protected $_entity = 'Mailing';
protected $_contactID;
+ /**
+ * APIv3 result from creating an example footer
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $footer;
public function setUp() {
'header_id' => '',
'footer_id' => '',
+ $this->footer = civicrm_api3('MailingComponent', 'create', array(
+ 'body_html' => '<p>From {domain.address}. To opt out, go to {action.optOutUrl}.</p>',
+ 'body_text' => 'From {domain.address}. To opt out, go to {action.optOutUrl}.',
+ ));
public function tearDown() {
"/Mailing cannot be sent. There are missing or invalid fields \\(.*body_text.*optOut.*\\)./", // expectedFailure
0, // expectedJobCount
+ $cases[] = array(
+ TRUE, //useLogin
+ array('body_text' => 'Look ma, magic tokens in the text!', 'footer_id' => '%FOOTER%'), // createParams
+ array('scheduled_date' => '2014-12-13 10:00:00', 'approval_date' => '2014-12-13 00:00:00'),
+ FALSE, // expectedFailure
+ 1, // expectedJobCount
+ );
+ $cases[] = array(
+ TRUE, //useLogin
+ array('body_html' => '<p>Look ma, magic tokens in the markup!</p>', 'footer_id' => '%FOOTER%'), // createParams
+ array('scheduled_date' => '2014-12-13 10:00:00', 'approval_date' => '2014-12-13 00:00:00'),
+ FALSE, // expectedFailure
+ 1, // expectedJobCount
+ );
return $cases;
+ if (isset($createParams['footer_id']) && $createParams['footer_id'] == '%FOOTER%') {
+ $createParams['footer_id'] = $this->footer['id'];
+ }
$id = $this->createDraftMailing($createParams);
$submitParams['id'] = $id;