* @return bool
public static function money($value) {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- // only edge case when we have a decimal point in the input money
- // field and not defined in the decimal Point in config settings
- if ($config->monetaryDecimalPoint &&
- $config->monetaryDecimalPoint != '.' &&
- // CRM-7122 also check for Thousands Separator in config settings
- $config->monetaryThousandSeparator != '.' &&
- substr_count($value, '.')
- ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
$value = self::cleanMoney($value);
if (self::integer($value)) {
* @param $inputData
* @param $expectedResult
- public function testMoney($inputData, $expectedResult) {
+ public function testMoney($inputData, $decimalPoint, $thousandSeparator, $currency, $expectedResult) {
+ $this->setDefaultCurrency($currency);
+ $this->setMonetaryDecimalPoint($decimalPoint);
+ $this->setMonetaryThousandSeparator($thousandSeparator);
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, CRM_Utils_Rule::money($inputData));
public function moneyDataProvider() {
return [
- [10, TRUE],
- ['145.0E+3', FALSE],
- ['10', TRUE],
- [-10, TRUE],
- ['-10', TRUE],
- ['-10foo', FALSE],
- ['-10.0345619', TRUE],
- ['-10.010,4345619', TRUE],
- ['10.0104345619', TRUE],
- ['-0', TRUE],
- ['-.1', TRUE],
- ['.1', TRUE],
+ [10, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['145.0E+3', '.', ',', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['10', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ [-10, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10foo', '.', ',', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['-10.0345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10.010,4345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['10.0104345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-0', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-.1', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['.1', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
// Test currency symbols too, default locale uses $, so if we wanted to test others we'd need to reconfigure locale
- ['$500.3333', TRUE],
- ['-$500.3333', TRUE],
- ['$-500.3333', TRUE],
+ ['$1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test EURO currency
+ ['€1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['-€1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['€-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test Norwegian KR currency
+ ['kr1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr 1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['-kr1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['-kr 1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr -1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test different localization options: , as decimal separator and dot as thousand separator
+ ['$1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ ['$1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['-$1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['$-1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ // Now with a space as thousand separator
+ ['$1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
* Set the separators for thousands and decimal points.
+ * Use setMonetaryDecimalPoint and setMonetaryThousandSeparator instead
+ *
* @param string $thousandSeparator
+ * @deprecated
protected function setCurrencySeparators($thousandSeparator) {
+ // Jaap Jansma: I do think the code below is a bit useless. It does an assumption
+ // that when the thousand separator is a comma, the decimal is point. It
+ // does not cater for a situation where the thousand separator is a [space]
+ // Latter is the Norwegian localization.
Civi::settings()->set('monetaryThousandSeparator', $thousandSeparator);
->set('monetaryDecimalPoint', ($thousandSeparator === ',' ? '.' : ','));
+ /**
+ * Sets the thousand separator.
+ *
+ * If you use this function also set the decimal separator: setMonetaryDecimalSeparator
+ *
+ * @param $thousandSeparator
+ */
+ protected function setMonetaryThousandSeparator($thousandSeparator) {
+ Civi::settings()->set('monetaryThousandSeparator', $thousandSeparator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the decimal separator.
+ *
+ * If you use this function also set the thousand separator setMonetaryDecimalPoint
+ *
+ * @param $thousandSeparator
+ */
+ protected function setMonetaryDecimalPoint($decimalPoint) {
+ Civi::settings()->set('monetaryDecimalPoint', $decimalPoint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the default currency.
+ *
+ * @param $currency
+ */
+ protected function setDefaultCurrency($currency) {
+ Civi::settings()->set('defaultCurrency', $currency);
+ }
* Format money as it would be input.
$this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', [], 2);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createLocalizedContributionDataProvider
+ * @param $inputData
+ * @param $decimalPoint
+ * @param $thousandSeparator
+ * @param $currency
+ * @param $expectedResult
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function testCreateLocalizedContribution($totalAmount, $decimalPoint, $thousandSeparator, $currency, $expectedResult) {
+ $this->setDefaultCurrency($currency);
+ $this->setMonetaryDecimalPoint($decimalPoint);
+ $this->setMonetaryThousandSeparator($thousandSeparator);
+ $_params = [
+ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId,
+ 'receive_date' => '20120511',
+ 'total_amount' => $totalAmount,
+ 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId,
+ 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
+ ];
+ if ($expectedResult) {
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $_params);
+ } else {
+ $this->callAPIFailure('Contribution', 'create', $_params);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function createLocalizedContributionDataProvider() {
+ return [
+ [10, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['145.0E+3', '.', ',', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['10', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ [-10, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10foo', '.', ',', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['-10.0345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-10.010,4345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['10.0104345619', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-0', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-.1', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['.1', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ // Test currency symbols too, default locale uses $, so if we wanted to test others we'd need to reconfigure locale
+ ['$1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test EURO currency
+ ['€1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['-€1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['€-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'EUR', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test Norwegian KR currency
+ ['kr1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr 1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['-kr1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['-kr 1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr-1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['kr -1,234,567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, '.', ',', 'NOK', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ // Test different localization options: , as decimal separator and dot as thousand separator
+ ['$1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1.234.567,89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, ',', '.', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ ['$1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['-$1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ ['$-1,234,567.89', ',', '.', 'USD', FALSE],
+ // Now with a space as thousand separator
+ ['$1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['-$1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['$-1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1 234 567,89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE],
+ ['1234567.89', ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format. Encapsulated in strings
+ [1234567.89, ',', ' ', 'USD', TRUE], // This is the float format.
+ ];
+ }
* Create test with unique field name on source.