--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Generate the civicrm.settings.php file.
+ *
+ * The Joomla setup is unusual because it has two copies of the file, and they're
+ * slightly different.
+ */
+if (!defined('CIVI_SETUP')) {
+ exit("Installation plugins must only be loaded by the installer.\n");
+ * Read the $model and create the "civicrm.settings.php" files for Joomla.
+ */
+ ->addListener('civi.setup.installFiles', function (\Civi\Setup\Event\InstallFilesEvent $e) {
+ if ($e->getModel()->cms !== 'Joomla') {
+ return;
+ }
+ \Civi\Setup::log()->info(sprintf('[%s] Handle %s', basename(__FILE__), 'installFiles'));
+ $liveSite = substr_replace(JURI::root(), '', -1, 1);
+ /**
+ * @var \Civi\Setup\Model $m
+ */
+ $m = $e->getModel();
+ $params = \Civi\Setup\SettingsUtil::createParams($m);
+ $files = [
+ 'backend' => [
+ 'file' => $m->settingsPath,
+ 'params' => ['baseURL' => $liveSite . '/administrator/'] + $params,
+ ],
+ 'frontend' => [
+ 'file' => implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [JPATH_SITE, 'components', 'com_civicrm', 'civicrm.settings.php']),
+ 'params' => ['baseURL' => $liveSite . '/'] + $params,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $tplPath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
+ [$m->srcPath, 'templates', 'CRM', 'common', 'civicrm.settings.php.template']
+ );
+ foreach ($files as $fileSpec) {
+ $str = \Civi\Setup\SettingsUtil::evaluate($tplPath, $fileSpec['params']);
+ JFile::write($fileSpec['file'], $str);
+ }
+ }, \Civi\Setup::PRIORITY_LATE);