/* Now that we have everything figured out, show the actual button. */
echo ' <a href="' . $source_url .'?newsort=' . $which
. '&startMessage=1&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox)
- . '"><IMG SRC="../images/' . $img
- . '" BORDER=0 WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=10 ALT="sort"></a>';
+ . '"><img src="../images/' . $img
+ . '" border="0" width="12" height="10" alt="sort" title="'
+ . _("Click here to change the sorting of the message list") .'"></a>';
function get_selectall_link($start_msg, $sort) {
global $theme_css, $custom_css, $pageheader_sent;
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">' .
- "\n\n" . html_tag( 'html' ,'' , '', '', '' ) . "\n<head>\n";
+ "\n\n" . html_tag( 'html' ,'' , '', '', 'lang="'.$squirrelmail_language.'"' ) . "\n<head>\n";
if ( !isset( $custom_css ) || $custom_css == 'none' ) {
if ($theme_css != '') {
if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP') {
echo "<!-- \xfd\xfe -->\n";
- echo '<meta http-equuiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-jp">' . "\n";
+ echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-jp">' . "\n";
if ($do_hook) {
echo '<TABLE BGCOLOR="'.$color[9].'" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="1"'.
- ' CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" ALIIGN="center">'."\n";
+ ' CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" ALIGN="center">'."\n";
echo '<TR><TD HEIGHT="5" COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="'.
$color[4].'"></TD></TR><TR><TD align=center>'."\n";
echo $s;
$right_frame_url = $right_frame;
+$left_frame = '<frame src="left_main.php" name="left" frameborder="1" title="'.
+ _("Folder List") ."\" />\n";
+$right_frame = '<frame src="'.$right_frame_url.'" name="right" frameborder="1" title="'.
+ _("Message List") ."\" />\n";
if ($location_of_bar == 'right') {
- echo "<frame src=\"$right_frame_url\" name=\"right\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n" .
- "<frame src=\"left_main.php\" name=\"left\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n";
+ echo $right_frame . $left_frame;
else {
- echo "<frame src=\"left_main.php\" name=\"left\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n".
- "<frame src=\"$right_frame_url\" name=\"right\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n";
+ echo $left_frame . $right_frame;