if (isset($GLOBALS['civicrm_paths'][$name])) {
$this->variables[$name] = array_merge($this->variables[$name], $GLOBALS['civicrm_paths'][$name]);
+ if (isset($this->variables[$name]['url'])) {
+ // Typical behavior is to return an absolute URL. If an admin has put an override that's site-relative, then convert.
+ $this->variables[$name]['url'] = $this->toAbsoluteUrl($this->variables[$name]['url'], $name);
+ }
if (!isset($this->variables[$name][$attr])) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot resolve path using \"$name.$attr\"");
return $this->variables[$name][$attr];
+ /**
+ * @param string $url
+ * Ex: 'https://example.com:8000/foobar' or '/foobar'
+ * @param string $for
+ * Ex: 'civicrm.root' or 'civicrm.packages'
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function toAbsoluteUrl($url, $for) {
+ if (!$url) {
+ return $url;
+ }
+ elseif ($url[0] === '/') {
+ // Relative URL interpretation
+ if ($for === 'cms.root') {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid configuration: the [cms.root] path must be an absolute URL');
+ }
+ $cmsUrl = rtrim($this->getVariable('cms.root', 'url'), '/');
+ // The norms for relative URLs dictate:
+ // Single-slash: "/sub/dir" or "/" (domain-relative)
+ // Double-slash: "//example.com/sub/dir" (same-scheme)
+ $prefix = ($url === '/' || $url[1] !== '/')
+ ? $cmsUrl
+ : (parse_url($cmsUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . ':');
+ return $prefix . $url;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Assume this is an absolute URL, as in the past ('_h_ttp://').
+ return $url;
+ }
+ }
* Does the variable exist.