| and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page='user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control/' text='Access Control Documentation'}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Access Control Documentation{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page='user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control/' text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<div class="help">
<p>{ts 1=$docLink}ACLs allow you to control access to CiviCRM data. An ACL consists of an <strong>Operation</strong> (e.g. 'View' or 'Edit'), a <strong>set of data</strong> that the operation can be performed on (e.g. a group of contacts), and a <strong>Role</strong> that has permission to do this operation. Refer to the %1 for more info.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviContribute</strong> - An online fundraising and donor management component which enables you to track and manage contributions to your organization. It also allows you to quickly and easily create customized web pages to accept online donations.{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/what-is-civicontribute"}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviPledge</strong> - Record and track pledges received from contributors. Send pledge acknowledgements and payment reminders. Configure online contribution pages to support self-service pledging and pledge payments.{/ts} {docURL page="user/pledges/what-is-civipledge"}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviMail</strong> - A robust mass-mailing component which allows you to engage your constituents with personalized email blasts and newsletters.{/ts} {docURL page="user/email/what-is-civimail"}</p>
-<p>{ts}<strong>CiviMember</strong> - A flexible membership management component which includes convenient online signup and renewal.{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/introduction-to-memberships/"}</p>
+<p>{ts}<strong>CiviMember</strong> - A flexible membership management component which includes convenient online signup and renewal.{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/what-is-civimember/"}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviEvent</strong> - Provides integrated online event registration and management for paid and free events. It allows you to quickly and easily create customized web pages to for event registration, and then track participants.{/ts} {docURL page="user/events/what-is-civievent"}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviCampaign</strong> - Lets you link together events, mailings, activities, and contributions under one "umbrella" so that you can track the progress of all your efforts towards one programmatic goal or campaign.{/ts} {docURL page="user/campaign/what-is-civicampaign"}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>CiviCase</strong> - Integrated case management component, including a dashboard with "my cases", automated case timelines and configurable audit reports.{/ts} {docURL page="user/case-management/what-is-civicase"}</p>
| and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="CiviEvent Cart Checkout" text="CiviEvent Cart Checkout" resource="wiki"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}CiviEvent Cart Checkout{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="CiviEvent Cart Checkout" text=$docUrlText resource="wiki"}{/capture}
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
<div class="help">
{ts 1=$docLink}These settings are used to configure properties for the CiviEvent component. Please read the %1 documentation, and make sure you understand it before modifying default values.{/ts}
| and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control/" text="Access Control Documentation"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Access Control Documentation{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control/" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<div class="help">
<p>{ts 1=$docLink}ACLs (Access Control Lists) allow you control access to CiviCRM data. An ACL consists of an <strong>Operation</strong> (e.g. 'View' or 'Edit'), a <strong>set of Data</strong> that the operation can be performed on (e.g. a group of contacts), and a <strong>Role</strong> that has permission to do this operation. Refer to the %1 for more info.{/ts}
{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal EQ '1'}{ts}Note that a CiviCRM ACL Role is not related to the Drupal Role.{/ts}{/if}</p>
<td class="tasklist"><a href="{$config->userFrameworkBaseURL}?q=admin/user/permissions&civicrmDestination=civicrm/admin/configtask">{ts}Permissions for Anonymous Users{/ts}</a></td>
- <td>{ts}You will also need to change Drupal permissions so anonymous users can make contributions, register for events and / or use profiles to enter contact information.{/ts} {docURL page="user/en/latest/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control" text="(learn more...)"}</td>
+ <td>{ts}You will also need to change Drupal permissions so anonymous users can make contributions, register for events and / or use profiles to enter contact information.{/ts} {docURL page="user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control"}</td>
{if $enabledComponents.CiviContribute eq 1}
<br />
<div class="description">
- {capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/overview" text="Organizing Your Data"}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Organizing Your Data{/ts}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/overview" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
{ts 1=$adminMenu 2=$docLink}The next set of tasks involve planning and have multiple steps. You may want to check out the %2 section in the User and Administrator Guide before you begin. You will not be returned to this page after completing these tasks, but you can always get back here from the <a href="%1">Administer CiviCRM</a> menu.{/ts}
| and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}(Job parameters and command line syntax documentation...){/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=runAllURL}{crmURL p='civicrm/admin/runjobs' q="reset=1"}{/capture}
<div class="help">
- {ts 1=$runAllURL}You can configure scheduled jobs (cron tasks) for your CiviCRM installation. For most sites, your system administrator should set up one or more 'cron' tasks to run the enabled jobs. However, you can also <a href="%1">run all scheduled jobs manually</a>, or run specific jobs from this screen (click 'more' and then 'Execute Now').{/ts} {docURL page="sysadmin/setup/jobs" text="(Job parameters and command line syntax documentation...)"}
+ {ts 1=$runAllURL}You can configure scheduled jobs (cron tasks) for your CiviCRM installation. For most sites, your system administrator should set up one or more 'cron' tasks to run the enabled jobs. However, you can also <a href="%1">run all scheduled jobs manually</a>, or run specific jobs from this screen (click 'more' and then 'Execute Now').{/ts} {docURL page="sysadmin/setup/jobs" text=$docUrlText}
{if $action eq 1 or $action eq 2 or $action eq 8 or $action eq 4}
{htxt id='proc-type'}
<p>{ts}Refer to the following documentation:{/ts}</p>
- <li>{docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors" text="Payment processor overview"}</li>
- <li>{docURL page="sysadmin/setup/payment-processors" text="Processor comparison and setup guide"}</li>
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Payment processor overview{/ts}{/capture}
+ <li>{docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors" text=$docUrlText}</li>
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Processor comparison and setup guide{/ts}{/capture}
+ <li>{docURL page="sysadmin/setup/payment-processors" text=$docUrlText}</li>
<p>{ts}If you're not sure which processor to use - we recommend reviewing terms, limitations and coverage areas on each processor's website before proceeding.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1="https://civicrm.org/extensions?field_extension_civi_use_target_id=125"}If your desired processor is not in the list, check the <a href="%1">Extensions Directory</a> for more payment processors you can download. If you still can't find it, consider partnering with a developer and contributing a new extension.{/ts}</p>
| and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/customizing-the-user-interface" text="Administration Documentation"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Administration Documentation{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/customizing-the-user-interface" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<div class="help">
{ts 1=$docLink}Use the links below to configure or modify the global settings for CiviCRM for this site. Refer to the %1 for details on settings and options.{/ts}
{* CiviCase Configuration Help - displayed when component is enabled but not yet configured. *}
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/case-management/set-up" text="CiviCase Setup documentation"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}CiviCase Setup documentation{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/case-management/set-up" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<div class="messages status no-popup">
{icon icon="fa-info-circle"}{/icon}
{htxt id="id-geo-code"}
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/installation-and-basic-set-up" text="(Refer to the Mapping and Geocoding section in the Installation and Basic Setup Chapter)"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}(Refer to the Mapping and Geocoding section in the Installation and Basic Setup Chapter){/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/initial-set-up/installation-and-basic-set-up/#mapping-and-geocoding" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<p>{ts}Latitude and longitude may be automatically populated by enabling a Mapping Provider.{/ts} {$docLink}</p>
<div class="content">{$form.address.$index.geo_code_1.html}, {$form.address.$index.geo_code_2.html}
<br class="spacer"/>
<span class="description">
- {ts}Latitude and longitude may be automatically populated by enabling a Mapping Provider.{/ts} {docURL page="user/initial-set-up/installation-and-basic-set-up" text="(Refer to the Mapping and Geocoding section in the Installation and Basic Setup Chapter)"}</span>
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}(Refer to the Mapping and Geocoding section in the Installation and Basic Setup Chapter){/ts}{/capture}
+ {ts}Latitude and longitude may be automatically populated by enabling a Mapping Provider.{/ts} {docURL page="user/initial-set-up/installation-and-basic-set-up/#mapping-and-geocoding" text=$docUrlText}
+ </span>
<div class="clear"></div>
{ts}Search Builder{/ts}
{htxt id="builder-intro"}
-{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/the-user-interface/searching" text="Search documentation in the User Guide"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Search documentation in the User Guide{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="user/the-user-interface/searching" text=$docUrlText}{/capture}
<p>{ts}Create your search by selecting the criteria (record type and field), the comparison operator, and entering the value you want to search for. You can define one or many criteria as a set: <em>Include contacts where... State IS Washington AND City IS Seattle AND Birth Date is later than (>) Jan 1, 1985</em>{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}You can also create additional sets of criteria: <em>Also include contacts where... State IS California AND City IS Los Angeles AND Birth Date is later than (>) Jan 1, 1985</em>{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$docLink}For more information see %1.{/ts}</p>
<li>{ts}If you need to create new custom fields, you can also do that within the profile editor. Then add the new custom field(s) to this profile by dragging them into the form builder.{/ts}</li>
<li>{ts}Save your profile to return to this screen. You can preview it from here by clicking the Preview button.{/ts}</li>
-{capture assign=docLinkCustom}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/custom-fields" text="custom fields"}{/capture}
-{capture assign=docLinkProfile}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/profiles" text="profiles"}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlTextCustom}{ts}custom fields{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLinkCustom}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/creating-custom-fields" text=$docUrlTextCustom}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docUrlTextProfile}{ts}profiles{/ts}{/capture}
+{capture assign=docLinkProfile}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/profiles" text=$docUrlTextProfile}{/capture}
{ts 1=$docLinkCustom 2=$docLinkProfile}Refer to the online documentation for more details on creating %1 and %2.{/ts}
{ts}Custom Fields{/ts}
{htxt id="id-group_intro"}
- {ts}Use this form to set the title, the type of record the fields will be used for, and set-level help. You will then be able to add any number of fields to the set.{/ts} {docURL page="user/organising-your-data/custom-fields"}
+ {ts}Use this form to set the title, the type of record the fields will be used for, and set-level help. You will then be able to add any number of fields to the set.{/ts} {docURL page="user/organising-your-data/creating-custom-fields"}
{htxt id="id-title-title"}
<li>{ts}Return to this screen (<strong>Administer CiviCRM » CiviEvent » Manage Events » Configure » Online Registration</strong>) and select your profile.{/ts}</li>
- {capture assign=docLinkCustom}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/custom-fields" text="custom fields"}{/capture}
- {capture assign=docLinkProfile}{docURL page="user/the-user-interface/profiles" text="profiles"}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docUrlTextCustom}{ts}custom fields{/ts}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docLinkCustom}{docURL page="user/organising-your-data/creating-custom-fields" text=$docUrlTextCustom}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docUrlTextProfile}{ts}profiles{/ts}{/capture}
+ {capture assign=docLinkProfile}{docURL page="user/the-user-interface/profiles" text=$docUrlTextProfile}{/capture}
{ts 1=$docLinkCustom 2=$docLinkProfile}Refer to the online documentation for more details on creating %1 and %2.{/ts}
{htxt id="manage_groups"}
<p>{ts}Use Groups to organize contacts (e.g. these contacts are part of our 'Steering Committee'). You can also create <strong>smart groups</strong> based on contact characteristics (e.g. this group consists of all people in our database who live in a specific locality).{/ts} {docURL page="user/organising-your-data/groups-and-tags"}</p>
<p>{ts}You can add contacts to a group from any set of search results (or when viewing an individual contact). You can also allow contacts to sign themselves up for certain groups by setting the group visibility to 'Public Pages' (use the <strong>Settings</strong> link), and including the <strong>Groups</strong> element in your CiviCRM Profile.{/ts} {docURL page="user/the-user-interface/profiles"}</p>
- <p>{ts}Groups which are used as mailing lists should be assigned the 'Mailing List' type.{/ts} {if $config->userFramework neq 'Joomla'}{ts}Groups of contacts which are used for <strong>access control</strong> must be assigned that type.{/ts} {docURL page="user/initial-set-up/access-control"}{/if}</p>
+ <p>{ts}Groups which are used as mailing lists should be assigned the 'Mailing List' type.{/ts} {if $config->userFramework neq 'Joomla'}{ts}Groups of contacts which are used for <strong>access control</strong> must be assigned that type.{/ts} {docURL page="user/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control"}{/if}</p>
<p>{ts}Use <strong>Find Groups</strong> to search by group name, type and visibility.{/ts}{if $config->userFramework neq 'Joomla'} {ts}Group type filtering uses <strong>AND</strong> logic. If you check both 'Mailing List' and 'Access Control' types - only groups which have both types assigned will be returned.{/ts}{/if} {ts}You can also click a letter on the <strong>A-to-Z bar</strong> to quickly find all groups starting with that letter.{/ts}</p>
{* Configure Membership signup/renewal block for an Online Contribution page *}
<div id="form" class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-member-membershipblock-form-block">
<div class="help">
- {ts}Use this form to enable and configure a Membership Signup and Renewal section for this Online Contribution Page. If you're not using this page for membership signup, leave the <strong>Enabled</strong> box un-checked..{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/setup"}
+ {ts}Use this form to enable and configure a Membership Signup and Renewal section for this Online Contribution Page. If you're not using this page for membership signup, leave the <strong>Enabled</strong> box un-checked..{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/online-membership-sign-up/"}
{if !empty($form.membership_type.html)}
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}</div>
{ts}Member Dashboard{/ts}
{htxt id="id-member-intro"}
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Refer to the online user guide for more information.{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=findContactURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/contact/search/basic" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
{capture assign=contribPagesURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/contribute" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
{capture assign=memberTypesURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/member/membershipType" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
<p>{ts 1=$contribPagesURL 2=$memberTypesURL}CiviMember allows you to create customized membership types as well as page(s) for online membership sign-up and renewal. Administrators can create or modify Membership Types <a href='%2'>here</a>, and configure Online Contribution Pages which include membership sign-up <a href='%1'>here</a>.{/ts}</p>
{capture assign=findMembersURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/member/search/basic" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
<p>{ts 1=$findMembersURL}This table provides a summary of <strong>Membership Signup and Renewal Activity</strong>, and includes shortcuts to view the details for these commonly used search criteria. To run your own customized searches - click <a href='%1'>Find Members</a>. You can search by Member Name, Membership Type, Status, and Signup Date Ranges.{/ts}</p>
- <p>{ts 1=$findContactURL 2=$importURL}You can also input and track membership sign-ups offline. To record memberships manually for individual contacts, use <a href="%1">Find Contacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page and click on the <strong>New Membership</strong> link. You can also <a href="%2">import batches of membership records</a> from other sources.{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/introduction-to-memberships" text="Refer to the online user guide for more information."}</p>
+ <p>{ts 1=$findContactURL 2=$importURL}You can also input and track membership sign-ups offline. To record memberships manually for individual contacts, use <a href="%1">Find Contacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page and click on the <strong>New Membership</strong> link. You can also <a href="%2">import batches of membership records</a> from other sources.{/ts} {docURL page="user/membership/what-is-civimember" text=$docUrlText}</p>
{ts 1='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html'}CiviCRM is openly available under the <a href='%1'>GNU AGPL License</a>.{/ts}<br/>
<a href="https://civicrm.org/download">{ts}Download CiviCRM.{/ts}</a>
<a href="https://lab.civicrm.org/groups/dev/-/issues">{ts}View issues and report bugs.{/ts}</a>
- {docURL page="" text="Online documentation."}
+ {capture assign=docUrlText}{ts}Online documentation.{/ts}{/capture}
+ {docURL page="" text=$docUrlText}
{include file="CRM/common/notifications.tpl"}