+ * Inserts an option block in the main SM options page
+ *
+ */
+function demo_option_link_do()
+ global $optpage_blocks;
+ sq_change_text_domain('demo');
+ $optpage_blocks[] = array(
+ 'name' => _("Demo"),
+ 'url' => sqm_baseuri() . 'plugins/demo/demo.php',
+ 'desc' => _("This is where you would describe what your plugin does."),
+ 'js' => FALSE
+ );
+ sq_change_text_domain('squirrelmail');
function squirrelmail_plugin_init_demo()
+//FIXME: put *ALL* SM hooks in here... which includes template_construct hooks for any templates that have plugin output sections in them... and put them all in the right order
+//FIXME: many hooks have examples in the original demo plugin in trunk/plugins/demo
global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
+//FIXME: this hook not yet implemented below
= 'demo_login_cookie';
+//FIXME: not all of the above hooks are yet implemented below
= 'demo_login_top';
+//FIXME: not all of the above hooks are yet implemented below
= 'demo_login_bottom';
+//FIXME: this template may have more plugin output sections that are not yet implemented below
= 'demo_page_header_template';
-//FIXME: put *ALL* SM hooks in here... which includes template_construct hooks for any templates that have plugin output sections in them and put page_header_template in right order
-//FIXME: not all of the above hooks are yet implemented below
-//FIXME: many hooks have examples in the original demo plugin in trunk/plugins/demo
+ $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_register_block']['demo']
+ = 'demo_option_link';
+ * Inserts an option block in the main SM options page
+ *
+ * @return void
+ *
+ */
+function demo_option_link()
+ include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/demo/functions.php');
+ demo_option_link_do();