if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::COPY) {
// make a copy of the Label Format
$labelFormat = CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat::getById($this->_id, $this->_group);
+ $newlabel = ts('Copy of %1', array(1 => $labelFormat['label']));
$list = CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat::getList(TRUE, $this->_group);
$count = 1;
- $prefix = ts('Copy of ');
- while (in_array($prefix . $labelFormat['label'], $list)) {
- $prefix = ts('Copy') . ' (' . ++$count . ') ' . ts('of ');
+ while (in_array($newlabel, $list)) {
+ $count++;
+ $newlabel = ts('Copy %1 of %2', array(1 => $count, 2 => $labelFormat['label']));
- $labelFormat['label'] = $prefix . $labelFormat['label'];
+ $labelFormat['label'] = $newlabel;
$labelFormat['grouping'] = CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat::customGroupName();
$labelFormat['is_default'] = 0;
$labelFormat['is_reserved'] = 0;
$bao = new CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat();
$bao->saveLabelFormat($labelFormat, NULL, $this->_group);
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($labelFormat['label'] . ts(' has been created.'), ts('Saved'), 'success');
+ CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('%1 has been created.', array(1 => $labelFormat['label'])), ts('Saved'), 'success');
{elseif $action eq 16384}
<div class="messages status no-popup">
<div class="icon inform-icon"></div>
- {ts 1=$formatName}Are you sure you would like to make a copy of the Label Format titled<strong>%1</strong>?{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$formatName}Are you sure you would like to make a copy of the Label Format titled <strong>%1</strong>?{/ts}
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}</div>