<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></i>: <span class="lptrack lptrack5">Free software in Government</span>
-<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>In this talk, I will explain how the "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign framework can be used to push for the adoption of free software-friendly policies in your area.</p>
+<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea">
+<p>Do you want to promote Free Software in public administrations? Then the
+campaign framework of "Public Money? Public Code!" might be the right
+choice for you; no matter if you want to do it as an individual or as a
+ group; no matter if you have a small or large time budget.</p>
+<p>More than 200 organisations, and more than 30,000 individuals demand
+that publicly financed software should be made publicly available under
+Free Software licenses. Together we contacted politicians and civil
+servants on all levels -- from the European Union and national
+governments, to city mayors and the heads of public libraries about this
+demand. This did not just lead to important discussions about software
+freedom with decision makers, but also already to specific policy
+ changes.</p>
+<p>In this talk, I will explain how the "Public Money? Public Code!"
+ campaign framework, including the website <a href="https://publiccode.eu">publiccode.eu</a>, the videos, the
+open letter, the expert brochure,and example letters, can be used to
+push for the adoption of free software-friendly policies in your area;
+be it your public administration, your library, your university, your
+ city, your region, or your country.</p>