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- March 2015<br />
- MIT, Cambridge, MA</p>
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- <p class="text-muted text-center">and attend the conference gratis!</p>
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<p>If you attended LibrePlanet 2015, please fill out our <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2014/feedback" style="text-decoration:underline">feedback survey</a> so we can make the conference even better next year!</p>
- <p class="lead">
- LibrePlanet is an annual conference for free software enthusiasts. LibrePlanet brings together software developers, policy experts, activists and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments and face challenges to software freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2015 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.</p>
- <p>
- Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum.
- </p>
-<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom">Become a member now</a>. We encourage you to <a href="https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=13">register in advance</a>, but registration will be available at the door on both days of the conference.</p>
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+ <p class="lead">
+ LibrePlanet is an annual conference for free software enthusiasts. LibrePlanet brings together software developers, policy experts, activists and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments and face challenges to software freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2015 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.</p>
+ <p>
+ Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum. Lorem ipsum gypsum blipsum.
+ </p>
+ <p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom">Become a member now</a>. We encourage you to <a href="https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=13">register in advance</a>, but registration will be available at the door on both days of the conference.</p>
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