{if ! $suppressForm}
<form {$form.attributes} >
+ {crmRegion name='form-top'}{/crmRegion}
-{include file="CRM/Form/body.tpl"}
+ {crmRegion name='form-body'}
+ {include file="CRM/Form/body.tpl"}
-{include file=$tplFile}
+ {include file=$tplFile}
+ {/crmRegion}
{if ! $suppressForm}
+ {crmRegion name='form-bottom'}{/crmRegion}
{* Loops through $form.buttons.html array and assigns separate spans with classes to allow theming
by button and name. crmBtnType grabs type keyword from button name (e.g. 'upload', 'next', 'back', 'cancel') so
types of buttons can be styled differently via css. *}
-{foreach from=$form.buttons item=button key=key name=btns}
+{crmRegion name='form-buttons'}
+ {foreach from=$form.buttons item=button key=key name=btns}
{if $key|substring:0:4 EQ '_qf_'}
{if $location}
{assign var='html' value=$form.buttons.$key.html|crmReplace:id:"$key-$location"}
{capture assign=validate}{$key|crmBtnValidate}{/capture}
<span class="crm-button crm-button-type-{$key|crmBtnType} crm-button{$key}"{if $buttonStyle} style="{$buttonStyle}"{/if}>{$html|crmAddClass:$validate}</span>
+ {/foreach}