- * Create a security hash from the job, email and contact ids.
+ * Create a unique-ish string to stare in the hash table.
- * @param array $params
+ * This is included in verp emails such that bounces go to a unique
+ * address (e.g. b.123456.456ABC456ABC.my-email-address@example.com). In this case
+ * b is the action (bounce), 123456 is the queue_id and the last part is the
+ * random string from this function. Note that the local part of the email
+ * can have a max of 64 characters
+ *
+ * https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-2574
+ *
+ * The hash combined with the queue id provides a fairly unguessable combo for the emails
+ * (enough that a sysadmin should notice if someone tried to brute force it!)
* @return string
* The hash
- public static function hash($params) {
- $jobId = $params['job_id'];
- $emailId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('email_id', $params, '');
- $contactId = $params['contact_id'];
- return substr(sha1("{$jobId}:{$emailId}:{$contactId}:" . time()),
- 0, 16
- );
+ public static function hash() {
+ return base64_encode(random_bytes(16));