//participant method (addParticipant)
$this->_params['participant_status_id'] = $params['status_id'];
$this->_params['participant_role_id'] = $this->getSubmittedValue('role_id');
- $this->assign('participant_status_id', $params['status_id']);
$now = date('YmdHis');
$this->set('params', $this->_params);
- $this->assign('trxn_id', $result['trxn_id']);
- $this->assign('receive_date', $this->_params['receive_date']);
//add contribution record
= CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $params['event_id'], 'financial_type_id');
foreach ($recordContribution as $f) {
$contributionParams[$f] = $this->_params[$f] ?? NULL;
- if ($f === 'trxn_id') {
- $this->assign('trxn_id', $contributionParams[$f]);
- }
- //insert financial type name in receipt.
- $this->assign('financialTypeName', CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialType',
- $contributionParams['financial_type_id']));
- // legacy support
- $this->assign('contributionTypeName', CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialType', $contributionParams['financial_type_id']));
$contributionParams['skipLineItem'] = 1;
if ($this->_id) {
$contributionParams['contribution_mode'] = 'participant';
// the owed amount
$contributionParams['total_amount'] = $amountOwed;
$contributionParams['contribution_status_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending');
- $this->assign('balanceAmount', $amountOwed - $params['total_amount']);
$lineItem = [];
$totalTaxAmount = 0;
if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($form->_values['line_items'] ?? NULL)) {
- $lineItem[] = $form->_values['line_items'];
foreach ($form->_values['line_items'] as $key => $value) {
$totalTaxAmount = $value['tax_amount'] + $totalTaxAmount;
- $form->assign('totalTaxAmount', Civi::settings()->get('invoicing') ? ($totalTaxAmount ?? NULL) : NULL);
- $form->assign('lineItem', empty($lineItem) ? FALSE : $lineItem);
$discounts = [];
if (!empty($form->_values['discount'])) {
foreach ($form->_values['discount'] as $key => $value) {
$this->_lineItem = $lineItem;
$lineItem = array_merge($lineItem, $additionalParticipantDetails);
- $participantCount = [];
- foreach ($lineItem as $k) {
- foreach ($k as $v) {
- if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_count', $v) > 0) {
- $participantCount[] = $v['participant_count'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($participantCount)) {
- $this->assign('pricesetFieldsCount', $participantCount);
- $this->assign('lineItem', empty($lineItem[0]) || $this->isQuickConfig() ? FALSE : $lineItem);
- }
- else {
- $this->assign('amount_level', $params['amount_level']);
return [$contributionParams, $lineItem, $additionalParticipantDetails, $params];
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
protected function assignEventDetailsToTpl($eventID, $participantRoles, $receiptText): void {
- //use of the message template below requires variables in different format
- $events = [];
- $returnProperties = ['event_type_id', 'fee_label', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'is_show_location', 'title'];
- //get all event details.
- CRM_Core_DAO::commonRetrieveAll('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', 'id', $eventID, $events, $returnProperties);
- $event = $events[$eventID];
- unset($event['start_date']);
- unset($event['end_date']);
- $role = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole();
- if (is_array($participantRoles)) {
- $selectedRoles = [];
- foreach ($participantRoles as $roleId) {
- $selectedRoles[] = $role[$roleId];
- }
- $event['participant_role'] = implode(', ', $selectedRoles);
- }
- else {
- $event['participant_role'] = $role[$participantRoles] ?? NULL;
- }
- $event['is_monetary'] = $this->_isPaidEvent;
- if ($receiptText) {
- $event['confirm_email_text'] = $receiptText;
- }
- $this->assign('event', $event);
- $this->assign('isShowLocation', $event['is_show_location']);
- if (($event['is_show_location'] ?? NULL) == 1) {
- $locationParams = [
- 'entity_id' => $eventID,
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event',
- ];
- $location = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locationParams, TRUE);
- $this->assign('location', $location);
- }
+ $this->assign('event', ['confirm_email_text' => $receiptText]);
protected function sendReceipts($params, array $participants, $lineItem, $additionalParticipantDetails): array {
$sent = [];
$notSent = [];
- $this->assign('module', 'Event Registration');
$this->assignEventDetailsToTpl($params['event_id'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('role_id', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('receipt_text', $params));
- if ($this->_isPaidEvent) {
- $paymentInstrument = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::paymentInstrument();
- if (!$this->_mode) {
- if (isset($params['payment_instrument_id'])) {
- $this->assign('paidBy',
- CRM_Utils_Array::value($params['payment_instrument_id'],
- $paymentInstrument
- )
- );
- }
- }
- }
- $this->assign('checkNumber', $params['check_number'] ?? NULL);
if ($this->_mode) {
- $this->assignBillingName($params);
- $this->assign('address', CRM_Utils_Address::getFormattedBillingAddressFieldsFromParameters(
- $this->_params,
- $this->_bltID
- ));
$valuesForForm = CRM_Contribute_Form_AbstractEditPayment::formatCreditCardDetails($params);
$this->assignVariables($valuesForForm, ['credit_card_exp_date', 'credit_card_type', 'credit_card_number']);
- $this->assign('is_pay_later', 0);
- }
- $this->assign('register_date', $params['register_date']);
- if (isset($params['receive_date'])) {
- $this->assign('receive_date', $params['receive_date']);
$customGroup = [];
$this->assign('isOnWaitlist', TRUE);
- $this->assign('contactID', $contactID);
- $this->assign('participantID', $participantID);
$contributionID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment',
$participantID, 'contribution_id', 'participant_id'
- $totalAmount = 0;
- if ($contributionID) {
- // @todo - this should be temporary - we are looking to remove this variable from the template
- // in favour of the {contribution.total_amount} token.
- // In case this needs back-porting I have kept it as simple as possible.
- $totalAmount = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution',
- $contributionID, 'id', 'total_amount'
- );
- }
- $this->assign('totalAmount', $params['total_amount'] ?? $totalAmount);
- $this->_id = $participantID;
- if ($this->_isPaidEvent) {
- // fix amount for each of participants ( for bulk mode )
- $eventAmount = [];
- $totalTaxAmount = 0;
- // add dataArray in the receipts in ADD and UPDATE condition
- // dataArray contains the total tax amount for each tax rate, in the form [tax rate => total tax amount]
- // include 0% tax rate if it exists because if $dataArray controls if tax is shown for each line item
- // in the message templates and we want to show 0% tax if set, even if there is no total tax
- $dataArray = [];
- if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::ADD) {
- $line = $lineItem ?? [];
- }
- elseif ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
- $line = $this->_values['line_items'];
- }
- if (Civi::settings()->get('invoicing')) {
- foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
- if (isset($value['tax_amount']) && isset($value['tax_rate'])) {
- $totalTaxAmount += $value['tax_amount'];
- if (isset($dataArray[(string) $value['tax_rate']])) {
- $dataArray[(string) $value['tax_rate']] += $value['tax_amount'];
- }
- else {
- $dataArray[(string) $value['tax_rate']] = $value['tax_amount'];
- }
- }
- }
- $this->assign('taxTerm', $this->getSalesTaxTerm());
- $this->assign('dataArray', $dataArray);
- }
- $eventAmount[$num] = [
- 'label' => preg_replace('/\ 1/', '', $params['amount_level']),
- 'amount' => $params['fee_amount'],
- ];
- //as we are using same template for online & offline registration.
- //So we have to build amount as array.
- $eventAmount = array_merge($eventAmount, $additionalParticipantDetails);
- $this->assign('amount', $eventAmount);
- }
- $this->assign('totalTaxAmount', $totalTaxAmount ?? 0);
$sendTemplateParams = [
'workflow' => 'event_offline_receipt',
'contactId' => $contactID,
'$display_name' => 'contact.display_name',
'contribution_online_receipt' => [
- '$contributeMode' => 'no longer available / relevant',
+ '$contributeMode' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
'$first_name' => 'contact.first_name',
'$last_name' => 'contact.last_name',
'$displayName' => 'contact.display_name',
'membership_offline_receipt' => [
// receipt_text_renewal appears to be long gone.
'receipt_text_renewal' => 'receipt_text',
- '$isAmountZero' => 'no longer available / relevant',
+ '$isAmountZero' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
'event_offline_receipt' => [
- '$contributeMode' => 'no longer available / relevant',
- '$isAmountZero' => 'no longer available / relevant',
+ '$contributeMode' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
+ '$isAmountZero' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
+ '$dataArray' => ts('found within $participants'),
+ '$paidBy' => 'contribution.payment_instrument_id:label',
+ '$totalTaxAmount' => 'contribution.tax_amount',
+ '$amount' => ts('found within $participants'),
+ '$checkNumber' => 'contribution.check_number',
+ '$module' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
+ '$register_date' => 'participant.register_date',
+ '$receive_date' => 'contribution.receive_date',
+ '$is_pay_later' => 'contribution.is_pay_later',
+ '$totalAmount' => 'contribution.total_amount',
+ '$location' => 'event.location',
+ '$isShowLocation' => 'event.is_show_location|boolean',
+ '$event.participant_role' => 'participant.role_id:label',
+ '$amount_level' => ts('found within $participants'),
+ 'balanceAmount' => 'contribution.balance_amount',
+ '$financialTypeName' => 'contribution.financial_type_id:label',
+ '$contributionTypeName' => 'contribution.financial_type_id:label',
+ '$trxn_id' => 'contribution.trxn_id',
+ '$participant_status_id' => 'participant.status_id',
'pledge_acknowledgement' => [
- '$domain' => 'no longer available / relevant',
- '$contact' => 'no longer available / relevant',
+ '$domain' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
+ '$contact' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
'pledge_reminder' => [
- '$domain' => 'no longer available / relevant',
- '$contact' => 'no longer available / relevant',
+ '$domain' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),
+ '$contact' => ts('no longer available / relevant'),