// Create or update the All Reports link.
- self::createOrUpdateReportNavItem('All Reports', 'civicrm/report/list', 'reset=1', $reports_nav->id, 'access CiviReport', $domain_id);
+ self::createOrUpdateReportNavItem('All Reports', 'civicrm/report/list', 'reset=1', $reports_nav->id, 'access CiviReport', $domain_id, TRUE);
$this->assertEquals($reportCount, $this->getCountReportInstances());
+ /**
+ * Test that All reports link is not stolen.
+ *
+ * There are 2 All reports links by default. What we DON'T want to see is them
+ * both winding up under the Reports menu - since they already exist they should be unchanged
+ * by rebuilding reports.
+ */
+ public function testNoDuplicateAllReportsLink() {
+ $existing_links = $this->callAPISuccess('Navigation', 'get', array('label' => 'All Reports', 'sequential' => 1));
+ $this->assertNotEquals($existing_links['values'][0]['parent_id'], $existing_links['values'][1]['parent_id']);
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Navigation::rebuildReportsNavigation(CRM_Core_Config::domainID());
+ $new_links = $this->callAPISuccess('Navigation', 'get', array('label' => 'All Reports', 'sequential' => 1));
+ $this->assertEquals($existing_links['values'][0]['parent_id'], $new_links['values'][0]['parent_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals($existing_links['values'][1]['parent_id'], $new_links['values'][1]['parent_id']);
+ }
* Test that an existing report link is rebuilt under it's parent.
"SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_navigation WHERE url LIKE 'civicrm/report/instance/%'");
+ /**
+ * Get a count of navigation items that match the url.
+ * @param string $url
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ protected function getCountURL($url) {
+ return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery(
+ "SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_navigation WHERE url ='{$url}'");
+ }
* Run fixNavigationMenu() on a menu which already has navIDs
* everywhere. They should be unchanged.
<title>Navigation parent ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
<comment>Parent navigation item, used for grouping</comment>
+ <pseudoconstant>
+ <table>civicrm_navigation</table>
+ <keyColumn>name</keyColumn>
+ <labelColumn>label</labelColumn>
+ </pseudoconstant>