self.method = kwargs.pop('method', 'GET')
self.require_auth = kwargs.pop('require_auth', False)
self.upload_api = kwargs.pop('upload_api', False)
- self.use_cache = kwargs.pop('use_cache', True)
self.session = requests.Session()
# If authentication is required and no credentials
log.debug("PARAMS: %r", self.session.params)
- def execute(self):
+ def execute(self, *, use_cache=True):
self.api.cached_result = False
# Build the request URL
# Query the cache if one is available
# and this request uses a GET method.
- if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET':
+ if use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET':
cache_result = self.api.cache.get(f'{url}?{urlencode(self.session.params)}')
# if cache result found and not expired, return it
if cache_result:
result = self.parser.parse(self, resp.text, return_cursors=self.return_cursors)
# Store result into cache if one is available.
- if self.use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET' and result:
+ if use_cache and self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET' and result:'{url}?{urlencode(self.session.params)}', result)
return result
def bind_api(*args, **kwargs):
+ use_cache = kwargs.pop('use_cache', True)
method = APIMethod(*args, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('create'):
return method
- return method.execute()
+ return method.execute(use_cache=use_cache)