- public $preset;
- * Run page.
- *
- * @return string
+ * Prepare form
public function preProcess() {
- $this->preset = CRM_Utils_Array::value('preset', $_REQUEST, 'default');
- // If the form was submitted, take appropriate action.
- if (!empty($_POST['revert'])) {
- self::deleteConfigFile($this->preset);
- self::setConfigDefault();
- }
- elseif (!empty($_POST['config'])) {
- $this->save($_POST);
- }
+ CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('preset', 'String', $this, FALSE, 'default', 'GET');
$settings = $this->getConfigSettings();
'settings' => $settings,
- $configUrl = self::getConfigUrl($this->preset) ?: self::getConfigUrl('default');
+ $configUrl = self::getConfigUrl($this->get('preset')) ?: self::getConfigUrl('default');
- $this->assign('preset', $this->preset);
+ $this->assign('preset', $this->get('preset'));
$this->assign('presets', CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('wysiwyg_presets', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'label', TRUE, FALSE, 'name'));
$this->assign('skins', $this->getCKSkins());
$this->assign('skin', CRM_Utils_Array::value('skin', $settings));
$this->assign('extraPlugins', CRM_Utils_Array::value('extraPlugins', $settings));
$this->assign('configUrl', $configUrl);
- $this->assign('revertConfirm', htmlspecialchars(ts('Are you sure you want to revert all changes?', ['escape' => 'js'])));
'title' => ts('Display Preferences'),
+ }
- return parent::preProcess();
+ /**
+ * Build form
+ */
+ public function buildQuickForm() {
+ $revertConfirm = json_encode(ts('Are you sure you want to revert all changes?'));
+ $this->addButtons([
+ [
+ 'type' => 'next',
+ 'name' => ts('Save'),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'cancel',
+ 'name' => ts('Cancel'),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'type' => 'refresh',
+ 'name' => ts('Revert to Default'),
+ 'icon' => 'fa-undo',
+ 'js' => ['onclick' => "return confirm($revertConfirm);"],
+ ],
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle form submission
+ */
+ public function postProcess() {
+ if (!empty($_POST[$this->getButtonName('refresh')])) {
+ self::deleteConfigFile($this->get('preset'));
+ self::setConfigDefault();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!empty($_POST[$this->getButtonName('next')])) {
+ $this->save($_POST);
+ }
+ CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/display', ['reset' => 1]));
+ }
$key = preg_replace('/^config_/', 'config.', $key);
$setting = "\n\t{$key} = {$val};\n";
$config = substr_replace($config, $setting, $pos, 0);
- } catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
- if (!empty($params['save'])) {
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Error saving %1.", [1 => $key]), ts('Invalid Value'), 'error');
- }
+ }
+ catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
+ CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Error saving %1.", [1 => $key]), ts('Invalid Value'), 'error');
- self::saveConfigFile($this->preset, $config);
- if (!empty($params['save'])) {
- CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("You may need to clear your browser's cache to see the changes in CiviCRM."), ts('CKEditor Saved'), 'success');
- }
+ self::saveConfigFile($this->get('preset'), $config);
+ CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("You may need to clear your browser's cache to see the changes in CiviCRM."), ts('CKEditor Saved'), 'success');
private function getConfigSettings() {
$matches = $result = [];
- $file = self::getConfigFile($this->preset) ?: self::getConfigFile('default');
+ $file = self::getConfigFile($this->get('preset')) ?: self::getConfigFile('default');
$result['skin'] = 'moono';
if ($file) {
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
border-bottom: 0 none;
padding: 3px 10px 1px !important;
- .crm-config-option-row span.crm-error:after {
- font-family: FontAwesome;
- content: " \f071 Invalid JSON"
- }
{* Force the custom config file to reload by appending a new query string *}
<script type="text/javascript">
-<form method="post" action="{crmURL}" id="toolbarModifierForm">
+<div id="toolbarModifierForm">
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
<label for="skin">{ts}Skin{/ts}</label>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
<legend>{ts}Advanced Options{/ts}</legend>
- <div class="crm-submit-buttons">
- <span class="crm-button">
- <i class="crm-i fa-wrench" aria-hidden="true"></i> <input type="submit" value="{ts}Save{/ts}" name="save" class="crm-form-submit" accesskey="S"/>
- </span>
- <span class="crm-button">
- <i class="crm-i fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> <input type="submit" value="{ts}Revert to Default{/ts}" name="revert" class="crm-form-submit" onclick="return confirm('{$revertConfirm}');"/>
- </span>
- </div>
- <input type="hidden" value="{$preset}" name="preset" />
+ <div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}</div>
<script type="text/template" id="config-row-tpl">
<div class="crm-config-option-row">
<input class="huge crm-config-option-name" placeholder="{ts}Option{/ts}"/>