--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
+ | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
+ | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ *
+ * @package CRM
+ * @copyright CiviCRM LLC https://civicrm.org/licensing
+ */
+namespace api\v4\Entity;
+use api\v4\UnitTestCase;
+use Civi\Test\DbTestTrait;
+use Civi\Test\GenericAssertionsTrait;
+use Civi\Test\TransactionalInterface;
+ * @group headless
+ */
+class MessageTemplateTest extends UnitTestCase implements TransactionalInterface {
+ use GenericAssertionsTrait;
+ use DbTestTrait;
+ private $baseTpl = [
+ 'msg_title' => 'My Template',
+ 'msg_subject' => 'My Subject',
+ 'msg_text' => 'My body as text',
+ 'msg_html' => '<p>My body as HTML</p>',
+ 'is_reserved' => TRUE,
+ 'is_default' => FALSE,
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Create/update a MessageTemplate with workflow_name and no corresponding workflow_id.
+ */
+ public function testWorkflowName_clean() {
+ $create = civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'create', [
+ 'values' => $this->baseTpl + ['workflow_name' => 'first', 'workflow_id' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('first', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery(NULL, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'update', [
+ 'where' => [['id', '=', $create['id']]],
+ 'values' => ['workflow_name' => 'second', 'workflow_id' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('second', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery(NULL, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create/update a MessageTemplate with workflow_name - a name which happens to have an older/corresponding workflow_id.
+ */
+ public function testWorkflowName_legacyMatch() {
+ [$firstId, $secondId] = $this->createFirstSecond();
+ $create = civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'create', [
+ 'values' => $this->baseTpl + ['workflow_name' => 'first', 'workflow_id' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('first', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery($firstId, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'update', [
+ 'where' => [['id', '=', $create['id']]],
+ 'values' => ['workflow_name' => 'second', 'workflow_id' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('second', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery($secondId, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create/update a MessageTempalte with workflow_id. Ensure the newer workflow_name is set.
+ */
+ public function testWorkflowId_legacyMatch() {
+ [$firstId, $secondId] = $this->createFirstSecond();
+ $create = civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'create', [
+ 'values' => $this->baseTpl + ['workflow_id' => $firstId, 'workflow_name' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('first', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery($firstId, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ civicrm_api4('MessageTemplate', 'update', [
+ 'where' => [['id', '=', $create['id']]],
+ 'values' => ['workflow_id' => $secondId, 'workflow_name' => NULL],
+ ])->single();
+ $this->assertDBQuery('second', 'SELECT workflow_name FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ $this->assertDBQuery($secondId, 'SELECT workflow_id FROM civicrm_msg_template WHERE id = %1', [1 => [$create['id'], 'Int']]);
+ }
+ protected function createFirstSecond() {
+ $first = civicrm_api4('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'values' => [
+ 'option_group_id:name' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_meta',
+ 'label' => 'First',
+ 'name' => 'first',
+ ],
+ ]);
+ $second = civicrm_api4('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'values' => [
+ 'option_group_id:name' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_meta',
+ 'label' => 'Second',
+ 'name' => 'second',
+ ],
+ ]);
+ return [$first->single()['id'], $second->single()['id']];
+ }