//validate for soft credit fields
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $params['soft_credit_contact_select_id']) && !CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $params['soft_credit_amount'])) {
- $errors["soft_credit_amount[$key]"] = ts('Please enter the soft credit amount');
+ $errors["soft_credit_amount[$key]"] = ts('Please enter the soft credit amount.');
if (!empty($params['soft_credit_amount']) && CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $params['soft_credit_amount'])
&& CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney(CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $params['soft_credit_amount'])) > CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($value['total_amount'])) {
1 => array($fields['activity_type_id'], 'Integer'),
2 => array($fields['title'], 'String'),
- $uniqueRule = ts('activity type');
+ $uniqueRuleErrorMessage = ts('This title is already associated with the selected activity type. Please specify a unique title.');
if (empty($fields['campaign_id'])) {
$where[] = 'campaign_id IS NULL';
} else {
$where[] = 'campaign_id = %3';
$params[3] = array($fields['campaign_id'], 'Integer');
- $uniqueRule = ts('campaign and activity type');
+ $uniqueRuleErrorMessage = ts('This title is already associated with the selected campaign and activity type. Please specify a unique title.');
// Exclude current Petition row if UPDATE.
$result = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params);
if ($result >= 1) {
- $errors['title'] = ts('This title is already associated with the selected %1. Please specify a unique title.', array(1 => $uniqueRule));
+ $errors['title'] = $uniqueRuleErrorMessage;
return empty($errors) ? TRUE : $errors;
if ($rev == '4.4.alpha1') {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
if (!empty($config->useIDS)) {
- $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br />' . ts("The setting to skip IDS check has been deprecated. Please use the permission 'skip IDS check' to bypass the IDS system");
+ $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br />' . ts("The setting to skip IDS check has been deprecated. Please use the permission 'skip IDS check' to bypass the IDS system.");
function upgrade_4_4_alpha1($rev) {
// task to process sql
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.4.alpha1: SQL'), 'task_4_4_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.4.alpha1')), 'task_4_4_x_runSql', $rev);
// Consolidate activity contacts CRM-12274.
- $this->addTask(ts('Consolidate activity contacts'), 'activityContacts');
+ $this->addTask('Consolidate activity contacts', 'activityContacts');
return TRUE;
function upgrade_4_4_beta1($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.4.beta1: SQL'), 'task_4_4_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.4.beta1')), 'task_4_4_x_runSql', $rev);
// add new 'data' column in civicrm_batch
$query = 'ALTER TABLE civicrm_batch ADD data LONGTEXT NULL COMMENT "cache entered data"';
$query = 'DELETE FROM civicrm_cache WHERE group_name = "batch entry"';
- $this->addTask(ts('Migrate custom word-replacements'), 'wordReplacements');
+ $this->addTask('Migrate custom word-replacements', 'wordReplacements');
// add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn
// CRM-12141
- $this->addTask(ts('Check/Add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn'), 'task_4_3_x_checkIndexes', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Check/Add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn', 'task_4_3_x_checkIndexes', $rev);
// task to process sql
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.alpha1: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.alpha1')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
- $this->addTask(ts('Populate financial type values for price records'), 'assignFinancialTypeToPriceRecords');
+ $this->addTask('Populate financial type values for price records', 'assignFinancialTypeToPriceRecords');
//CRM-11514 create financial records for contributions
- $this->addTask(ts('Create financial records for contributions'), 'createFinancialRecords');
+ $this->addTask('Create financial records for contributions', 'createFinancialRecords');
$minId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT coalesce(min(id),0) FROM civicrm_contact');
$maxId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT coalesce(max(id),0) FROM civicrm_contact');
// Update phones CRM-11292.
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade Phone Numbers'), 'phoneNumeric');
+ $this->addTask('Upgrade Phone Numbers', 'phoneNumeric');
return TRUE;
if ($isColumnPresent) {
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('ALTER TABLE civicrm_dedupe_rule_group DROP COLUMN is_default');
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.alpha2: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.alpha2')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_alpha3($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.alpha3: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.alpha3')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_beta2($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.beta2: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.beta2')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
// CRM-12002
if (
function upgrade_4_3_beta3($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.beta3: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.beta3')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
// CRM-12065
$query = "SELECT id, form_values FROM civicrm_report_instance WHERE form_values LIKE '%contribution_type%'";
$this->addTask('Replace contribution_type to financial_type in table civicrm_report_instance', 'replaceContributionTypeId', $query, 'reportInstance');
function upgrade_4_3_beta4($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.beta4: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.beta4')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
// add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn
// CRM-12141
- $this->addTask(ts('Check/Add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn'), 'task_4_3_x_checkIndexes', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Check/Add indexes for civicrm_entity_financial_trxn', 'task_4_3_x_checkIndexes', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_beta5($rev) {
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(), TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.beta5: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.beta5')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_4($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.4: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.4')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_5($rev) {
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(), TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.5: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.5')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_3_6($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Add mising contraints'), 'addMissingConstraints', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Add mising contraints', 'addMissingConstraints', $rev);
- $this->addTask(ts('Add ON DELETE Options for constraints'), 'task_4_3_x_checkConstraints', $rev);
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.3.6: SQL'), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Add ON DELETE Options for constraints', 'task_4_3_x_checkConstraints', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.3.6')), 'task_4_3_x_runSql', $rev);
// CRM-12844
// update line_item, financial_trxn and financial_item table for recurring contributions
- $this->addTask(ts('Update financial_account_id in financial_trxn table'), 'updateFinancialTrxnData', $rev);
- $this->addTask(ts('Update Line Item Data'), 'updateLineItemData', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Update financial_account_id in financial_trxn table', 'updateFinancialTrxnData', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Update Line Item Data', 'updateLineItemData', $rev);
// Some steps take a long time, so we break them up into separate
// tasks and enqueue them separately.
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.alpha1: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.alpha1')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
$this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.alpha1: Price Sets'), 'task_4_2_alpha1_createPriceSets', $rev);
$this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.alpha1: Event Profile'), 'task_4_2_alpha1_eventProfile');
function upgrade_4_2_beta3($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.beta3: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.beta3')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
$minParticipantId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT coalesce(min(id),0) FROM civicrm_participant');
$maxParticipantId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT coalesce(max(id),0) FROM civicrm_participant');
function upgrade_4_2_0($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.0: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.0')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
function upgrade_4_2_2($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.2: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.2')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
//create line items for memberships and participants for api/import
function upgrade_4_2_3($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.3: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.3')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
// CRM-10953 Remove duplicate activity type for 'Reminder Sent' which is mistakenly inserted by 4.2.alpha1 upgrade script
$queryMin = "
SELECT coalesce(min(value),0) from civicrm_option_value ov
function upgrade_4_2_5($rev) {
- $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to 4.2.5: SQL'), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', array(1 => '4.2.5')), 'task_4_2_x_runSql', $rev);
$sql = " SELECT cpse.entity_id, cpse.price_set_id
FROM `civicrm_price_set_entity` cpse
{if $action eq 8}
<div class="messages status no-popup">
<div class="icon inform-icon"></div>
- {ts 1=$formatName}WARNING: You are about to delete the Label Format titled
- <strong>%1</strong>
- .{/ts} {ts}Do you want to continue?{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$formatName}WARNING: You are about to delete the Label Format titled <strong>%1</strong>.{/ts} {ts}Do you want to continue?{/ts}
{elseif $action eq 16384}
<div class="messages status no-popup">
<tr class="crm-labelFormat-form-block-weight">
<td class="right">{$form.weight.label}</td>
- <td colspan="3">{$form.weight.html}<br/>
- <span class="description">{ts}Weight controls the order in which Label Formats are displayed
- <br/>
- in selection lists. Enter a positive or negative integer. Lower numbers
- <br/>
- are displayed ahead of higher numbers.{/ts}</span>
+ <td colspan="3">{$form.weight.html}
+ <div class="description">{ts}Weight controls the order in which Label Formats are displayed in selection lists. Enter a positive or negative integer. Lower numbers are displayed ahead of higher numbers.{/ts}</div>