Individual', 'Organization', 'Household');
- $useds = array('Unsupervised', 'General', 'Supervised');
- $ruleGroups = array();
+ $contactTypes = ['Individual', 'Organization', 'Household'];
+ $useds = ['Unsupervised', 'General', 'Supervised'];
+ $ruleGroups = [];
foreach ($contactTypes as $contactType) {
foreach ($useds as $used) {
- $ruleGroups[] = array($contactType, $used, 'Bob', FALSE, 0);
- $ruleGroups[] = array($contactType, $used, 'Bob', FALSE, 10);
- $ruleGroups[] = array($contactType, $used, 'Bob', TRUE, 10);
- $ruleGroups[] = array($contactType, $used, $contactType . $used, FALSE, 10);
- $ruleGroups[] = array($contactType, $used, $contactType . $used, TRUE, 10);
+ $ruleGroups[] = [$contactType, $used, 'Bob', FALSE, 0];
+ $ruleGroups[] = [$contactType, $used, 'Bob', FALSE, 10];
+ $ruleGroups[] = [$contactType, $used, 'Bob', TRUE, 10];
+ $ruleGroups[] = [$contactType, $used, $contactType . $used, FALSE, 10];
+ $ruleGroups[] = [$contactType, $used, $contactType . $used, TRUE, 10];
return $ruleGroups;
public function testBatchMergeMatchingAddress() {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 2; $x++) {
- $this->individualCreate(array(
- 'api.address.create' => array(
+ $this->individualCreate([
+ 'api.address.create' => [
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
'street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave',
'city' => 'Gotham',
'postal_code' => 'Nananananana',
- ),
- ));
+ ],
+ ]);
// Different location type, still merge, identical.
- $this->individualCreate(array(
- 'api.address.create' => array(
+ $this->individualCreate([
+ 'api.address.create' => [
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave',
'city' => 'Gotham',
'postal_code' => 'Nananananana',
- ),
- ));
+ ],
+ ]);
- $this->individualCreate(array(
- 'api.address.create' => array(
+ $this->individualCreate([
+ 'api.address.create' => [
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
'street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave',
'city' => 'Gotham',
'postal_code' => 'Batman',
- ),
- ));
+ ],
+ ]);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array());
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', []);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($result['values']['merged']));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['skipped']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', array('street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave'), 2);
- $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 0));
- $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 1));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Address', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', ['street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave'], 2);
+ $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 0]);
+ $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 1]);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Address', [
'street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])),
- ), 3);
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])],
+ ], 3);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Address', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Address', [
'street_address' => 'Appt 115, The Batcave',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])),
- ), 2);
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])],
+ ], 2);
public function testBatchMergeIDRange() {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 4; $x++) {
- $id = $this->individualCreate(array('email' => 'batman@gotham.met'));
+ $id = $this->individualCreate(['email' => 'batman@gotham.met']);
for ($x = 0; $x <= 4; $x++) {
- $this->individualCreate(array('email' => 'robin@gotham.met'));
+ $this->individualCreate(['email' => 'robin@gotham.met']);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('criteria' => array('contact' => array('id' => array('<' => $id)))));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['criteria' => ['contact' => ['id' => ['<' => $id]]]]);
$this->assertEquals(4, count($result['values']['merged']));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', array('email' => 'batman@gotham.met'), 1);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', array('email' => 'robin@gotham.met'), 5);
- $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 0));
- $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('is_deleted' => 0));
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', array(
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', ['email' => 'batman@gotham.met'], 1);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contact', ['email' => 'robin@gotham.met'], 5);
+ $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 0]);
+ $deletedContacts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', ['is_deleted' => 0]);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])),
- ), 1);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', array(
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])],
+ ], 1);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', [
'email' => 'batman@gotham.met',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])),
- ), 1);
- $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', array(
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($deletedContacts['values'])],
+ ], 1);
+ $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Email', [
'email' => 'robin@gotham.met',
- 'contact_id' => array('IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])),
- ), 5);
+ 'contact_id' => ['IN' => array_keys($contacts['values'])],
+ ], 5);
* Test the batch merge copes with view only custom data field.
public function testBatchMergeCustomDataViewOnlyField() {
- CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM', 'edit my contact');
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviCRM', 'edit my contact'];
$mouseParams = ['first_name' => 'Mickey', 'last_name' => 'Mouse', 'email' => 'tha_mouse@mouse.com'];
$customGroup = $this->CustomGroupCreate();
- $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(array('custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'is_view' => 1));
+ $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(['custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'is_view' => 1]);
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => 'blah']));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
$mouseParams['return'] = 'custom_' . $customField['id'];
$mouse = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', $mouseParams);
public function testBatchMergeCustomDataZeroValueField() {
$customGroup = $this->CustomGroupCreate();
- $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(array('custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'default_value' => NULL));
+ $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(['custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'default_value' => NULL]);
$mouseParams = ['first_name' => 'Mickey', 'last_name' => 'Mouse', 'email' => 'tha_mouse@mouse.com'];
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => '']));
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => 0]));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
$mouseParams['return'] = 'custom_' . $customField['id'];
$mouse = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', $mouseParams);
$this->assertEquals(0, $mouse['custom_' . $customField['id']]);
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => NULL]));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values']['merged']));
$mouseParams['return'] = 'custom_' . $customField['id'];
$mouse = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', $mouseParams);
* Test the batch merge treats 0 vs 1 as a conflict.
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
public function testBatchMergeCustomDataZeroValueFieldWithConflict() {
- $customGroup = $this->CustomGroupCreate();
- $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(array('custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'default_value' => NULL));
+ $customGroup = $this->customGroupCreate();
+ $customField = $this->customFieldCreate(['custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'], 'default_value' => NULL]);
$mouseParams = ['first_name' => 'Mickey', 'last_name' => 'Mouse', 'email' => 'tha_mouse@mouse.com'];
$mouse1 = $this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => 0]));
$mouse2 = $this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['custom_' . $customField['id'] => 1]));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['merged']));
// Reverse which mouse has the zero to test we still get a conflict.
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['id' => $mouse1, 'custom_' . $customField['id'] => 1]));
$this->individualCreate(array_merge($mouseParams, ['id' => $mouse2, 'custom_' . $customField['id'] => 0]));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe'));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => 'safe']);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['merged']));
* @param $dataSet
public function testBatchMergeWorksCheckPermissionsTrue($dataSet) {
- CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM', 'administer CiviCRM');
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviCRM', 'administer CiviCRM'];
foreach ($dataSet['contacts'] as $params) {
$this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 1, 'mode' => $dataSet['mode']));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 1, 'mode' => $dataSet['mode']]);
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['merged']), 'User does not have permission to any contacts, so no merging');
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result['values']['skipped']), 'User does not have permission to any contacts, so no skip visibility');
* @param $dataSet
public function testBatchMergeWorksCheckPermissionsFalse($dataSet) {
- CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM', 'edit my contact');
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviCRM', 'edit my contact'];
foreach ($dataSet['contacts'] as $params) {
$this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', array('check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => $dataSet['mode']));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_batch_merge', ['check_permissions' => 0, 'mode' => $dataSet['mode']]);
$this->assertEquals($dataSet['skipped'], count($result['values']['skipped']), 'Failed to skip the right number:' . $dataSet['skipped']);
$this->assertEquals($dataSet['merged'], count($result['values']['merged']));
* Get data for batch merge.
public function getMergeSets() {
- $data = array(
- array(
- array(
+ $data = [
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'big house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 0,
'merged' => 1,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'big house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'bigger house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'street_address' => 'big house',
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'street_address' => 'bigger house',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Email.create' => array(
+ 'api.Email.create' => [
'email' => 'big.slog@work.co.nz',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Email.create' => array(
+ 'api.Email.create' => [
'email' => 'big.slog@work.com',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Phone.create' => array(
+ 'api.Phone.create' => [
'phone' => '123456',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Phone.create' => array(
+ 'api.Phone.create' => [
'phone' => '23456',
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'aggressive',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'big house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'bigger house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 0,
'merged' => 1,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'street_address' => 'big house',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'big house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
'is_deceased' => 1,
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'is_deceased' => 0,
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'is_deceased' => 1,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- array(
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array(
- array(
+ 'contacts' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- 'api.Address.create' => array(
+ 'api.Address.create' => [
'street_address' => 'big house',
'location_type_id' => 'Home',
- ),
+ ],
'is_deceased' => 1,
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array(
- array(
+ 'expected' => [
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'is_deceased' => 1,
- ),
- array(
+ ],
+ [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
'is_deceased' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
- $conflictPairs = array(
+ $conflictPairs = [
'first_name' => 'Dianna',
'last_name' => 'McAndrew',
'middle_name' => 'Prancer',
'birth_date' => '2015-12-25',
'gender_id' => 'Female',
'job_title' => 'Thriller',
- );
+ ];
foreach ($conflictPairs as $key => $value) {
- $contactParams = array(
+ $contactParams = [
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'middle_name' => 'Dancer',
'last_name' => 'Jackson',
'birth_date' => '2015-02-25',
'email' => 'michael@neverland.com',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
- 'contact_sub_type' => array('Student'),
+ 'contact_sub_type' => ['Student'],
'gender_id' => 'Male',
'job_title' => 'Entertainer',
- );
+ ];
$contact2 = $contactParams;
$contact2[$key] = $value;
- $data[$key . '_conflict'] = array(
- array(
+ $data[$key . '_conflict'] = [
+ [
'mode' => 'safe',
- 'contacts' => array($contactParams, $contact2),
+ 'contacts' => [$contactParams, $contact2],
'skipped' => 1,
'merged' => 0,
- 'expected' => array($contactParams, $contact2),
- ),
- );
+ 'expected' => [$contactParams, $contact2],
+ ],
+ ];
return $data;
* @param array $params
public function hookPreRelationship($op, $objectName, $id, &$params) {
- if ($op == 'delete') {
+ if ($op === 'delete') {
if ($params['is_active']) {
* @param array $locationParams2
* @param string $entity
* @param array $additionalExpected
+ *
* @return array
- public function getMergeLocations($locationParams1, $locationParams2, $entity, $additionalExpected = array()) {
- $data = array(
- array(
- 'matching_primary' => array(
+ public function getMergeLocations($locationParams1, $locationParams2, $entity, $additionalExpected = []) {
+ $data = [
+ [
+ 'matching_primary' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'matching_primary_reverse' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'matching_primary_reverse' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'only_one_has_address' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'only_one_has_address' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
// When dealing with email we don't have a clean slate - the existing
// primary will be primary.
'is_primary' => ($entity == 'Email' ? 0 : 1),
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'only_one_has_address_reverse' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'only_one_has_address_reverse' => [
'description' => 'The destination contact does not have an address. secondary contact should be merged in.',
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
// When dealing with email we don't have a clean slate - the existing
// primary will be primary.
'is_primary' => ($entity == 'Email' ? 0 : 1),
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'different_primaries_with_different_location_type' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'different_primaries_with_different_location_type' => [
'description' => 'Primaries are different with different location. Keep both addresses. Set primary to be that of lower id',
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'different_primaries_with_different_location_type_reverse' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'different_primaries_with_different_location_type_reverse' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'different_primaries_location_match_only_one_address' => array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'different_primaries_location_match_only_one_address' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
+ ], $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'different_primaries_location_match_only_one_address_reverse' => array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'different_primaries_location_match_only_one_address_reverse' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams2),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams2),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams2),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'same_primaries_different_location' => array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'same_primaries_different_location' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
+ ], $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- array(
- 'same_primaries_different_location_reverse' => array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'same_primaries_different_location_reverse' => [
'entity' => $entity,
- 'contact_1' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ 'contact_1' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'contact_2' => array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'contact_2' => [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- ),
- 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Work',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 0,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, array(
- array_merge(array(
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ 'expected_hook' => array_merge($additionalExpected, [
+ array_merge([
'location_type_id' => 'Main',
'is_primary' => 1,
- ), $locationParams1),
- )),
- ),
- ),
- );
+ ], $locationParams1),
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
return $data;
public function testProcessMembershipDeceased() {
$this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_membership', []);
$deadManWalkingID = $this->individualCreate();
- $membershipID = $this->contactMembershipCreate(array('contact_id' => $deadManWalkingID));
+ $membershipID = $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $deadManWalkingID]);
$this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', ['id' => $deadManWalkingID, 'is_deceased' => 1]);
$this->callAPISuccess('Job', 'process_membership', []);
$membership = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Membership', ['id' => $membershipID]);
$deadManWalkingID = $this->individualCreate();
- $this->contactMembershipCreate(array('contact_id' => $deadManWalkingID));
+ $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $deadManWalkingID]);
$this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', ['id' => $deadManWalkingID, 'is_deceased' => 1]);
$this->callAPIFailure('Job', 'process_membership', []);
* Test procesing membership where is_override is set to 0 rather than NULL
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
public function testProcessMembershipIsOverrideNotNullNot1either() {
$membershipTypeId = $this->membershipTypeCreate();