+use Civi\Api4\Activity;
* Class CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityTest
* @group headless
* Clean up after tests.
+ * @throws \API_Exception
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
* Test case for getContactActivity() method.
- * getContactActivity() method get activities detail for given target contact id.
+ * getContactActivity() method get activities detail for given target contact
+ * id.
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
public function testGetContactActivity() {
$contactId = $this->individualCreate();
* Retrieve($params, $defaults) method return activity detail for given params
* and set defaults.
- public function testRetrieve() {
+ public function testRetrieve(): void {
$contactId = $this->individualCreate();
$params = [
'first_name' => 'liz',
* Test case for deleteActivity() method.
* deleteActivity($params) method deletes activity for given params.
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
public function testDeleteActivity() {
$contactId = $this->individualCreate();
* Test case for deleteActivityAssignment() method.
- * deleteActivityAssignment($activityId) method deletes activity assignment for given activity id.
+ * deleteActivityAssignment($activityId) method deletes activity assignment
+ * for given activity id.
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- public function testDeleteActivityAssignment() {
+ public function testDeleteActivityAssignment(): void {
$contactId = $this->individualCreate();
$params = [
'first_name' => 'liz',
// note that dashboard shows only scheduled activities
$this->assertEquals(2, CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivitiesCount($params));
- // If we're showing case activities, we exepct to see one more (the scheduled meeting)...
+ // If we're showing case activities, we expect to see one more (the scheduled meeting)...
$this->assertEquals(3, CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivitiesCount($params));
// Reset to default
foreach ([$activitiesNew] as $activities) {
//$this->assertEquals($activityCount, CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivitiesCount($testCase['params']));
- if ($caseName == 'with-no-activity') {
+ if ($caseName === 'with-no-activity') {
$this->assertEquals(0, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals(0, $activityCount);
- elseif ($caseName == 'with-activity') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'with-activity') {
// contact id 1 is assigned as source, target and assignee for activity id 1, 7 and 8 respectively
$this->assertEquals(3, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals(3, $activityCount);
//$this->assertEquals(TRUE, array_key_exists(1, $activities[7]['target_contact_name']));
$this->assertEquals(TRUE, array_key_exists(1, $activities[8]['assignee_contact_name']));
- elseif ($caseName == 'with-activity_type') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'with-activity_type') {
// contact id 3 for activity type 2 is assigned as assignee, source and target for
// activity id 1, 3 and 8 respectively
$this->assertEquals(3, count($activities));
// $this->assertEquals(TRUE, array_key_exists(3, $activities[8]['target_contact_name']));
$this->assertEquals(TRUE, array_key_exists(3, $activities[1]['assignee_contact_name']));
- if ($caseName == 'exclude-all-activity_type') {
+ if ($caseName === 'exclude-all-activity_type') {
$this->assertEquals(0, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals(0, $activityCount);
- if ($caseName == 'sort-by-subject') {
+ if ($caseName === 'sort-by-subject') {
$this->assertEquals(3, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals(3, $activityCount);
// activities should be order by 'subject DESC'
* CRM-20793 : Test getActivities by using activity date and status filter
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
- public function testByActivityDateAndStatus() {
+ public function testByActivityDateAndStatus(): void {
CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['view all contacts', 'access CiviCRM'];
$lastTwoMonthAgoDate = date('YmdHis', strtotime('2 months ago'));
// if current month is Jan then choose next year date otherwise the search result will include
// the previous week and last two months activities which are still in previous year and hence leads to improper result
- $lastOrNextYearDate = (date('M') == 'Jan') ? date('YmdHis', strtotime('+1 year')) : date('YmdHis', strtotime('1 year ago'));
+ $lastOrNextYearDate = (date('M') === 'Jan') ? date('YmdHis', strtotime('+1 year')) : date('YmdHis', strtotime('1 year ago'));
for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) {
if (in_array($i, $lastWeekActivities)) {
$date = $lastWeekDate;
$activityIDs = array_keys($activities);
- if ($caseName == 'todays-activity' || $caseName == 'todays-activity-filtered-by-range') {
+ if ($caseName === 'todays-activity' || $caseName === 'todays-activity-filtered-by-range') {
// Only one of the 4 activities today relates to contact id 1.
$this->assertEquals(1, $activityCount);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals([7], array_keys($activities));
- elseif ($caseName == 'last-week-activity') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'last-week-activity') {
// Only one of the 3 activities today relates to contact id 1.
$this->assertEquals(1, $activityCount);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals([1], $activityIDs);
- elseif ($caseName == 'lhis-quarter-activity') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'lhis-quarter-activity') {
$this->assertEquals(count($lastTwoMonthsActivities), $activityCount);
$this->assertEquals(count($lastTwoMonthsActivities), count($activities));
$this->checkArrayEquals($lastTwoMonthsActivities, $activityIDs);
- elseif ($caseName == 'last-or-next-year-activity') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'last-or-next-year-activity') {
$this->assertEquals(count($lastOrNextYearActivities), $activityCount);
$this->assertEquals(count($lastOrNextYearActivities), count($activities));
$this->checkArrayEquals($lastOrNextYearActivities, $activityIDs);
- elseif ($caseName == 'activity-of-all-statuses') {
+ elseif ($caseName === 'activity-of-all-statuses') {
$this->assertEquals(3, $activityCount);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($activities));
* @dataProvider getActivityDateData
+ *
+ * @param $params
+ * @param $expected
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- public function testActivityRelativeDateFilter($params, $expected) {
+ public function testActivityRelativeDateFilter($params, $expected): void {
$thisYear = date('Y');
$dates = [
date('Y-m-d', strtotime(($thisYear - 1) . '-01-01')),
* CRM-20308: Test from email address when a 'copy of Activity' event occur
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
public function testEmailAddressOfActivityCopy() {
// Case 1: assert the 'From' Email Address of source Actvity Contact ID
// Check that from address is in "Source-Display-Name <source-email>"
$formAddress = CRM_Case_BAO_Case::getReceiptFrom($activity['id']);
- $expectedFromAddress = sprintf("%s <%s>", $sourceDisplayName, $sourceContactParams['email']);
+ $expectedFromAddress = sprintf('%s <%s>', $sourceDisplayName, $sourceContactParams['email']);
$this->assertEquals($expectedFromAddress, $formAddress);
// Case 2: System Default From Address
$text = __FUNCTION__ . ' text';
$userID = $loggedInUser;
- list($sent, $activity_ids) = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
+ [$sent, $activity_ids] = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
$text = __FUNCTION__ . ' text';
$userID = $loggedInUser;
- list($sent, $activity_ids) = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
+ [$sent, $activity_ids] = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
- public function testSendSmsNoPhoneNumber() {
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = $this->createSendSmsTest(0);
- $activity = $this->civicrm_api('activity', 'getsingle', ['id' => $activityId, 'version' => $this->_apiversion]);
- $outBoundSmsActivityId = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'SMS');
- $activityStatusCompleted = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_status_id', 'Completed');
- $details = 'createSendSmsTest text';
- $this->assertEquals($activity['activity_type_id'], $outBoundSmsActivityId, 'Wrong activity type is set.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['status_id'], $activityStatusCompleted, 'Expected activity status Completed.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['subject'], 'createSendSmsTest subject', 'Activity subject does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['details'], $details, 'Activity details does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals("Recipient phone number is invalid or recipient does not want to receive SMS", $sent[0], "Expected error doesn't match");
- $this->assertEquals(0, $success, "Expected success to be 0");
+ /**
+ * Test that a sms does not send when a phone number is not available.
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ public function testSendSmsNoPhoneNumber(): void {
+ $sent = $this->createSendSmsTest(FALSE);
+ $this->assertEquals('Recipient phone number is invalid or recipient does not want to receive SMS', $sent[0], "Expected error doesn't match");
- public function testSendSmsFixedPhoneNumber() {
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = $this->createSendSmsTest(1);
- $activity = $this->civicrm_api('activity', 'getsingle', ['id' => $activityId, 'version' => $this->_apiversion]);
- $outBoundSmsActivityId = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'SMS');
- $activityStatusCompleted = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_status_id', 'Completed');
- $details = 'createSendSmsTest text';
- $this->assertEquals($activity['activity_type_id'], $outBoundSmsActivityId, 'Wrong activity type is set.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['status_id'], $activityStatusCompleted, 'Expected activity status Completed.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['subject'], 'createSendSmsTest subject', 'Activity subject does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['details'], $details, 'Activity details does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals("Recipient phone number is invalid or recipient does not want to receive SMS", $sent[0], "Expected error doesn't match");
- $this->assertEquals(0, $success, "Expected success to be 0");
+ /**
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ public function testSendSmsLandLinePhoneNumber(): void {
+ $sent = $this->createSendSmsTest(FALSE, 1);
+ $this->assertEquals('Recipient phone number is invalid or recipient does not want to receive SMS', $sent[0], "Expected error doesn't match");
- public function testSendSmsMobilePhoneNumber() {
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = $this->createSendSmsTest(2);
- $activity = $this->civicrm_api('activity', 'getsingle', ['id' => $activityId, 'version' => $this->_apiversion]);
- $outBoundSmsActivityId = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'SMS');
- $activityStatusCompleted = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_status_id', 'Completed');
- $details = 'createSendSmsTest text';
- $this->assertEquals($activity['activity_type_id'], $outBoundSmsActivityId, 'Wrong activity type is set.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['status_id'], $activityStatusCompleted, 'Expected activity status Completed.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['subject'], 'createSendSmsTest subject', 'Activity subject does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals($activity['details'], $details, 'Activity details does not match.');
- $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $sent, "Expected sent should be true");
- $this->assertEquals(1, $success, "Expected success to be 1");
+ /**
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ public function testSendSmsMobilePhoneNumber(): void {
+ $sent = $this->createSendSmsTest(TRUE, 2);
+ $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $sent[0], "Expected sent should be true");
- * Test that when a numbe ris specified in the To Param of the SMS provider parameters that an SMS is sent
+ * Test that when a number is specified in the To Param of the SMS provider parameters that an SMS is sent
* @see dev/core/#273
- public function testSendSMSMobileInToProviderParam() {
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = $this->createSendSmsTest(2, TRUE);
- $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $sent, "Expected sent should be true");
- $this->assertEquals(1, $success, "Expected success to be 1");
+ public function testSendSMSMobileInToProviderParam(): void {
+ $sent = $this->createSendSmsTest(TRUE, 2, TRUE);
+ $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $sent[0], 'Expected sent should be true');
* Test that when a numbe ris specified in the To Param of the SMS provider parameters that an SMS is sent
* @see dev/core/#273
- public function testSendSMSMobileInToProviderParamWithDoNotSMS() {
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = $this->createSendSmsTest(2, TRUE, ['do_not_sms' => 1]);
+ public function testSendSMSMobileInToProviderParamWithDoNotSMS(): void {
+ $sent = $this->createSendSmsTest(FALSE, 2, TRUE, ['do_not_sms' => 1]);
foreach ($sent as $error) {
$this->assertEquals('Contact Does not accept SMS', $error);
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($sent), "Expected sent should a PEAR Error");
- $this->assertEquals(0, $success, "Expected success to be 0");
+ $this->assertCount(1, $sent, 'Expected sent should a PEAR Error');
- * @param int $phoneType (0=no phone, phone_type option group (1=fixed, 2=mobile)
+ * @param bool $expectSuccess
+ * @param int $phoneType (0=no phone, phone_type option group (1=fixed,
+ * 2=mobile)
* @param bool $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails
* @param array $additionalContactParams additional contact creation params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
- public function createSendSmsTest($phoneType = 0, $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails = FALSE, $additionalContactParams = []) {
+ public function createSendSmsTest(bool $expectSuccess = TRUE, int $phoneType = 0, bool $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails = FALSE, array $additionalContactParams = []): array {
$provider = civicrm_api3('SmsProvider', 'create', [
- 'name' => "CiviTestSMSProvider",
- 'api_type' => "1",
- "username" => "1",
- "password" => "1",
- "api_type" => "1",
- "api_url" => "1",
- "api_params" => "a=1",
- "is_default" => "1",
- "is_active" => "1",
- "domain_id" => "1",
+ 'name' => 'CiviTestSMSProvider',
+ 'api_type' => 1,
+ 'username' => 1,
+ 'password' => 1,
+ 'api_url' => 1,
+ 'api_params' => 'a=1',
+ 'is_default' => 1,
+ 'is_active' => 1,
+ 'domain_id' => 1,
$smsProviderParams['provider_id'] = $provider['id'];
if (!empty($additionalContactParams)) {
$this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', ['id' => $contactId] + $additionalContactParams);
- $contactsResult = $this->callApiSuccess('contact', 'get', ['id' => $contactId, 'version' => $this->_apiversion]);
+ $contactsResult = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'get', ['id' => $contactId, 'return' => ['id', 'phone_type_id', 'do_not_sms']]);
$contactDetails = $contactsResult['values'];
// Get contactIds from contact details
$contactIds[] = $contact['contact_id'];
- $activityParams['sms_text_message'] = __FUNCTION__ . ' text';
- $activityParams['activity_subject'] = __FUNCTION__ . ' subject';
+ $activityParams['sms_text_message'] = 'text';
+ $activityParams['activity_subject'] = 'subject';
// Get a "logged in" user to set as source of Sms.
$session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
$sourceContactId = $session->get('userID');
- // Create a user
- $this->_testSmsContactId = $this->createLoggedInUser();
+ $this->createLoggedInUser();
// Give user permission to 'send SMS'
CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviCRM', 'send SMS'];
case 2:
// Create a mobile phone number
- $phone = civicrm_api3('Phone', 'create', [
- 'contact_id' => $contactId,
- 'phone' => 123456,
- 'phone_type_id' => "Mobile",
- ]);
- if ($passPhoneTypeInContactDetails) {
- $contactDetails[$contactId]['phone'] = $phone['values'][$phone['id']]['phone'];
- $contactDetails[$contactId]['phone_type_id'] = $phone['values'][$phone['id']]['phone_type_id'];
- }
+ $contactDetails = $this->createMobilePhone($contactId, $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails, $contactDetails);
case 1:
$phone = civicrm_api3('Phone', 'create', [
'contact_id' => $contactId,
'phone' => 654321,
- 'phone_type_id' => "Phone",
+ 'phone_type_id' => 'Phone',
if ($passPhoneTypeInContactDetails) {
$contactDetails[$contactId]['phone'] = $phone['values'][$phone['id']]['phone'];
// Now run the actual test
- list($sent, $activityId, $success) = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendSms(
+ [$sent, $activityId, $success] = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendSms(
- return [$sent, $activityId, $success];
+ $this->validateActivity($activityId);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectSuccess, $success);
+ return (array) $sent;
- protected function createTestActivities() {
- $this->loadXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/activities_for_dashboard_count.xml');
+ /**
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ protected function createTestActivities(): void {
+ $this->loadXMLDataSet(__DIR__ . '/activities_for_dashboard_count.xml');
// Make changes to improve variation in php since the xml method is brittle & relies on option values being unchanged.
$this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'create', ['id' => 12, 'activity_type_id' => 'Bulk Email']);
* ACL HOOK implementation for various tests
- public function hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, &$contactID, &$where) {
+ public function hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, &$contactID, &$where): void {
if (!empty($this->allowedContactsACL)) {
$contact_id_list = implode(',', $this->allowedContactsACL);
$where = " contact_a.id IN ($contact_id_list)";
$text = __FUNCTION__ . ' text';
$mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
- list($sent, $activity_ids) = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
+ [$sent, $activity_ids] = $email_result = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
"timelineActivityTypes" => [
- "name" => "Open Case",
- "status" => "Completed",
- "label" => "Open Case",
+ "name" => 'Open Case',
+ "status" => 'Completed',
+ "label" => 'Open Case',
"default_assignee_type" => "1",
"caseRoles" => [
"name" => "Case Coordinator",
- "creator" => "1",
- "manager" => "1",
+ "creator" => 1,
+ "manager" => 1,
* and edit mode.
* @dataProvider targetAndAssigneeProvider
+ *
* @param array $do_first
* @param array $do_second
+ *
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
public function testTargetAssigneeVariations(array $do_first, array $do_second) {
// Originally wanted to put this in setUp() but it broke other tests.
* in as a scalar when there's only one of them.
* @dataProvider targetAndAssigneeProvider
+ *
* @param array $do_first
* @param array $do_second
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
public function testTargetAssigneeVariationsWithScalars(array $do_first, array $do_second) {
// Originally wanted to put this in setUp() but it broke other tests.
'id' => ['IN' => [$contactId1, $contactId2]],
- list($sent, $activityIds) = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
+ [$sent, $activityIds] = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(
'a subject',
'here is some text',
+ /**
+ * @param $activityId
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ protected function validateActivity($activityId): void {
+ $activity = Activity::get(FALSE)
+ ->addSelect('activity_type_id', 'status_id', 'subject', 'details')
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $activityId)
+ ->execute()->first();
+ $outBoundSmsActivityId = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'SMS');
+ $activityStatusCompleted = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_status_id', 'Completed');
+ $this->assertEquals($outBoundSmsActivityId, $activity['activity_type_id'], 'Wrong activity type is set.');
+ $this->assertEquals($activityStatusCompleted, $activity['status_id'], 'Expected activity status Completed.');
+ $this->assertEquals('subject', $activity['subject'], 'Activity subject does not match.');
+ $this->assertEquals('text', $activity['details'], 'Activity details does not match.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $contactId
+ * @param bool $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails
+ * @param $contactDetails
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ */
+ protected function createMobilePhone(int $contactId, bool $passPhoneTypeInContactDetails, $contactDetails): array {
+ $phone = civicrm_api3('Phone', 'create', [
+ 'contact_id' => $contactId,
+ 'phone' => 123456,
+ 'phone_type_id' => 'Mobile',
+ ]);
+ if ($passPhoneTypeInContactDetails) {
+ $contactDetails[$contactId]['phone'] = $phone['values'][$phone['id']]['phone'];
+ $contactDetails[$contactId]['phone_type_id'] = $phone['values'][$phone['id']]['phone_type_id'];
+ }
+ return $contactDetails;
+ }