* The use of the new hook is tested, including the fact it is called before contributions are merged, as this
* is likely to be significant data in merge hooks.
+ * @throws \API_Exception
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
public function mergeLocations(): void {
$set_primary = $migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$name][$blkCount]['set_other_primary'] ?? NULL;
if (!$changePrimary && $set_primary == "1") {
$otherBlockDAO->is_primary = 1;
- if ($primaryDAOId) {
- $removePrimaryDAO = $this->getDAOForLocationEntity($name);
- $removePrimaryDAO->id = $primaryDAOId;
- $removePrimaryDAO->is_primary = 0;
- $blocksDAO[$name]['update'][$primaryDAOId] = $removePrimaryDAO;
- }
$changePrimary = TRUE;
// Otherwise, if main contact already has primary, set it to 0.
foreach ($blocksDAO as $blockDAOs) {
if (!empty($blockDAOs['update'])) {
foreach ($blockDAOs['update'] as $blockDAO) {
- $blockDAO->save();
+ $entity = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(get_class($blockDAO));
+ $values = ['checkPermissions' => FALSE];
+ foreach ($blockDAO->fields() as $field) {
+ if (isset($blockDAO->{$field['name']})) {
+ $values['values'][$field['name']] = $blockDAO->{$field['name']};
+ }
+ }
+ civicrm_api4($entity, 'update', $values);
if (!empty($blockDAOs['delete'])) {
foreach ($blockDAOs['delete'] as $blockDAO) {
- $blockDAO->delete();
+ $entity = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(get_class($blockDAO));
+ civicrm_api4($entity, 'delete', ['where' => [['id', '=', $blockDAO->id]], 'checkPermissions' => FALSE]);
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
- public function testMergeWithBlankLocationData($isReverse) {
+ public function testMergeWithBlankLocationData($isReverse): void {
$this->ids['contact'][0] = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params)['id'];
$this->ids['contact'][1] = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params)['id'];