--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright 2003, Paul James
+ *
+ * This file contains some methods from the Smarty templating engine version
+ * 2.5.0 by Monte Ohrt <monte@ispi.net> and Andrei Zmievski <andrei@php.net>.
+ *
+ * The SquirrelMail (Foowd) template implementation.
+ * Derived from the foowd template implementation and adapted
+ * for squirrelmail
+ * @copyright © 2005-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ *
+ */
+ * The SquirrelMail PHP Template class. Extends the base
+ * Template class for use with PHP template pages.
+ *
+ * @author Paul James
+ * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ispi.net>
+ * @author Andrei Zmievski <andrei at php.net>
+ * @author Paul Lesniewski
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ *
+ */
+class PHP_Template extends Template
+ /**
+ * The templates values array
+ *
+ * @var array
+ *
+ */
+ var $values = array();
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * Please do not call directly. Use Template::construct_template().
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id the template ID
+ *
+ */
+ function PHP_Template($template_id) {
+//FIXME: find a way to test that this is ONLY ever called
+// from parent's construct_template() method (I doubt it
+// is worth the trouble to parse the current stack trace)
+// if (???)
+// trigger_error('Please do not use default PHP_Template() constructor. Instead, use Template::construct_template().', E_USER_ERROR);
+ parent::Template($template_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to assign
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function assign($tpl_var, $value = NULL) {
+ if (is_array($tpl_var))
+ {
+ foreach ($tpl_var as $key => $val)
+ {
+ if ($key != '')
+ $this->values[$key] = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($tpl_var != '')
+ $this->values[$tpl_var] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to assign
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value) {
+ if ($tpl_var != '')
+ $this->values[$tpl_var] = &$value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function append($tpl_var, $value = NULL, $merge = FALSE)
+ {
+ if (is_array($tpl_var))
+ {
+ foreach ($tpl_var as $_key => $_val)
+ {
+ if ($_key != '')
+ {
+ if(isset($this->values[$_key]) && !is_array($this->values[$_key]))
+ settype($this->values[$_key],'array');
+ if($merge && is_array($_val))
+ {
+ // FIXME: Tentative testing seems to indicate that
+ // this does not mirror Smarty behavior; Smarty
+ // seems to append the full array as a new element
+ // instead of merging, so this behavior is technically
+ // more "correct", but Smarty seems to differ
+ foreach($_val as $_mkey => $_mval)
+ $this->values[$_key][$_mkey] = $_mval;
+ }
+ else
+ $this->values[$_key][] = $_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value))
+ {
+ if(isset($this->values[$tpl_var]) && !is_array($this->values[$tpl_var]))
+ settype($this->values[$tpl_var],'array');
+ if($merge && is_array($value))
+ {
+ foreach($value as $_mkey => $_mval)
+ $this->values[$tpl_var][$_mkey] = $_mval;
+ }
+ else
+ $this->values[$tpl_var][] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge = FALSE)
+ {
+ if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value))
+ {
+ if(!@is_array($this->values[$tpl_var]))
+ settype($this->values[$tpl_var],'array');
+ if ($merge && is_array($value))
+ {
+ foreach($value as $_key => $_val)
+ $this->values[$tpl_var][$_key] = &$value[$_key];
+ }
+ else
+ $this->values[$tpl_var][] = &$value;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applys the template and generates final output destined
+ * for the user's browser
+ *
+ * @param string $filepath The full file path to the template to be applied
+ *
+ * @return string The output for the given template
+ *
+ */
+ function apply_template($filepath) {
+ // place values array directly in scope
+ // ($t? let's try to be more verbose please :-) )
+ //
+ $t = &$this->values;
+ ob_start();
+ include($filepath);
+ $contents = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ return $contents;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Smarty_Template.class.php
+ *
+ * This file contains a Template subclass intended as a bridge between
+ * SquirrelMail and Smarty. All abstract methods from the Template class
+ * are implemented here.
+ *
+ * @copyright © 2003-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage Template
+ * @since 1.5.2
+ *
+ */
+ * The SquirrelMail Smarty Template class. Extends the base
+ * Template class for use with Smarty template pages.
+ *
+ * @author Paul Lesniewski
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ *
+ */
+class Smarty_Template extends Template
+ /**
+ * The Smarty template object
+ *
+ * @var object
+ *
+ */
+ var $smarty_template = null;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * Please do not call directly. Use Template::construct_template().
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id the template ID
+ *
+ */
+ function Smarty_Template($template_id) {
+//FIXME: find a way to test that this is ONLY ever called
+// from parent's construct_template() method (I doubt it
+// is worth the trouble to parse the current stack trace)
+// if (???)
+// trigger_error('Please do not use default Smarty_Template() constructor. Instead, use Template::construct_template().', E_USER_ERROR);
+ parent::Template($template_id);
+ // pull in the tempalte config file and load smarty settings
+ //
+ $template_config_file = SM_PATH . $this->get_template_file_directory()
+ . 'config.php';
+ if (!file_exists($template_config_file)) {
+ trigger_error('No template configuration file was found where expected: ("'
+ . $template_config_file . '")', E_USER_ERROR);
+ } else {
+ require($template_config_file);
+ // instantiate and set up Smarty object
+ //
+//LEFT OFF HERE - check for this as empty or not
+ require($smarty_path);
+ $this->smarty_template = new Smarty();
+//LEFT OFF HERE - check for these as empty or not.... I think we at least need compile dir?
+ $this->smarty_template->compile_dir = $smarty_compile_dir;
+ $this->smarty_template->cache_dir = $smarty_cache_dir;
+ $this->smarty_template->config_dir = $smarty_config_dir;
+ // note that we do not use Smarty's template_dir
+ // because SquirrelMail has its own method of
+ // determining template file paths
+ //
+ //$this->smarty_template->template_dir =
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to assign
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function assign($tpl_var, $value = NULL) {
+ $this->smarty_template->assign($tpl_var, $value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to assign
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value) {
+ $this->smarty_template->assign_by_ref($tpl_var, $value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function append($tpl_var, $value = NULL, $merge = FALSE) {
+ $this->smarty_template->append($tpl_var, $value, $merge);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+FIXME: Proposed idea to add a parameter here that turns variable
+ encoding on, so that we can make sure output is always
+ run through something like htmlspecialchars() (maybe even nl2br()?)
+ *
+ */
+ function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge = FALSE) {
+ $this->smarty_template->append_by_ref($tpl_var, $value, $merge);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applys the template and generates final output destined
+ * for the user's browser
+ *
+ * @param string $filepath The full file path to the template to be applied
+ *
+ * @return string The output for the given template
+ *
+ */
+ function apply_template($filepath) {
+ // if being passed a raw .css or .js file, default
+ // Smarty delimiters will cause errors
+ //
+ if (strrpos($filepath, '.css') === (strlen($filepath) - 4)
+ || strrpos($filepath, '.js') === (strlen($filepath) - 3)) {
+ $this->smarty_template->left_delimiter = '{=';
+ $this->smarty_template->right_delimiter = '=}';
+ }
+ // Smarty wants absolute paths
+ //
+ if (strpos($filepath, '/') === 0)
+ return $this->smarty_template->fetch('file:' . $filepath);
+ else
+ return $this->smarty_template->fetch('file:' . getcwd() . '/' . $filepath);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+require(SM_PATH . 'functions/template_functions.php');
+ * Template.class.php
+ *
+ * This file contains an abstract (PHP 4, so "abstract" is relative)
+ * class meant to define the basic template interface for the
+ * SquirrelMail core application. Subclasses should extend this
+ * class with any custom functionality needed to interface a target
+ * templating engine with SquirrelMail.
+ *
+ * @copyright © 2003-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage Template
+ * @since 1.5.2
+ *
+ */
+ * The SquirrelMail Template class.
+ *
+ * Basic template class for capturing values and pluging them into a template.
+ * This class uses a similar API to Smarty.
+ *
+ * Methods that must be implemented by subclasses are as follows (see method
+ * stubs below for further information about expected behavior):
+ *
+ * assign()
+ * assign_by_ref()
+ * append()
+ * append_by_ref()
+ * apply_template()
+ *
+ * @author Paul Lesniewski
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ *
+ */
+class Template
+ /**
+ * The template ID
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $template_id = '';
+ /**
+ * The template directory to use
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $template_dir = '';
+ /**
+ * The template engine (please use constants defined in constants.php)
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $template_engine = '';
+ /**
+ * The default template ID
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $default_template_id = '';
+ /**
+ * The default template directory
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $default_template_dir = '';
+ /**
+ * The default template engine (please use constants defined in constants.php)
+ *
+ * @var string
+ *
+ */
+ var $default_template_engine = '';
+ /**
+ * Javascript files required by the template
+ *
+ * @var array
+ *
+ */
+ var $required_js_files = array();
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * Please do not call directly. Use Template::construct_template().
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id the template ID
+ *
+ */
+ function Template($template_id) {
+//FIXME: find a way to test that this is ONLY ever called
+// from the construct_template() method (I doubt it
+// is worth the trouble to parse the current stack trace)
+// if (???)
+// trigger_error('Please do not use default Template() constructor. Instead, use Template::construct_template().', E_USER_ERROR);
+ $this->set_up_template($template_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct Template
+ *
+ * This method should always be called instead of trying
+ * to get a Template object from the normal/default constructor,
+ * and is necessary in order to control the return value.
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id the template ID
+ *
+ * @return object The correct Template object for the given template set
+ *
+ */
+ function construct_template($template_id) {
+ $template = new Template($template_id);
+ return $template->get_template_engine_subclass();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up internal attributes
+ *
+ * This method does most of the work for setting up
+ * newly constructed objects.
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id the template ID
+ *
+ */
+ function set_up_template($template_id) {
+ // FIXME: do we want to place any restrictions on the ID like
+ // making sure no slashes included?
+ // get template ID
+ //
+ $this->template_id = $template_id;
+ // FIXME: do we want to place any restrictions on the ID like
+ // making sure no slashes included?
+ // get default template ID
+ //
+ global $templateset_default, $aTemplateSet;
+ $aTemplateSet = (!isset($aTemplateSet) || !is_array($aTemplateSet)
+ ? array() : $aTemplateSet);
+ $templateset_default = (!isset($templateset_default) ? 0 : $templateset_default);
+ $this->default_template_id = (!empty($aTemplateSet[$templateset_default]['ID'])
+ ? $aTemplateSet[$templateset_default]['ID']
+ : 'default');
+ // set up template directories
+ //
+ $this->template_dir
+ = Template::calculate_template_file_directory($this->template_id);
+ $this->default_template_dir
+ = Template::calculate_template_file_directory($this->default_template_id);
+ // pull in the template config file and load javascript and
+ // css files needed for this template set
+ //
+ $template_config_file = SM_PATH . $this->get_template_file_directory()
+ . 'config.php';
+ if (!file_exists($template_config_file)) {
+ trigger_error('No template configuration file was found where expected: ("'
+ . $template_config_file . '")', E_USER_ERROR);
+ } else {
+ require($template_config_file);
+ $this->required_js_files = is_array($required_js_files)
+ ? $required_js_files : array();
+ }
+ // determine template engine
+ //
+ if (empty($template_engine)) {
+ trigger_error('No template engine ($template_engine) was specified in template configuration file: ("'
+ . $template_config_file . '")', E_USER_ERROR);
+ } else {
+ $this->template_engine = $template_engine;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Instantiate and return correct subclass for this template
+ * set's templating engine.
+ *
+ * @return object The Template subclass object for the template engine.
+ *
+ */
+ function get_template_engine_subclass() {
+ $engine_class_file = SM_PATH . 'class/template/'
+ . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php';
+ if (!file_exists($engine_class_file)) {
+ trigger_error('Unknown template engine (' . $this->template_engine
+ . ') was specified in template configuration file',
+ }
+ $engine_class = $this->template_engine . 'Template';
+ require($engine_class_file);
+ return new $engine_class($this->template_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the relative template directory path for
+ * the given template ID.
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id The template ID from which to build
+ * the directory path
+ *
+ * @return string The relative template path (based off of SM_PATH)
+ *
+ */
+ function calculate_template_file_directory($template_id) {
+ return 'templates/' . $template_id . '/';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the relative images directory path for
+ * the given template ID.
+ *
+ * @param string $template_id The template ID from which to build
+ * the directory path
+ *
+ * @return string The relative images path (based off of SM_PATH)
+ *
+ */
+ function calculate_template_images_directory($template_id) {
+ return 'templates/' . $template_id . '/images/';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the relative template directory path for this template set.
+ *
+ * @return string The relative path to the template directory based
+ * from the main SquirrelMail directory (SM_PATH).
+ *
+ */
+ function get_template_file_directory() {
+ return $this->template_dir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the relative template directory path for the DEFAULT template set.
+ *
+ * @return string The relative path to the default template directory based
+ * from the main SquirrelMail directory (SM_PATH).
+ *
+ */
+ function get_default_template_file_directory() {
+ return $this->default_template_dir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the right template file.
+ *
+ * Templates are expected to be found in the template set directory,
+ * for example:
+ * SM_PATH/templates/<template name>/
+ * or, in the case of plugin templates, in a plugin directory in the
+ * template set directory, for example:
+ * SM_PATH/templates/<template name>/plugins/<plugin name>/
+ * *OR* in a template directory in the plugin as a fallback, for example:
+ * SM_PATH/plugins/<plugin name>/templates/<template name>/
+ * If the correct file is not found for the current template set, a
+ * default template is loaded, which is expected to be found in the
+ * default template directory, for example:
+ * SM_PATH/templates/<default template>/
+ * or for plugins, in a plugin directory in the default template set,
+ * for example:
+ * SM_PATH/templates/<default template>/plugins/<plugin name>/
+ * *OR* in a default template directory in the plugin as a fallback,
+ * for example:
+ * SM_PATH/plugins/<plugin name>/templates/<default template>/
+ * *OR* if the plugin template still cannot be found, one last attempt
+ * will be made to load it from a hard-coded default template directory
+ * inside the plugin:
+ * SM_PATH/plugins/<plugin name>/templates/default/
+ *
+ * Plugin authors must note that the $filename MUST be prefaced
+ * with "plugins/<plugin name>/" in order to correctly resolve the
+ * template file.
+ *
+ * Note that it is perfectly acceptable to load template files from
+ * template subdirectories other than plugins; for example, JavaScript
+ * templates found in the js/ subdirectory would be loaded by passing
+ * "js/<javascript file name>" as the $filename.
+ *
+ * @param string $filename The name of the template file,
+ * possibly prefaced with
+ * "plugins/<plugin name>/"
+ * indicating that it is a plugin
+ * template.
+ *
+ * @return string The full path to the template file; if
+ * not found, an empty string. The caller
+ * is responsible for throwing erros or
+ * other actions if template file is not found.
+ *
+ */
+ function get_template_file_path($filename) {
+ // is the template found in the normal template directory?
+ //
+ $filepath = SM_PATH . $this->get_template_file_directory() . $filename;
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ // no, so now we have to get the default template...
+ // however, in the case of a plugin template, let's
+ // give one more try to find the right template as
+ // provided by the plugin
+ //
+ if (strpos($filename, 'plugins/') === 0) {
+ $plugin_name = substr($filename, 8, strpos($filename, '/', 8) - 8);
+ $filepath = SM_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/'
+ . $this->get_template_file_directory()
+ . substr($filename, strlen($plugin_name) + 9);
+ // no go, we have to get the default template,
+ // first try the default SM template
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ $filepath = SM_PATH
+ . $this->get_default_template_file_directory()
+ . $filename;
+ // still no luck? get default template from the plugin
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ $filepath = SM_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/'
+ . $this->get_default_template_file_directory()
+ . substr($filename, strlen($plugin_name) + 9);
+ // we're almost out of luck, try hard-coded default...
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ $filepath = SM_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin_name
+ . '/templates/default/'
+ . substr($filename, strlen($plugin_name) + 9);
+ // no dice whatsoever, return empty string
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ $filepath = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get default template for non-plugin templates
+ //
+ } else {
+ $filepath = SM_PATH . $this->get_default_template_file_directory()
+ . $filename;
+ // no dice whatsoever, return empty string
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
+ $filepath = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $filepath;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the list of javascript files required by this
+ * template set. Only files that actually exist are returned.
+ *
+ * @param boolean $full_path When FALSE, only the file names
+ * are included in the return array;
+ * otherwise, path information is
+ * included (relative to SM_PATH)
+ * (OPTIONAL; default only file names)
+ *
+ * @return array The required file names/paths.
+ *
+ */
+ function get_javascript_includes($full_path=FALSE) {
+//FIXME -- change this system so it just returns whatever is in js dir?
+// bah, maybe not, but we might want to enhance this to pull in
+// js files not found in this or the default template from SM_PATH/js???
+ $paths = array();
+ foreach ($this->required_js_files as $file) {
+ $file = $this->get_template_file_path('js/' . $file);
+ if (!empty($file)) {
+ if ($full_path) {
+ $paths[] = $file;
+ } else {
+ $paths[] = basename($file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $paths;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return all standard stylsheets provided by the template.
+ *
+ * All files found in the template set's "css" directory with
+ * the extension ".css" except "rtl.css" (which is dealt with
+ * separately) are returned.
+ *
+ * @param boolean $full_path When FALSE, only the file names
+ * are included in the return array;
+ * otherwise, path information is
+ * included (relative to SM_PATH)
+ * (OPTIONAL; default only file names)
+ *
+ * @return array The required file names/paths.
+ *
+ */
+ function get_stylesheets($full_path=FALSE) {
+ $directory = SM_PATH . $this->get_template_file_directory() . 'css';
+ $files = list_files($directory, '.css', !$full_path);
+ // need to leave out "rtl.css"
+ //
+ $return_array = array();
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ if (strtolower(basename($file)) == 'rtl.css') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $return_array[] = $file;
+ }
+ return $return_array;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate links to all this template set's standard stylesheets
+ *
+ * Subclasses can override this function if stylesheets are
+ * created differently for the template set's target output
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * @return string The stylesheet links as they should be sent
+ * to the browser.
+ *
+ */
+ function fetch_standard_stylesheet_links()
+ {
+ $sheets = $this->get_stylesheets(TRUE);
+ return $this->fetch_external_stylesheet_links($sheets);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Push out any other stylesheet links as provided (for
+ * stylesheets not included with the current template set)
+ *
+ * Subclasses can override this function if stylesheets are
+ * created differently for the template set's target output
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $sheets List of the desired stylesheets
+ * (file path to be used in stylesheet
+ * href attribute) to output (or single
+ * stylesheet file path).
+FIXME: We could make the incoming array more complex so it can
+ also contain the other parameters for create_css_link()
+ such as $name, $alt, $mtype, and $xhtml_end
+ But do we need to?
+ *
+ * @return string The stylesheet links as they should be sent
+ * to the browser.
+ *
+ */
+ function fetch_external_stylesheet_links($sheets)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($sheets)) $sheets = array($sheets);
+ $output = '';
+ foreach ($sheets as $sheet) {
+ $output .= create_css_link($sheet);
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send HTTP header(s) to browser.
+ *
+ * Subclasses can override this function if headers are
+ * managed differently in the template set's target output
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $headers A list of (or a single) header
+ * text to be sent.
+ *
+ */
+ function header($headers)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($headers)) $headers = array($headers);
+ foreach ($headers as $header) {
+ header($header);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a link to the right-to-left stylesheet for
+ * this template set, or use the one for the default
+ * template set if not found, or finally, fall back
+ * to SquirrelMail's own "rtl.css" if need be.
+ *
+ * Subclasses can override this function if stylesheets are
+ * created differently for the template set's target output
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * @return string The stylesheet link as it should be sent
+ * to the browser.
+ *
+ */
+ function fetch_right_to_left_stylesheet_link()
+ {
+ // get right template file
+ //
+ $sheet = $this->get_template_file_path('css/rtl.css');
+ // fall back to SquirrelMail's own default stylesheet
+ //
+ if (empty($sheet)) {
+ $sheet = SM_PATH . 'css/rtl.css';
+ }
+ return create_css_link($sheet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display the template
+ *
+ * @param string $file The template file to use
+ *
+ */
+ function display($file)
+ {
+ echo $this->fetch($file);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applies the template and returns the resultant content string.
+ *
+ * @param string $file The template file to use
+ *
+ * @return string The template contents after applying the given template
+ *
+ */
+ function fetch($file) {
+ // get right template file
+ //
+ $template = $this->get_template_file_path($file);
+ // special case stylesheet.tpl falls back to SquirrelMail's
+ // own default stylesheet
+ //
+ if (empty($template) && $file == 'css/stylesheet.tpl') {
+ $template = SM_PATH . 'css/default.css';
+ }
+ if (empty($template)) {
+ trigger_error('The template "' . htmlspecialchars($file)
+ . '" could not be fetched!', E_USER_ERROR);
+ } else {
+ $aPluginOutput = array();
+ $aPluginOutput = concat_hook_function('template_construct_' . $file,
+ array($aPluginOutput, $this));
+ $this->assign('plugin_output', $aPluginOutput);
+ $output = $this->apply_template($template);
+ // using this hook will probably be rejected by the
+ // SquirrelMail team.
+ //
+ $output = filter_hook_function('template_output', $output);
+ return $output;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables
+ *
+ * Note: this is an abstract method that must be implemented by subclass.
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to assign
+ *
+ */
+ function assign($tpl_var, $value = NULL) {
+ trigger_error('Template subclass (' . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php) needs to implement the assign() method.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * Note: this is an abstract method that must be implemented by subclass.
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to assign
+ *
+ */
+ function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value) {
+ trigger_error('Template subclass (' . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php) needs to implement the assign_by_ref() method.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables
+ *
+ * Note: this is an abstract method that must be implemented by subclass.
+ *
+ * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
+ * @param mixed $value the value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+ *
+ */
+ function append($tpl_var, $value = NULL, $merge = FALSE) {
+ trigger_error('Template subclass (' . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php) needs to implement the append() method.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends values to template variables by reference
+ *
+ * Note: this is an abstract method that must be implemented by subclass.
+ *
+ * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
+ * @param mixed $value the referenced value to append
+ * @param boolean $merge when $value is given as an array,
+ * this indicates whether or not that
+ * array itself should be appended as
+ * a new template variable value or if
+ * that array's values should be merged
+ * into the existing array of template
+ * variable values
+ *
+ */
+ function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge = FALSE) {
+ trigger_error('Template subclass (' . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php) needs to implement the append_by_ref() method.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applys the template and generates final output destined
+ * for the user's browser
+ *
+ * Note: this is an abstract method that must be implemented by subclass.
+ *
+ * @param string $filepath The full file path to the template to be applied
+ *
+ * @return string The output for the given template
+ *
+ */
+ function apply_template($filepath) {
+ trigger_error('Template subclass (' . $this->template_engine . 'Template.class.php) needs to implement the apply_template() method.', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }