return $siteName;
- /**
- * @var $basepath String cached basepath to prevent having to parse it repeatedly.
- */
- protected $basepath;
- /**
- * @var $filesUrl String holds resolved path.
- */
- protected $filesUrl;
- /**
- * checkBasePath - Returns root directory with respect to $civicrm_root
- *
- * @param $root String
- * @param $seek String
- */
- public function checkBasePath($root, $seek = "/sites/") {
- if (!isset($this->basepath)) {
- $this->basepath = substr($root, 0, stripos($root, $seek) + 1);
- }
- return $this->basepath;
- }
- /**
- * check if files exist in path. Just a simple helper function for viewing
- * existence of sites.
- *
- * @param $basepath string
- * @param $basepath string
- */
- private function checkFilesExists($basepath, $folder) {
- return file_exists("{$basepath}sites/$folder/files/civicrm/");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the concatenated url for existing path.
- *
- * @param $baseUrl string
- * @param $folder string
- */
- private function getUrl($baseUrl, $folder) {
- return "{$baseUrl}sites/$folder/files/civicrm/";
- }
- /**
- * Returns the location of /sites/SITENAME/files/civicrm depending
- * on system configuration.
- *
- * @fixed CRM-19303
- * @param $root string
- * @param $baseUrl string
- * @param $default string
- */
- public function checkMultisite($root, $baseUrl, $default = "default") {
- if (isset($this->filesUrl)) {
- return $this->filesUrl;
- }
- $basepath = $this->checkBasePath($root);
- $correct = NULL;
- if ($this->checkFilesExists($root, $default)) {
- $correct = $default;
- }
- else {
- //Check for any other directories if default doesn't exist.
- $folders = scandir($basepath . 'sites/');
- foreach ($folders as $folder) {
- //Ignore hidden directories/files...
- if (strpos($folder, '.') === 0 || $folder == 'all') {
- continue;
- }
- //Check if it is a directory
- if (!is_dir($basepath . 'sites/' . $folder)) {
- continue;
- }
- //Check if files path exists...
- if ($this->checkFilesExists($basepath, $folder) && $folder == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
- $correct = $folder;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->filesUrl = self::getUrl($baseUrl, $correct);
- return $this->filesUrl;
- }