{if $amount GTE 0 OR $minimum_fee GTE 0 OR ( $isDisplayLineItems and $lineItem ) }
<div class="crm-group amount_display-group">
- {if !$useForMember}
- <div class="header-dark">
- {if !$membershipBlock AND $amount OR ( $isDisplayLineItems and $lineItem ) }{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}{else}{ts}Membership Fee{/ts} {/if}
- </div>
- {/if}
+ <div class="header-dark">
+ {if !$membershipBlock AND $amount OR ( $isDisplayLineItems and $lineItem ) }{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}{else}{ts}Membership Fee{/ts} {/if}
+ </div>
<div class="display-block">
- {if !$useForMember}
- {if $lineItem and $isDisplayLineItems}
- {if !$amount}{assign var="amount" value=0}{/if}
- {assign var="totalAmount" value=$amount}
- {include file="CRM/Price/Page/LineItem.tpl" context="Contribution"}
- {elseif $is_separate_payment }
- {if $amount AND $minimum_fee}
- {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
- <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
- <br/>
- {ts}Additional Contribution{/ts}:
- <strong>{$amount|crmMoney}</strong>
- <br/>
- <strong> -------------------------------------------</strong>
- <br/>
- {ts}Total{/ts}:
- <strong>{$amount+$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
- <br/>
- {elseif $amount }
- {ts}Amount{/ts}:
- <strong>{$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level }<span class='crm-price-amount-label'>
- – {$amount_level}</span>{/if}</strong>
- {else}
- {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
- <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
- {/if}
+ {if $lineItem and $isDisplayLineItems}
+ {if !$amount}{assign var="amount" value=0}{/if}
+ {assign var="totalAmount" value=$amount}
+ {include file="CRM/Price/Page/LineItem.tpl" context="Contribution"}
+ {elseif $is_separate_payment }
+ {if $amount AND $minimum_fee}
+ {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
+ <br/>
+ {ts}Additional Contribution{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$amount|crmMoney}</strong>
+ <br/>
+ <strong> -------------------------------------------</strong>
+ <br/>
+ {ts}Total{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$amount+$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
+ <br/>
+ {elseif $amount }
+ {ts}Amount{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level }<span class='crm-price-amount-label'>
+ – {$amount_level}</span>{/if}</strong>
- {if $totalTaxAmount }
- {ts 1=$taxTerm}Total %1 Amount{/ts}:
- <strong>{$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney} </strong>
- <br/>
- {/if}
- {if $amount}
- {if $installments}{ts}Installment Amount{/ts}{else}{ts}Total Amount{/ts}{/if}:
- <strong>{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}{if $amount_level }<span class='crm-price-amount-label'>
- – {$amount_level}</span>{/if}</strong>
- {else}
- {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
- <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
- {/if}
+ {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>
+ {/if}
+ {else}
+ {if $totalTaxAmount }
+ {ts 1=$taxTerm}Total %1 Amount{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney} </strong>
+ <br/>
+ {/if}
+ {if $amount}
+ {if $installments}{ts}Installment Amount{/ts}{else}{ts}Total Amount{/ts}{/if}:
+ <strong>{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}{if $amount_level }<span class='crm-price-amount-label'>
+ – {$amount_level}</span>{/if}</strong>
+ {else}
+ {$membership_name} {ts}Membership{/ts}:
+ <strong>{$minimum_fee|crmMoney}</strong>