new_stream = self._obtain(max_time=max_time)
- def full(self, backtime=86400, retry=42, callback=None):
+ def full(self, backtime=None, retry=None, callback=None):
"""Fetches full stream - containing all posts.
WARNING: this is a **VERY** long running function.
Use callback parameter to access information about the stream during its
- Default backtime is one day. But sometimes user might not have any activity for longer
- period (in the beginning of my D* activity I was posting once a month or so).
- The role of retry is to hadle such situations by trying to go further back in time.
- If a post is found the counter is restored.
- Default retry is 42. If you don't know why go to the nearest library (or to the nearest
+ 42. If you don't know why go to the nearest library (or to the nearest
Piratebay mirror) and grab a copy of "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and read the
book to find out. This will also increase your level of geekiness and you'll have a
great time reading the book.
- :param backtime: how many seconds to substract each time
- :type backtime: int
- :param retry: how many times the functin should look deeper than your last post
- :type retry: int
:param callback: callable taking diaspy.streams.Generic as an argument
:returns: integer, lenght of the stream
+ FIXME backtime and retry deprecations
+ if backtime != None:
+ print("FIXME: diaspy.streams.Generic.full param backtime is deprecated, it is not needed any more. Please adjust your code.");
+ if retry != None:
+ print("FIXME: diaspy.streams.Generic.full param retry is deprecated, it is needed any more. Please adjust your code.");
oldstream = self.copy()
while len(oldstream) < len(self):
oldstream = self.copy()
if callback is not None: callback(self)
- self.more(backtime=backtime)
- if len(oldstream) < len(self): continue
- # but if no posts were found start retrying...
- print('[diaspy] retrying... {0}'.format(retry))
- n = retry
- while n > 0:
- # try to get even more posts...
- self.more(backtime=backtime)
- # check if it was a success...
- if len(oldstream) < len(self):
- # and if so restore normal order of execution by
- # going one loop higher
- break
- oldstream = self.copy()
- # if it was not a success substract one backtime, keep calm and
- # try going further back in time...
- n -= 1
- # check the comment below
- # no commented code should be present in good software
- #if len(oldstream) == len(self): break
+ self.more()
return len(self)
def copy(self):