--- /dev/null
+ * @package CRM
+ * @copyright CiviCRM LLC https://civicrm.org/licensing
+ */
+ * Business access object for the User entity.
+ */
+class CRM_Standaloneusers_BAO_User extends CRM_Standaloneusers_DAO_User implements \Civi\Core\HookInterface {
+ /**
+ * Event fired after an action is taken on a User record.
+ * @param \Civi\Core\Event\PreEvent $event
+ */
+ public static function self_hook_civicrm_pre(\Civi\Core\Event\PreEvent $event) {
+ if (in_array($event->action, ['create', 'edit'])
+ && empty($event->params['when_updated'])) {
+ // Track when_updated.
+ $event->params['when_updated'] = date('YmdHis');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function updateLastAccessed() {
+ $sess = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
+ $ufID = (int) $sess->get('ufID');
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_uf_match SET when_last_accessed = NOW() WHERE id = $ufID");
+ $sess->set('lastAccess', time());
+ }
function standaloneusers_civicrm_config(&$config) {
+ $sess = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
+ if (!empty($sess->get('ufID'))) {
+ // Logged in user is making a request.
+ if (empty($sess->get('lastAccess')) || (time() - $sess->get('lastAccess')) >= 60) {
+ // Once a minute, update the when_last_accessed field
+ CRM_Standaloneusers_BAO_User::updateLastAccessed();
+ }
+ }