(function($) {
- $.fn.crmEditable = function (options) {
- // for a jquery object (the crm-editable), find the entity name and id to apply the changes to
- // call result function(entity,id). The caller is responsible to use these params and do the needed
- var getEntityID = function (field,result) {
- var domid= $(field).closest('.crm-entity');
- if (!domid) {
- console && console.log && console.log("Couldn't get the entity id. You need to set class='crm-entity' on a parent element of the field");
- return false;
- }
- // trying to extract using the html5 data
- if (domid.data('entity')) {
- result (domid.data('entity'),domid.data('id'));
- return true;
- }
- domid=domid.attr('id');
- if (!domid) {
- console && console.log && console.log("FATAL crm-editable: Couldn't get the entity id. You need to set class='crm-entity' id='{entityName}-{id}'");
- return false;
- }
- var e=domid.match(/(\S*)-(\S*)/);
- if (!e) {
- console && console.log && console.log("Couldn't get the entity id. You need to set class='crm-entity' id='{entityName}-{id}'");
- return false;
- }
- result(e[1],e[2]);
- return true;
- }
- // param in : a dom object that contains the field name as a class crmf-xxx
- var getFieldName = function (field) {
- var fieldName = $(field).data('field') || field.className.match(/crmf-(\S*)/)[1];
- if (!fieldName) {
- console && console.log && console.log("Couldn't get the crm-editable field name to modify. You need to set crmf-{field_name} or data-{field_name}");
+ $.fn.crmEditableEntity = function() {
+ var
+ el = this[0],
+ ret = {},
+ $row = this.first().closest('.crm-entity');
+ ret.entity = $row.data('entity');
+ ret.id = $row.data('id');
+ if (!ret.entity || !ret.id) {
+ ret.entity = $row[0].id.split('-')[0];
+ ret.id = $row[0].id.split('-')[1];
+ }
+ if (!ret.entity || !ret.id) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $('.crm-editable', $row).each(function() {
+ var fieldName = $(this).data('field') || this.className.match(/crmf-(\S*)/)[1];
+ if (fieldName) {
+ ret[fieldName] = $(this).text();
+ if (this === el) {
+ ret.field = fieldName;
- return fieldName;
+ });
+ return ret;
+ };
+ $.fn.crmEditable = function (options) {
var checkable = function () {
$(this).change (function() {
- var params={sequential:1};
- var entity = null;
- var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
- if (!getEntityID (this,function (e,id) {
- entity=e;
- params.id = id;
- })) { return };
- params['field']=getFieldName(this);
- if (!params['field'])
+ var info = $(this).crmEditableEntity();
+ if (!info.field) {
return false;
- params['value']=checked?'1':'0';//seems that the ajax backend gets lost with boolean
- CRM.api(entity,'setvalue',params,{
+ }
+ var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
+ var params = {
+ sequential: 1,
+ id: info.id,
+ field: info.field,
+ value: checked ? 1 : 0
+ };
+ CRM.api(info.entity, 'setvalue', params, {
context: this,
error: function (data) {
- editableSettings.error.call(this,entity,params.field,checked,data);
+ editableSettings.error.call(this, info.entity, info.field, checked, data);
success: function (data) {
- editableSettings.success.call(this,entity,params.field,checked,data);
+ editableSettings.success.call(this, info.entity, info.field, checked, data);
$i.editable(function(value,settings) {
- //$i.editable(function(value,editableSettings) {
- parent=$i.closest('.crm-entity');
- if (!parent) {
- console && console.log && console.log("crm-editable: you need to define one parent element that has a class .crm-entity");
- return;
- }
$i.addClass ('crm-editable-saving');
- var params = {};
- var entity = null;
- params['field']=getFieldName(this);
- if (!params['field'])
+ var
+ info = $i.crmEditableEntity(),
+ params= {},
+ action = $i.data('action') || 'setvalue';
+ if (!info.field) {
return false;
- params['value']=value;
- if (!getEntityID (this,function (e,id) {
- entity=e;
- params.id = id;
- })) {return;}
- if (params.id == "new") {
- params.id = '';
- if ($i.data('action')) {
- var fieldName = params['field'];
- delete params['field'];
- delete params['value'];
- params[fieldName]=value;//format for create at least
- action=$i.data('action');
- } else {
- action="setvalue";
+ if (info.id && info.id !== 'new') {
+ params.id = info.id;
+ }
+ if (action === 'setvalue') {
+ params.field = info.field;
+ params.value = value;
+ }
+ else {
+ params[info.field] = value;
- CRM.api(entity, action, params, {
+ CRM.api(info.entity, action, params, {
context: this,
error: function (data) {
- editableSettings.error.call(this,entity,fieldName,value,data);
+ editableSettings.error.call(this, info.entity, info.field, value, data);
success: function (data) {
if ($i.data('options')){
value = $i.data('options')[value];
- editableSettings.success.call(this,entity,fieldName,value,data);
+ editableSettings.success.call(this, info.entity, info.field, value, data);
<script type="text/javascript">
cj(function($) {
- var $row, $table, entity, id, enabled, fieldLabel;
+ var $row, $table, info, enabled, fieldLabel;
function refresh() {
if (false && $.fn.DataTable.fnIsDataTable($table[0])) { // fixme why doesn't this work?
// Refresh an existing ajax container or create a new one
$row.closest('.crm-ajax-container, #crm-main-content-wrapper').crmSnippet().crmSnippet('refresh');
- var msg = enabled ? {/literal}'{ts escape="js" 1="<em>%1</em>"}%1 Disabled{/ts}' : '{ts escape="js" 1="<em>%1</em>"}%1 Enabled{/ts}'{literal};
- CRM.alert('', ts(msg, fieldLabel), 'success');
+ {/literal} {* client-side variable substitutions in smarty are AWKWARD! *}
+ var msg = enabled ? '{ts escape="js" 1="<em>%1</em>"}%1 Disabled{/ts}' : '{ts escape="js" 1="<em>%1</em>"}%1 Enabled{/ts}'{literal};
+ CRM.alert('', ts(msg, {1: fieldLabel}), 'success');
function save() {
$table = $row.closest('table');
- CRM.api(entity, 'setvalue', {id: id, field: 'is_active', value: enabled ? 0 : 1}, {success: refresh});
+ CRM.api(info.entity, 'setvalue', {id: info.id, field: 'is_active', value: enabled ? 0 : 1}, {success: refresh});
if (enabled) {
function confirmation() {
var conf = $(this);
- $.getJSON(CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/statusmsg', {entity: entity, id: id}), function(response) {
+ $.getJSON(CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/statusmsg', {entity: info.entity, id: info.id}), function(response) {
if (!response.illegal) {
conf.dialog('option', 'buttons', [
- function getLabel() {
- var label = {/literal}'{ts escape="js"}Record{/ts}'{literal};
- var labelField = $('.crmf-label, .crmf-title, [data-field=label], [data-field=title]', $row);
- if (labelField.length) {
- label = labelField.first().text();
- }
- // Format as object the way ts() wants it
- fieldLabel = {1: label};
- }
function enableDisable() {
- var $a = $(this);
- $row = $a.closest('.crm-entity');
- getLabel();
- // FIXME: abstract and reuse code from $.crmEditable for fetching entity/id instead of reinventing it here
- entity = $row.data('entity');
- id = $row.data('id');
- if (!entity || !id) {
- entity = $row[0].id.split('-')[0];
- id = $row[0].id.split('-')[1];
- }
+ $row = $(this).closest('.crm-entity');
+ info = $(this).crmEditableEntity();
+ fieldLabel = info.label || info.title || info.name || {/literal}'{ts escape="js"}Record{/ts}'{literal};
enabled = !$row.hasClass('disabled');
if (enabled) {
CRM.confirm({}, {{/literal}
- {* client-side variable substitutions in smarty are AWKWARD! *}
- title: ts('{ts escape="js" 1='%1'}Disable %1{/ts}', fieldLabel),
message: '<div class="crm-loading-element">{ts escape="js"}Loading{/ts}...</div>',
+ {* client-side variable substitutions in smarty are AWKWARD! *}
+ title: ts('{ts escape="js" 1='%1'}Disable %1{/ts}{literal}', {1: fieldLabel}),
width: 300,
open: confirmation
- {literal}});
+ });
} else {