+++ /dev/null
-/*import {ConnexionInterface} from "../Connexion";
-const Peer = require('simple-peer');
-let cinemaClose : any = null;
-let cinema : any = null;
-let microphoneClose : any = null;
-let microphone : any = null;
-let localStream : MediaStream = null;
-let remoteStream : MediaStream = null;
-let remoteVideo : any = null;
-let myCamVideo : any = null;
-let promiseGetCam : Promise<any> = null;
-let peer : any = null;
-let Connexion : ConnexionInterface = null;
-let roomId = "test-wertc";
-let gettingCamera : Promise<any> = null;
-let constraintsMedia = {audio: true, video: true};
-function joinRoom(){
- Connexion.JoinRoomWebRtc(roomId);
- Connexion.startRoomWebRtc(initialiseWebSocket)
-function initialiseWebSocket(message : any){
- console.log('initialiseWebSocket => message', message);
- peer = new Peer({
- initiator: message.initiator
- });
- peer.on('signal', (data : any) => {
- //send signal
- //permit to send message and initialise peer connexion
- console.log('signal sended', data);
- Connexion.shareSignalWebRtc({
- roomId: roomId,
- signal: data
- });
- });
- //permit to receive message and initialise peer connexion
- Connexion.receiveSignalWebRtc((data : any) => {
- let signal = JSON.parse(data);
- console.log('receiveSignalWebRtc => signal', signal);
- peer.signal(signal.signal);
- });
- peer.on('stream', (stream : MediaStream) => {
- // got remote video stream, now let's show it in a video tag
- console.log("peer => stream", stream);
- //set local stream in little cam
- myCamVideo.srcObject = localStream;
- //set remote stream in remote video
- remoteStream = stream;
- remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
- });
- peer.on('connect', () => {
- console.log('CONNECT')
- peer.send('whatever' + Math.random())
- });
- peer.on('data', (data : any) => {
- console.log('data: ' + data)
- });
- peer.on('close', (err : any) => console.error('close', err));
- peer.on('error', (err : any) => console.error('error', err));
- peer.on('track', (track : any, stream : any) => {
- remoteStream = stream;
- remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
- track.onended = (e : any) => remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteVideo.srcObject; // Chrome/Firefox bug
- });
- gettingCamera.then(() => {
- addMedia();
- });
-//get camera
-function getCamera() {
- gettingCamera = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraintsMedia)
- .then((stream: MediaStream) => {
- localStream = stream;
- remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.error(err);
- localStream = null;
- throw err;
- });
- return gettingCamera;
-function addMedia () {
- if(peer) {
- peer.addStream(localStream) // <- add streams to peer dynamically
- }
-function enabledCamera(){
- cinemaClose.style.display = "none";
- cinema.style.display = "block";
- constraintsMedia.video = true;
-function disabledCamera(){
- cinemaClose.style.display = "block";
- cinema.style.display = "none";
- constraintsMedia.video = false;
-function enabledMicrophone(){
- microphoneClose.style.display = "none";
- microphone.style.display = "block";
- constraintsMedia.audio = true;
-function disabledMicrophone(){
- microphoneClose.style.display = "block";
- microphone.style.display = "none";
- constraintsMedia.audio = false;
-function showWebRtc(){
- remoteVideo = document.getElementById('activeCamVideo');
- myCamVideo = document.getElementById('myCamVideo');
- microphoneClose = document.getElementById('microphone-close');
- microphoneClose.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- enabledMicrophone();
- //update tracking
- });
- microphone = document.getElementById('microphone');
- microphone.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- disabledMicrophone();
- //update tracking
- });
- cinemaClose = document.getElementById('cinema-close');
- cinemaClose.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- enabledCamera();
- //update tracking
- });
- cinema = document.getElementById('cinema');
- cinema.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- disabledCamera();
- //update tracking
- });
- enabledMicrophone();
- enabledCamera();
- let webRtc = document.getElementById('webRtc');
- webRtc.classList.add('active');
-export const initialisation = (ConnexionInterface : ConnexionInterface) => {
- Connexion = ConnexionInterface;
- //show camera
- showWebRtc();
- //open the camera
- getCamera();
- //join room to create webrtc
- joinRoom();
\ No newline at end of file