return new class() extends EventCheck implements HookInterface {
- // There are several properties named "$grandfatherdXyz". These mark itmes which
+ // There are several properties named "$grandfatherdXyz". These mark items which
// pass through hook_civicrm_links but deviate from the plain interpretation of the docs.
// Auditing or cleaning each would be its own separate project. Please feel free to
// do that audit and figure how to normalize it. But for now, the goal of this file is
+ /**
+ * List of events with multiple problems. These are completely ignored.
+ *
+ * @var string[]
+ */
+ protected $unrepentantMiscreants = [
+ '', /* FIXME */
+ '', /* Deprecated */
+ ];
* Ensure that the hook data is always well-formed.
// fprintf(STDERR, "CHECK hook_civicrm_links($op)\n");
$msg = sprintf('Non-conforming hook_civicrm_links(%s, %s)', json_encode($op), json_encode($objectName));
+ if (in_array($op, $this->unrepentantMiscreants)) {
+ return;
+ }
$this->assertTrue((bool) preg_match(';^\w+(\.\w+)+$;', $op), "$msg: Operation ($op) should be dotted expression");
$this->assertTrue((bool) preg_match(';^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$;', $objectName) || in_array($objectName, $this->grandfatheredObjectNames),
"$msg: Object name ($objectName) should be a CamelCase name or a grandfathered name");