I can't see where these would arise - but definitely
not on the preview screen - which only runs basic validation
$this->set('downloadMismatchRecordsUrl', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/export', $urlParams));
- $properties = array(
- 'conflictRowCount',
- 'downloadConflictRecordsUrl',
- 'downloadMismatchRecordsUrl',
- );
$this->assign('mapper', $this->getMappedFieldLabels());
- foreach ($properties as $property) {
- $this->assign($property, $this->get($property));
- }
$this->assign('dataValues', $this->getDataRows([], 2));
- {if $conflictRowCount}
- <tr class="error"><td class="label crm-grid-cell">{ts}Conflicting Rows{/ts}</td>
- <td class="data">{$conflictRowCount}</td>
- <td class="explanation">{ts}Rows with conflicting email addresses within this file. These rows will be skipped (not imported).{/ts}
- {if $conflictRowCount}
- <div class="action-link"><a href="{$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}"><i class="crm-i fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i> {ts}Download Conflicts{/ts}</a></div>
- {/if}
- </td>
- </tr>
- {/if}
<td class="label crm-grid-cell">{ts}Valid Rows{/ts}</td>
<td class="data">{$validRowCount}</td>