1. Create a new relationship-type. It should target "All Contacts" (not "Individual" or "Organization"). (Note: In the schema, "All Contacts" translates to `contact_type_a=NULL`.)
2. Reload the list of relationship-types
3. Observe: Warnings
1. The relationship type appears to work correctly if you try to create
relationship-instances, so this feels like a cosmetic issue on the listing
2. What a silly place for that code live. Keep calm and carry on.
CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($object, $values[$object->id]);
if (is_a($object, 'CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType')) {
- $values[$object->id]['contact_type_a_display'] = $contactTypes[$values[$object->id]['contact_type_a']];
- $values[$object->id]['contact_type_b_display'] = $contactTypes[$values[$object->id]['contact_type_b']];
+ if (isset($values[$object->id]['contact_type_a'])) {
+ $values[$object->id]['contact_type_a_display'] = $contactTypes[$values[$object->id]['contact_type_a']];
+ }
+ if (isset($values[$object->id]['contact_type_b'])) {
+ $values[$object->id]['contact_type_b_display'] = $contactTypes[$values[$object->id]['contact_type_b']];
+ }
// populate action links